#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "access.h" #include "md5.h" #include "axspawn.h" #define CONV_RAND_MAX 0x7fffffff #define SYSTEMPW 0 #define USERPW 1 long seed = 1L; int conv_rand(void); void conv_randomize(void); int conv_random(int num, int base); char *generate_rand_pw(int len); void calc_md5_pw (const char *MD5prompt, const char *MD5pw, char *MD5result); static void char_to_hex(char *c, char *h, int n); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int conv_rand(void) { seed = (1103515245L * seed + 12345) & CONV_RAND_MAX; return ((int) (seed & 077777)); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void conv_randomize(void) { seed = (time(0) & CONV_RAND_MAX); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int conv_random(int num, int base) { return (((long) (conv_rand() * time(0)) & CONV_RAND_MAX) % num + base); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void char_to_hex(char *c, char *h, int n) { int i; static char *hextable = "0123456789abcdef"; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { *h++ = hextable[(*c>>4)&0xf]; *h++ = hextable[*c++ &0xf]; } *h = '\0'; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *generate_rand_pw(int len) { static char pass[PASSSIZE+1]; int i, j; pass[0] = 0; if (seed == 1L) conv_randomize(); if (len < 1) return pass; if (len > PASSSIZE) len = PASSSIZE; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { j = conv_random(10+26*2, 0); if (j < 10) { pass[i] = j + '0'; continue; } j -= 10; if (j < 26) { pass[i] = j + 'A'; continue; } j -= 26; pass[i] = j + 'a'; } pass[len] = 0; return pass; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ask_pw_sys(char *prompt, char *pass_want, char *pw) { char buffer[2048]; int five_digits[5]; int pwlen; int i, j; pass_want[0]= 0; if (!pw || !*pw) return; pwlen = strlen(pw); if (seed == 1L) conv_randomize(); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { j = conv_random(pwlen, 0); // store generated request-numbers five_digits[i] = j+1; // pos0 refers as 1 // store expected string in cp->passwd pass_want[i] = pw[j]; } // and terminate the string pass_want[i] = 0; sprintf(buffer, "\r%s> %d %d %d %d %d\r", prompt, five_digits[0], five_digits[1], five_digits[2], five_digits[3], five_digits[4]); write_ax25(buffer, strlen(buffer), 1); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ask_pw_md5(char *prompt, char *pass_want, char *pw) { #define SALT_LEN 10 char buffer[2048]; char cipher[16]; char key[256]; // char *pass; char *challenge; // pass = pw; pass_want[0]= 0; if (!pw || !*pw) return; if (seed == 1L) conv_randomize(); // copy password strncpy(key, pw, sizeof(key)); key[sizeof(key)-1] = 0; // compute random salt challenge = generate_rand_pw(SALT_LEN); // ask for proper response to this challenge: sprintf(buffer, "\r%s> [%s]\r", prompt, challenge); write_ax25(buffer, strlen(buffer), 1); // compute md5 challenge calc_md5_pw(challenge, key, cipher); // store expected answer char_to_hex(cipher, pass_want, 16); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void calc_md5_pw (const char *MD5prompt, const char *MD5pw, char *MD5result) { MD5_CTX context; short i, n, len; char buffer[1024]; strncpy(buffer, MD5prompt, 10); buffer[10] = 0; strcat(buffer, MD5pw); MD5Init(&context); len = strlen(buffer); for (i= 0; i < len; i += 16) { n = (len - i) > 16 ? 16 : (len - i); MD5Update(&context, buffer+i, n); } MD5Final(&context); MD5result[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { MD5result[i] = context.digest[i]; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void write_example_passwd(char *pwfile, char pwlocation, struct passwd *pw) { FILE * f; int i; if ((i = open(pwfile, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | (pwlocation == SYSTEMPW ? (S_IRGRP /* | S_IWGRP */ ) : 0)))) == -1) return; fchown(i, (pwlocation == SYSTEMPW ? 0 : pw->pw_uid), (pwlocation == SYSTEMPW ? 0 : pw->pw_gid)); close(i); if ( ! (f = fopen(pwfile, "w")) ) return; fprintf(f, "# %s Password file for axspawn\n", (pwlocation == SYSTEMPW ? "System" : "User")); if (pwlocation == SYSTEMPW) { fprintf(f, "# disable user self-administered passwords in $HOME/.%s\n", PWFILE); fprintf(f, "# with the line \"systempasswordonly\"\n"); fprintf(f, "# systempasswordonly\n"); } fprintf(f, "# Examples (sys and md5 passwords may differ):\n"); fprintf(f, "# md5 stadard (secure) - length: >= %d and <= %d characters\n", MINPWLEN_MD5, PASSSIZE); fprintf(f, "# %smd5:%s\n", (pwlocation == SYSTEMPW ? "username:" : ""), generate_rand_pw(MINPWLEN_MD5)); fprintf(f, "# sys/baycom standard (not very secure) - length: >= %d and <= %d characters\n", MINPWLEN_SYS, PASSSIZE); fprintf(f, "# %ssys:%s\n", (pwlocation == SYSTEMPW ? "username:" : ""), generate_rand_pw(MINPWLEN_SYS)); fclose(f); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *read_pwd (struct passwd *pw, int *pwtype) { FILE * f = 0; struct stat statbuf; char pwfile[PATH_MAX + 1]; int len; char pwlocation; char buf[2048]; int only_systempw = 0; char *pass = 0; char *p_buf; char *p; for (pwlocation = 0; pwlocation < 2; pwlocation++) { if (pwlocation == SYSTEMPW) { sprintf(pwfile, "/%s/%s", AX25_SYSCONFDIR, PWFILE); if (stat(pwfile, &statbuf)) { write_example_passwd(pwfile, pwlocation, pw); continue; } if (!S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) || (statbuf.st_mode & (S_IROTH | S_IWOTH))) continue; if ( !(f = fopen(pwfile, "r")) ) continue; } else { if (only_systempw) goto end; snprintf(pwfile, sizeof(pwfile), "%s/.%s", pw->pw_dir, PWFILE); pwfile[sizeof(pwfile)-1] = 0; if (stat(pwfile, &statbuf)) { sprintf(buf, "Notice: No .%s file found in your homedirectory (for more secure\r", PWFILE); write_ax25(buf, strlen(buf), 1); sprintf(buf, " password authentication than plaintext). Generating example file,\r"); write_ax25(buf, strlen(buf), 1); sprintf(buf, " with unique passwords (which may be changed).\r"); write_ax25(buf, strlen(buf), 1); sprintf(buf, " Please edit ~/.%s, and enable your prefered authentication type;\r", PWFILE); write_ax25(buf, strlen(buf), 1); sprintf(buf, " MD5 is recommended.\r"); write_ax25(buf, strlen(buf), 1); write_example_passwd(pwfile, pwlocation, pw); goto end; } if (!S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) { sprintf(buf, "Error: password file .%s should be a regular file. Skiping..\r", PWFILE); write_ax25(buf, strlen(buf), 1); goto end; } if (statbuf.st_uid != 0 && statbuf.st_uid != pw->pw_uid) { sprintf(buf, "Error: your password file .%s is not owned by you. Skiping..\r", PWFILE); write_ax25(buf, strlen(buf), 1); goto end; } if ((statbuf.st_mode & (S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH))) { sprintf(buf, "WARNING: your password file .%s has wrong permissions.\r", PWFILE); write_ax25(buf, strlen(buf), 1); sprintf(buf, " Please change it with\r"); write_ax25(buf, strlen(buf), 1); sprintf(buf, " chmod 600 .%s\r", PWFILE); write_ax25(buf, strlen(buf), 1); sprintf(buf, " and don't forget to change your password stored in .%s\r", PWFILE); write_ax25(buf, strlen(buf), 1); sprintf(buf, " because it may be compromised.\r"); write_ax25(buf, strlen(buf), 1); /* go on.. if user takes no action, he always gets this message */ } if ( !(f = fopen(pwfile, "r")) ) goto end; } for (;;) { if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { fclose(f); if (pwlocation == SYSTEMPW) break; /* perhaps this is too irritating for the user when the message occurs always. Thus only write the notice, if cleartext fallback is disabled by administrative configuration. */ if (!((*pwtype) & PW_CLEARTEXT)) { sprintf(buf, "Failed to find a suitable password in %s\r", pwfile); write_ax25(buf, strlen(buf), 1); } goto end; } if ((p = strchr(buf, '\n'))) *p = 0; if (!*buf || isspace(*buf & 0xff)) continue; if (*buf == '#') continue; if (pwlocation == SYSTEMPW) { if (!Strcasecmp(buf, "systempasswordonly")) { only_systempw = 1; continue; } if (!(p = strchr(buf, ':'))) continue; *p++ = 0; if (strcmp(pw->pw_name, buf)) continue; p_buf = p; } else { p_buf = buf; } if (!(pass = strchr(p_buf, ':'))) continue; *pass++ = 0; while (*pass && isspace(*pass & 0xff)) pass++; for (p = pass; *p && !isspace(*p & 0xff); p++) ; *p = 0; if ( (*pwtype & PW_MD5) && !Strcasecmp(p_buf, "md5") ) { fclose(f); *pwtype = PW_MD5; goto found; } else if ( (*pwtype & PW_SYS) && (!Strcasecmp(p_buf, "sys") || !strcmp(p_buf, "baycom")) ) { *pwtype = PW_SYS; goto found; } } } found: if (!pass || !*pwtype) goto end; len = strlen(pass); if ((*pwtype == PW_SYS && len < MINPWLEN_SYS) || (*pwtype == PW_MD5 && len < MINPWLEN_MD5)) { sprintf(buf, "Password in in password file too short\r"); write_ax25(buf, strlen(buf), 1); goto end; } if (strlen(pass) > PASSSIZE) pass[PASSSIZE] = 0; return strdup(pass); end: *pwtype = (((*pwtype) & PW_CLEARTEXT) ? PW_CLEARTEXT : 0); /* ^ may allow cleartext? - then cleartext, else deny */ return 0; }