path: root/scripts/
diff options
authorRalf Baechle <>2000-06-15 01:55:58 +0000
committerRalf Baechle <>2000-06-15 01:55:58 +0000
commit53b3988d474435254a3b053a68bb24ce9e439295 (patch)
treef8da8e40f01f4ad02bbd76b8c9920749b118235f /scripts/
parentb0cb48abe83d1a4389ea938bf624f8baa82c5047 (diff)
Merge with 2.3.99-pre9.
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 6a88f6881..f2189e239 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ proc option_name {w mnum line text helpidx} {
$w.x$line.l configure -activefore [cget $w.x$line.l -fg] \
-activeback [cget $w.x$line.l -bg]
button $w.x$ -text "Help" -relief raised \
- -command "dohelp .dohelp $helpidx"
+ -command "dohelp .dohelp $helpidx .menu$mnum"
pack $w.x$ -side right -fill y
pack $w.x$line.l -side right -fill both -expand on
@@ -325,9 +325,9 @@ proc toggle_switch2 {w mnum line text variable} {
-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_active"
radiobutton $w.x$line.n -text "n" -variable $variable -value 0 \
-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_active"
option_name $w $mnum $line $text $variable
pack $w.x$line.n $w.x$line.m $w.x$line.y -side right -fill y
@@ -339,9 +339,9 @@ proc toggle_switch3 {w mnum line text variable} {
-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_active"
radiobutton $w.x$line.n -text "n" -variable $variable -value 0 \
-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_active"
option_name $w $mnum $line $text $variable
if {($CONFIG_MODULES == 0)} then {
$w.x$line.m configure -state disabled
@@ -400,6 +400,17 @@ proc minimenu { w mnum line text variable helpidx } {
pack $w.x$line -anchor w -fill both -expand on
+proc menusplit {w m n} {
+ if { $n > 2 } then {
+ set menuoptsize [expr [$m yposition 2] - [$m yposition 1]]
+ set maxsize [winfo screenheight $w]
+ set splitpoint [expr $maxsize * 4 / 5 / $menuoptsize - 1]
+ for {set i [expr $splitpoint + 1]} {$i <= $n} {incr i $splitpoint} {
+ $m entryconfigure $i -columnbreak 1
+ }
+ }
proc submenu { w mnum line text subnum } {
frame $w.x$line
button $w.x$line.l -text "" -width 15 -relief groove
@@ -412,11 +423,20 @@ proc submenu { w mnum line text subnum } {
pack $w.x$line -anchor w -fill both -expand on
-proc comment {w line text } {
-#nothing done for comments now.
+proc comment {w mnum line text } {
+ frame $w.x$line
+ button $w.x$line.l -text "" -width 15 -relief groove
+ $w.x$line.l configure -activefore [cget $w.x$line.l -fg] \
+ -activeback [cget $w.x$line.l -bg] -state disabled
+ button $w.x$line.m -text "$text" -relief groove -anchor w
+ $w.x$line.m configure -activefore [cget $w.x$line.m -fg] \
+ -activeback [cget $w.x$line.m -bg]
+ pack $w.x$line.l -side left -fill both
+ pack $w.x$line.m -anchor w -side right -fill both -expand on
+ pack $w.x$line -anchor w -fill both -expand on
-proc dohelp {w var } {
+proc dohelp {w var parent} {
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w -class Dialog
@@ -442,45 +462,73 @@ ${var}:\\
" Documentation/]
set found [expr [string length "$message"] > 0]
frame $w.f1
+ pack $w.f1 -fill both -expand on
+ # Do the OK button
+ #
+ set oldFocus [focus]
+ frame $w.f2
+ button $w.f2.ok -text "OK" \
+ -width 10 -command "destroy $w; catch {focus $oldFocus}"
+ pack $w.f2.ok -side bottom -pady 6 -anchor n
+ pack $w.f2 -side bottom -padx 10 -anchor s
+ scrollbar $w.f1.vscroll -command "$w.f1.canvas yview"
+ pack $w.f1.vscroll -side right -fill y
+ canvas $w.f1.canvas -relief flat -borderwidth 0 \
+ -yscrollcommand "$w.f1.vscroll set"
+ frame $w.f1.f
+ pack $w.f1.canvas -side right -fill y -expand on
if { $found == 0 } then {
if { $filefound == 0 } then {
- message $w.f1.m -width 750 -aspect 300 -relief flat -text \
+ message $w.f1.f.m -width 750 -aspect 300 -relief flat -text \
"No help available - unable to open file Documentation/ This file should have come with your kernel."
} else {
- message $w.f1.m -width 400 -aspect 300 -relief flat -text \
+ message $w.f1.f.m -width 400 -aspect 300 -relief flat -text \
"No help available for $var"
label $ -bitmap error
wm title $w "RTFM"
} else {
- text $w.f1.m -width 73 -relief flat -wrap word
- $w.f1.m insert 0.0 $message
- $w.f1.m conf -state disabled -height [$w.f1.m index end]
+ text $w.f1.f.m -width 73 -relief flat -wrap word
+ $w.f1.f.m insert 0.0 $message
+ $w.f1.f.m conf -state disabled -height [$w.f1.f.m index end]
label $ -bitmap info
wm title $w "Configuration help"
- pack $ $w.f1.m -side left -padx 10
- pack $w.f1 -side top
- set oldFocus [focus]
- # Do the OK button
- #
- frame $w.f2
- button $w.f2.ok -text "OK" \
- -width 10 -command "destroy $w; catch {focus $oldFocus}"
- pack $w.f2.ok -side bottom -pady 6 -anchor n
- pack $w.f2 -side bottom -padx 10 -anchor s
+ pack $w.f1.f.m -side left
+ pack $ $w.f1.f -side left -padx 10
- # Finish off the window
- #
focus $w
- global winx; global winy
- set winx [expr [winfo x .]+30]; set winy [expr [winfo y .]+30]
+ set winx [expr [winfo x $parent]+20]
+ set winy [expr [winfo y $parent]+20]
wm geometry $w +$winx+$winy
+ set sizok [expr [winfo reqheight $w.f2.ok] + 12]
+ set maxy [expr [winfo screenheight .] * 3 / 4]
+ set canvtotal [winfo reqheight $w.f1.f.m]
+ if [expr $sizok + $canvtotal < $maxy] {
+ set sizy $canvtotal
+ } else {
+ set sizy [expr $maxy - $sizok]
+ }
+ $w.f1.canvas configure -height $sizy -width [winfo reqwidth $w.f1.f.m] \
+ -scrollregion "0 0 [winfo reqwidth $w.f1.f.m] \
+ [winfo reqheight $w.f1.f.m]"
+ $w.f1.canvas create window 0 0 -anchor nw -window $w.f1.f
+ update idletasks
+ set maxy [winfo screenheight .]
+ if [expr $sizok + $canvtotal < $maxy] {
+ set sizy [expr $sizok + $canvtotal]
+ } else {
+ set sizy $maxy
+ }
+ wm maxsize $w [winfo width $w] $sizy
proc wrapup {w } {