To install ttylinkd; To create binary: make To install binary and man pages: make install Then edit the file /etc/ax25/ttylinkd.conf to change the sysops login to whoever you want. That should hopefully be it, although you may want to do/check the following; * Ensure that there is a line in /etc/services that says 'link 87/tcp ttylink'. * Add the following line to /etc/inetd.conf, 'ttylink stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/ttylinkd ttylinkd' * Get inetd to re-read config file by sending a HUP signal to it. To do this find the process number of inetd with ps and then type 'kill -SIGHUP ' If you want connections from AX25, Net/ROM or ROSE ports, you will have to edit your ax25d.conf file too, for example mine has; [VK2XLZ-1 VIA VHF] NOCALL * * * * * * L default * * * * * * - root /usr/bin/node node [VK2XLZ-6 VIA VHF] NOCALL * * * * * * L default * * * * * * - root /usr/sbin/ttylinkd ttylinkd etc, pretty simple stuff. For programs like node etc to connect to sysop, specify the callers callsign as a parameter, eg ttylinkd . This will send a message to the sysop's screen that wants to talk to them.