/* * kissnetd.c : Simple kiss broadcast daemon between several * pseudo-tty devices. * Each kiss frame received on one pty is broadcasted * to each other one. * * ATEPRA FPAC/Linux Project * * F1OAT 960804 - Frederic RIBLE */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static char *Version = "1.5"; static int VerboseMode = 0; static int MaxFrameSize = 512; #define REOPEN_TIMEOUT 30 /* try tio reopen every 10 s */ struct PortDescriptor { char Name[80]; int Fd; unsigned char *FrameBuffer; int BufferIndex; time_t TimeLastOpen; }; static struct PortDescriptor *PortList[FD_SETSIZE]; static int NbPort = 0; static void Usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage : kissnetd [-v] [-f size] /dev/pty?? [/dev/pty??]*\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -v : Verbose mode, trace on stdout\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -f size : Set max frame size to size bytes (default 512)\n"); exit(1); } static void Banner(int Small) { if (Small) { printf("kissnetd V %s by Frederic RIBLE F1OAT - ATEPRA FPAC/Linux Project\n", Version); } else { printf("****************************************\n"); printf("* Network broadcast between kiss ports *\n"); printf("* ATEPRA FPAC/Linux Project *\n"); printf("****************************************\n"); printf("* kissnetd Version %-4s *\n", Version); printf("* by Frederic RIBLE F1OAT *\n"); printf("****************************************\n"); } } static void NewPort(char *Name) { struct PortDescriptor *MyPort; if (VerboseMode) { printf("Opening port %s\n", Name); } if (NbPort == FD_SETSIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot handle %s : too many ports\n", Name); exit(1); } MyPort = calloc(sizeof(struct PortDescriptor), 1); if (MyPort) MyPort->FrameBuffer = calloc(sizeof (unsigned char), MaxFrameSize); if (!MyPort || !MyPort->FrameBuffer) { perror("cannot allocate port descriptor"); exit(1); } strncpy(MyPort->Name, Name, sizeof(MyPort->Name)); MyPort->Fd = -1; MyPort->FrameBuffer[0] = 0xC0; MyPort->BufferIndex = 1; PortList[NbPort++] = MyPort; } static void ReopenPort(int PortNumber) { char MyString[80]; PortList[PortNumber]->TimeLastOpen = time(NULL); if (VerboseMode) { printf("Reopening port %d\n", PortNumber); } syslog(LOG_WARNING, "kissnetd : Opening port %s\n", PortList[PortNumber]->Name); PortList[PortNumber]->Fd = open(PortList[PortNumber]->Name, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); if (PortList[PortNumber]->Fd < 0) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "kissnetd : Error opening port %s : %s\n", PortList[PortNumber]->Name, strerror(errno)); if (VerboseMode) { sprintf(MyString, "cannot reopen %s", PortList[PortNumber]->Name); perror(MyString); } } } static void TickReopen(void) { int i; time_t CurrentTime = time(NULL); for (i=0; iFd >= 0) continue; if ( (CurrentTime - PortList[i]->TimeLastOpen) > REOPEN_TIMEOUT ) ReopenPort(i); } } static void Broadcast(int InputPort) { int i; int rc; /* Broadcast only info frames */ if (PortList[InputPort]->FrameBuffer[1] != 0x00) return; for (i=0; iFd < 0) continue; rc = write(PortList[i]->Fd, PortList[InputPort]->FrameBuffer, PortList[InputPort]->BufferIndex); if (VerboseMode) { printf("Sending %d bytes on port %d : rc=%d\n", PortList[InputPort]->BufferIndex, i, rc); } } } static void ProcessInput(int PortNumber) { static unsigned char MyBuffer[2048]; int Length; int i; struct PortDescriptor *MyPort = PortList[PortNumber]; Length = read(MyPort->Fd, MyBuffer, sizeof(MyBuffer)); if (VerboseMode) { printf("Read port %d : rc=%d\n", PortNumber, Length); } if (!Length) return; if (Length < 0) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "kissnetd : Error reading port %s : %s\n", PortList[PortNumber]->Name, strerror(errno)); if (VerboseMode) perror("read"); close(MyPort->Fd); MyPort->Fd = -1; return; } for (i=0; iBufferIndex == MaxFrameSize) { if (MyBuffer[i] == 0xC0) { if (VerboseMode) printf("Drop frame too long\n"); MyPort->BufferIndex = 1; } } else { MyPort->FrameBuffer[MyPort->BufferIndex++] = MyBuffer[i]; if (MyBuffer[i] == 0xC0) { Broadcast(PortNumber); MyPort->BufferIndex = 1; } } } } static void ProcessPortList(void) { static fd_set MyFdSet; int i, rc; struct timeval Timeout; Timeout.tv_sec = 1; Timeout.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&MyFdSet); for (i=0; iFd >= 0) FD_SET(PortList[i]->Fd, &MyFdSet); } rc = select(FD_SETSIZE, &MyFdSet, NULL, NULL, &Timeout); if (VerboseMode) printf("select : rc=%d\n", rc); if (!rc ) TickReopen(); if (rc > 0) { for (i=0; iFd < 0) continue; if (FD_ISSET(PortList[i]->Fd, &MyFdSet)) { ProcessInput(i); rc--; } } } } static void ProcessArgv(char *argv[]) { char *Opt; int ArgvIndex = 0; while (argv[ArgvIndex]) { if (argv[ArgvIndex][0] != '-') { NewPort(argv[ArgvIndex++]); continue; } for (Opt = &argv[ArgvIndex++][1]; *Opt; Opt++) { switch (*Opt) { case 'v': VerboseMode = 1; break; case 'f': MaxFrameSize = atoi(argv[ArgvIndex++]); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Invalid option %c\n", *Opt); Usage(); break; } } } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { Banner(0); Usage(); } else { Banner(1); } ProcessArgv(argv+1); while (1) ProcessPortList(); return 0; }