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Vocal Science- Treatment Via Holistic Approach For Voice Disorders

People experience problem with their voice at one time or other. Nevertheless losing your voice or voice going hoarse due to different things, such as colds, laryngitis, bronchitis, exposure to certain chemicals is very painful. Voice disorder can be the result of excessive prolonged loudness or is experienced by shouting at any sports event, or excessive coughing and more. However it is very scary to know that you can damage your voice and it can lead to voice paralysis.

Better known as Vocal Cord Paralysis, it can also affect an individual’s voice production. It is a condition that occurs when one or both vocal cords are unable to vibrate and can cause serious voice, swallowing, and breathing issues depending on the location of nerve damage. It is identified differently depending on severity of the paralysis of the vocal folds and nerves in the laryngeal/pharyngeal area. It is possible that the voice quality is weak, breathy, rough, and hoarse and diplophonic. People suffering from this condition often experience symptoms such as lack of volume, inability to speak loudly, choking or coughing while eating, inability to sustain or support phonation for a long time.

Vocal Science offers a holistic approach to cure all voice disorders and specializes in accelerated vocal development. Guided by Master Vocal Coach Diana Yampolsky the institute offers singers to improve vocal clarity, projection, and pitch while providing singing lessons in a way that protects their vocal anatomy for life.