From 529c593ece216e4aaffd36bd940cb94f1fa63129 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ralf Baechle Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 00:40:54 +0000 Subject: Merge with 2.3.43. I did ignore all modifications to the qlogicisp.c driver due to the Origin A64 hacks. --- drivers/scsi/qla1280.h | 1737 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1737 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/scsi/qla1280.h (limited to 'drivers/scsi/qla1280.h') diff --git a/drivers/scsi/qla1280.h b/drivers/scsi/qla1280.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..27a16ad81 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/scsi/qla1280.h @@ -0,0 +1,1737 @@ +/************************************************************************* + * QLOGIC LINUX SOFTWARE + * + * QLogic ISP1x80/1x160 device driver for Linux 2.3.x (redhat 6.x). + * + * COPYRIGHT (C) 1996-2000 QLOGIC CORPORATION + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the Qlogic's Linux Software License. + * + * This program is WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * + * 1. Redistribution's or source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer, + * without modification, immediately at the beginning of the file. + * 2. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products + * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + * + *****************************************************************************/ + +/************************************************************************************* + QLOGIC CORPORATION SOFTWARE + "GNU" GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION + AND MODIFICATION + +This GNU General Public License ("License") applies solely to QLogic Linux +Software ("Software") and may be distributed under the terms of this License. + +1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Software's source code as +you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately +publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; +keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any +warranty; and give any other recipients of the Software a copy of this License along +with the Software. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your +option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + +2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Software or any portion of it, thus forming +a work based on the Software, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under +the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + +* a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you +changed the files and the date of any change. + +* b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish that in whole or in part +contains or is derived from the Software or any part thereof, to be licensed as a +whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. + +* c) If the modified Software normally reads commands interactively when run, you +must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, +to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a +notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that +users may redistribute the Software under these conditions, and telling the user how to +view a copy of this License. (Exception:if the Software itself is interactive but does +not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Software is not required +to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of +that work are not derived from the Software, and can be reasonably considered independent +and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same +sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Software, the distribution of the +whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend +to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +3. You may copy and distribute the Software (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in +object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that +you also do one of the following: + +* a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must +be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for +software interchange; or, + +* b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third +party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, +a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under +the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; +or, + +* c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute +corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution +and only if you received the Software in object code or executable form with such an offer, +in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications +to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all +modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used +to control compilation and installation of the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a +designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same +place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + +4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Software except as expressly +provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or +distribute the Software is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this +License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License +will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + +5. This license grants you world wide, royalty free non-exclusive rights to modify or +distribute the Software or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law +if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Software +(or any work based on the Software), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do +so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Software +or works based on it. + +6. Each time you redistribute the Software (or any work based on the Software), the +recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute +or modify the Software subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any +further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are +not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License. + +7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for +any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you +(whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this +License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License +and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the +Software at all. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular +circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole +is intended to apply in other circumstances. +NO WARRANTY + +11. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED WITHOUT A WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THERE IS NO +WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. +EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR +OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE +ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. +SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL +NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + +12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR +DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL +DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING +BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR +LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO +OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARES), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS +BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. +END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + +*************************************************************************************/ + + +#ifndef _IO_HBA_QLA1280_H /* wrapper symbol for kernel use */ +#define _IO_HBA_QLA1280_H /* subject to change without notice */ + +#if defined(__cplusplus) +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include + +/* + * Enable define statement to ignore Data Underrun Errors, + * remove define statement to enable detection. + */ +/* #define DATA_UNDERRUN_ERROR_DISABLE */ + +/* + * Driver debug definitions. + */ +/* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_1 */ /* Output register accesses to COM2. */ +/* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_2 */ /* Output error msgs to COM2. */ +/* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_3 */ /* Output function trace msgs to COM2. */ +/* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_4 */ /* Output NVRAM trace msgs to COM2. */ +/* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_5 */ /* Output ring trace msgs to COM2. */ +/* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_6 */ /* Output WATCHDOG timer trace to COM2. */ +/* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_7 */ /* Output RISC load trace msgs to COM2. */ + +#define QL_DEBUG_CONSOLE /* Output to console instead of COM2. */ + +#ifndef TRUE +# define TRUE 1 +#endif +#ifndef FALSE +# define FALSE 0 +#endif + + +#ifndef KERNEL_VERSION +# define KERNEL_VERSION(x,y,z) (((x)<<16)+((y)<<8)+(z)) +#endif + +#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE <= KERNEL_VERSION(2,1,92) +# if defined(__sparc_v9__) || defined(__powerpc__) +# error "PPC and Sparc platforms are only support under 2.1.92 and above" +# endif +#endif + + +/* + * Locking + */ +#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(2,1,0) +# include +# include +# define cpuid smp_processor_id() +# if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,1,95) +# define DRIVER_LOCK_INIT \ + spin_lock_init(&ha->spin_lock); +# define DRIVER_LOCK \ + if(!ha->cpu_lock_count[cpuid]) { \ + spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->spin_lock, cpu_flags); \ + ha->cpu_lock_count[cpuid]++; \ + } else { \ + ha->cpu_lock_count[cpuid]++; \ + } +# define DRIVER_UNLOCK \ + if(--ha->cpu_lock_count[cpuid] == 0) \ + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->spin_lock, cpu_flags); +# else +# define DRIVER_LOCK_INIT +# define DRIVER_LOCK +# define DRIVER_UNLOCK +# endif +#else +# define cpuid 0 +# define DRIVER_LOCK_INIT +# define DRIVER_LOCK \ + save_flags(cpu_flags); \ + cli(); +# define DRIVER_UNLOCK \ + restore_flags(cpu_flags); +# define le32_to_cpu(x) (x) +# define cpu_to_le32(x) (x) +#endif + +/* + * Data bit definitions. + */ +#define BIT_0 0x1 +#define BIT_1 0x2 +#define BIT_2 0x4 +#define BIT_3 0x8 +#define BIT_4 0x10 +#define BIT_5 0x20 +#define BIT_6 0x40 +#define BIT_7 0x80 +#define BIT_8 0x100 +#define BIT_9 0x200 +#define BIT_10 0x400 +#define BIT_11 0x800 +#define BIT_12 0x1000 +#define BIT_13 0x2000 +#define BIT_14 0x4000 +#define BIT_15 0x8000 +#define BIT_16 0x10000 +#define BIT_17 0x20000 +#define BIT_18 0x40000 +#define BIT_19 0x80000 +#define BIT_20 0x100000 +#define BIT_21 0x200000 +#define BIT_22 0x400000 +#define BIT_23 0x800000 +#define BIT_24 0x1000000 +#define BIT_25 0x2000000 +#define BIT_26 0x4000000 +#define BIT_27 0x8000000 +#define BIT_28 0x10000000 +#define BIT_29 0x20000000 +#define BIT_30 0x40000000 +#define BIT_31 0x80000000 + +/* + * Common size type definitions + */ +#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,1,0) +typedef unsigned char uint8_t; +typedef unsigned short uint16_t; +typedef unsigned long uint32_t; +typedef char int8_t; +typedef short int16_t; +typedef long int32_t; +#endif + +/* + * Local Macro Definitions. + */ +#if defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_1) || defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_2) || \ + defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_3) || defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_4) || \ + defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_5) || defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_6) || \ + defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_7) + #define QL_DEBUG_ROUTINES +#endif + +/* + * I/O port macros +*/ +#define LINUX_IOPORTS /* Linux in/out routines are define*/ + /* differently from other OSs */ +/* #define MEMORY_MAPPED_IO */ /* Enable memory mapped I/O */ +#undef MEMORY_MAPPED_IO /* Disable memory mapped I/O */ + +#ifdef QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_1 +#define RD_REG_BYTE(addr) qla1280_getbyte((uint8_t *)addr) +#define RD_REG_WORD(addr) qla1280_getword((uint16_t *)addr) +#define RD_REG_DWORD(addr) qla1280_getdword((uint32_t *)addr) +#define WRT_REG_BYTE(addr, data) qla1280_putbyte((uint8_t *)addr, data) +#define WRT_REG_WORD(addr, data) qla1280_putword((uint16_t *)addr, data) +#define WRT_REG_DWORD(addr, data) qla1280_putdword((uint32_t *)addr, data) +#else /* QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_1 */ +#ifdef MEMORY_MAPPED_IO + #define RD_REG_BYTE(addr) readb((unsigned long) (addr) + #define RD_REG_WORD(addr) readw((unsigned long) (addr) + #define RD_REG_DWORD(addr) readl((unsigned long) (addr) + #define WRT_REG_BYTE(addr, data) writeb((data), (unsigned long) (addr)) + #define WRT_REG_WORD(addr, data) writew((data), (unsigned long) (addr)) + #define WRT_REG_DWORD(addr, data) writel((data), (unsigned long) (addr)) +#else /* MEMORY_MAPPED_IO */ +#define RD_REG_BYTE(addr) (inb((unsigned long)addr)) +#define RD_REG_WORD(addr) (inw((unsigned long)addr)) +#define RD_REG_DWORD(addr) (inl((unsigned long)addr)) +#ifdef LINUX_IOPORTS +/* Parameters are reversed in Linux */ +#define WRT_REG_BYTE(addr, data) (outb(data,(unsigned long)addr)) +#define WRT_REG_WORD(addr, data) (outw(data,(unsigned long)addr)) +#define WRT_REG_DWORD(addr, data) (outl(data,(unsigned long)addr)) +#else +#define WRT_REG_BYTE(addr, data) (outb((unsigned long)addr, data)) +#define WRT_REG_WORD(addr, data) (outw((unsigned long)addr, data)) +#define WRT_REG_DWORD(addr, data) (outl((unsigned long)addr, data)) +#endif +#endif /* MEMORY_MAPPED_IO */ +#endif /* QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_1 */ + +/* + * Host adapter default definitions. + */ +#define MAX_BUSES 2 /* 2 */ +#define MAX_B_BITS 1 + +#define MAX_TARGETS 16 /* 16 */ +#define MAX_T_BITS 4 /* 4 */ + +#define MAX_LUNS 8 /* 32 */ +#define MAX_L_BITS 3 /* 5 */ + +/* + * Watchdog time quantum + */ +#define QLA1280_WDG_TIME_QUANTUM 5 /* In seconds */ + +/* Command retry count (0-65535) */ +#define COMMAND_RETRY_COUNT 255 + +/* Maximum outstanding commands in ISP queues (1-65535) */ +#define MAX_OUTSTANDING_COMMANDS 512 + +/* ISP request and response entry counts (37-65535) */ +#define REQUEST_ENTRY_CNT 256 /* Number of request entries. */ +#define RESPONSE_ENTRY_CNT 16 /* Number of response entries. */ + +/* Maximum equipage per controller */ +#define MAX_EQ (MAX_BUSES * MAX_TARGETS * MAX_LUNS) + +/* Number of segments 1 - 65535 */ +#define SG_SEGMENTS 32 /* Cmd entry + 6 continuations */ + + +typedef struct timer_list timer_t; /* timer */ + +/* + * SCSI Request Block structure + */ +typedef struct srb +{ + Scsi_Cmnd *cmd; /* (4) SCSI command block */ + struct srb *s_next; /* (4) Next block on LU queue */ + struct srb *s_prev; /* (4) Previous block on LU queue */ + uint8_t flags; /* (1) Status flags. */ + uint8_t dir; /* direction of transfer */ + uint8_t unused[2]; + u_long r_start; /* jiffies at start of request */ + u_long u_start; /* jiffies when sent to F/W */ +}srb_t; + +/* + * SRB flag definitions + */ +#define SRB_TIMEOUT BIT_0 /* Command timed out */ +#define SRB_SENT BIT_1 /* Command sent to ISP */ +#define SRB_ABORT_PENDING BIT_2 /* Command abort sent to device */ +#define SRB_ABORTED BIT_3 /* Command aborted command already */ + + +/* + * Logical Unit Queue structure + */ +typedef struct scsi_lu +{ + srb_t *q_first; /* First block on LU queue */ + srb_t *q_last; /* Last block on LU queue */ + uint8_t q_flag; /* LU queue state flags */ + uint8_t q_sense[16]; /* sense data */ + u_long io_cnt; /* total xfer count */ + u_long resp_time; /* total response time (start - finish) */ + u_long act_time; /* total actived time (minus queuing time) */ + u_long w_cnt; /* total writes */ + u_long r_cnt; /* total reads */ + uint16_t q_outcnt; /* Pending jobs for this LU */ +#if QL1280_TARGET_MODE_SUPPORT + void (*q_func)(); /* Target driver event handler */ + int32_t q_param; /* Target driver event param */ + uint8_t q_lock; /* Device Queue Lock */ +#endif +}scsi_lu_t; + +/* + * Logical Unit flags + */ +#define QLA1280_QBUSY BIT_0 +#define QLA1280_QWAIT BIT_1 +#define QLA1280_QSUSP BIT_2 +#define QLA1280_QSENSE BIT_3 /* Sense data cache valid */ +#define QLA1280_QRESET BIT_4 +#define QLA1280_QHBA BIT_5 +#define QLA1280_BSUSP BIT_6 /* controller is suspended */ +#define QLA1280_BREM BIT_7 /* controller is removed */ + +/* + * ISP PCI Configuration Register Set + */ +typedef volatile struct +{ + uint16_t vendor_id; /* 0x0 */ + uint16_t device_id; /* 0x2 */ + uint16_t command; /* 0x4 */ + uint16_t status; /* 0x6 */ + uint8_t revision_id; /* 0x8 */ + uint8_t programming_interface; /* 0x9 */ + uint8_t sub_class; /* 0xa */ + uint8_t base_class; /* 0xb */ + uint8_t cache_line; /* 0xc */ + uint8_t latency_timer; /* 0xd */ + uint8_t header_type; /* 0xe */ + uint8_t bist; /* 0xf */ + uint32_t base_port; /* 0x10 */ + uint32_t mem_base_addr; /* 0x14 */ + uint32_t base_addr[4]; /* 0x18-0x24 */ + uint32_t reserved_1[2]; /* 0x28-0x2c */ + uint16_t expansion_rom; /* 0x30 */ + uint32_t reserved_2[2]; /* 0x34-0x38 */ + uint8_t interrupt_line; /* 0x3c */ + uint8_t interrupt_pin; /* 0x3d */ + uint8_t min_grant; /* 0x3e */ + uint8_t max_latency; /* 0x3f */ +}config_reg_t; + +/* + * ISP I/O Register Set structure definitions. + */ +typedef volatile struct +{ + uint16_t id_l; /* ID low */ + uint16_t id_h; /* ID high */ + uint16_t cfg_0; /* Configuration 0 */ + uint16_t cfg_1; /* Configuration 1 */ + uint16_t ictrl; /* Interface control */ + #define ISP_RESET BIT_0 /* ISP soft reset */ + #define ISP_EN_INT BIT_1 /* ISP enable interrupts. */ + #define ISP_EN_RISC BIT_2 /* ISP enable RISC interrupts. */ + uint16_t istatus; /* Interface status */ + #define PCI_64BIT_SLOT BIT_14 /* PCI 64-bit slot indicator. */ + #define RISC_INT BIT_2 /* RISC interrupt */ + #define PCI_INT BIT_1 /* PCI interrupt */ + uint16_t semaphore; /* Semaphore */ + uint16_t nvram; /* NVRAM register. */ + #define NV_DESELECT 0 + #define NV_CLOCK BIT_0 + #define NV_SELECT BIT_1 + #define NV_DATA_OUT BIT_2 + #define NV_DATA_IN BIT_3 + uint16_t flash_data; /* Flash BIOS data */ + uint16_t flash_address; /* Flash BIOS address */ + + uint16_t unused_1[0x2e]; /* 0x14-0x6f Gap */ + + uint16_t mailbox0; /* Mailbox 0 */ + uint16_t mailbox1; /* Mailbox 1 */ + uint16_t mailbox2; /* Mailbox 2 */ + uint16_t mailbox3; /* Mailbox 3 */ + uint16_t mailbox4; /* Mailbox 4 */ + uint16_t mailbox5; /* Mailbox 5 */ + uint16_t mailbox6; /* Mailbox 6 */ + uint16_t mailbox7; /* Mailbox 7 */ + + uint16_t unused_2[0x20]; /* 0x80-0xbf Gap */ + + uint16_t host_cmd; /* Host command and control */ + #define HOST_INT BIT_7 /* host interrupt bit */ + #define BIOS_ENABLE BIT_0 + + uint16_t unused_6[0x5]; /* 0xc2-0xcb Gap */ + + uint16_t gpio_data; + uint16_t gpio_enable; + + uint16_t unused_7[0x11]; /* d0-f0 */ + uint16_t scsiControlPins; /* f2 */ + +}device_reg_t; + +#define MAILBOX_REGISTER_COUNT 8 + +/* + * ISP product identification definitions in mailboxes after reset. + */ +#define PROD_ID_1 0x4953 +#define PROD_ID_2 0x0000 +#define PROD_ID_2a 0x5020 +#define PROD_ID_3 0x2020 +#define PROD_ID_4 0x1 + +/* + * ISP host command and control register command definitions + */ +#define HC_RESET_RISC 0x1000 /* Reset RISC */ +#define HC_PAUSE_RISC 0x2000 /* Pause RISC */ +#define HC_RELEASE_RISC 0x3000 /* Release RISC from reset. */ +#define HC_SET_HOST_INT 0x5000 /* Set host interrupt */ +#define HC_CLR_HOST_INT 0x6000 /* Clear HOST interrupt */ +#define HC_CLR_RISC_INT 0x7000 /* Clear RISC interrupt */ +#define HC_DISABLE_BIOS 0x9000 /* Disable BIOS. */ + +/* + * ISP mailbox Self-Test status codes + */ +#define MBS_FRM_ALIVE 0 /* Firmware Alive. */ +#define MBS_CHKSUM_ERR 1 /* Checksum Error. */ +#define MBS_SHADOW_LD_ERR 2 /* Shadow Load Error. */ +#define MBS_BUSY 4 /* Busy. */ + +/* + * ISP mailbox command complete status codes + */ +#define MBS_CMD_CMP 0x4000 /* Command Complete. */ +#define MBS_INV_CMD 0x4001 /* Invalid Command. */ +#define MBS_HOST_INF_ERR 0x4002 /* Host Interface Error. */ +#define MBS_TEST_FAILED 0x4003 /* Test Failed. */ +#define MBS_CMD_ERR 0x4005 /* Command Error. */ +#define MBS_CMD_PARAM_ERR 0x4006 /* Command Parameter Error. */ + +/* + * ISP mailbox asynchronous event status codes + */ +#define MBA_ASYNC_EVENT 0x8000 /* Asynchronous event. */ +#define MBA_BUS_RESET 0x8001 /* SCSI Bus Reset. */ +#define MBA_SYSTEM_ERR 0x8002 /* System Error. */ +#define MBA_REQ_TRANSFER_ERR 0x8003 /* Request Transfer Error. */ +#define MBA_RSP_TRANSFER_ERR 0x8004 /* Response Transfer Error. */ +#define MBA_WAKEUP_THRES 0x8005 /* Request Queue Wake-up. */ +#define MBA_TIMEOUT_RESET 0x8006 /* Execution Timeout Reset. */ +#define MBA_DEVICE_RESET 0x8007 /* Bus Device Reset. */ +#define MBA_BUS_MODE_CHANGE 0x800E /* SCSI bus mode transition. */ +#define MBA_SCSI_COMPLETION 0x8020 /* Completion response. */ + +/* + * ISP mailbox commands + */ +#define MBC_NOP 0 /* No Operation. */ +#define MBC_LOAD_RAM 1 /* Load RAM. */ +#define MBC_EXECUTE_FIRMWARE 2 /* Execute firmware. */ +#define MBC_WRITE_RAM_WORD 4 /* Write ram word. */ +#define MBC_READ_RAM_WORD 5 /* Read ram word. */ +#define MBC_MAILBOX_REGISTER_TEST 6 /* Wrap incoming mailboxes */ +#define MBC_VERIFY_CHECKSUM 7 /* Verify checksum. */ +#define MBC_ABOUT_FIRMWARE 8 /* Get firmware revision. */ +#define MBC_INIT_REQUEST_QUEUE 0x10 /* Initialize request queue. */ +#define MBC_INIT_RESPONSE_QUEUE 0x11 /* Initialize response queue. */ +#define MBC_EXECUTE_IOCB 0x12 /* Execute IOCB command. */ +#define MBC_ABORT_COMMAND 0x15 /* Abort IOCB command. */ +#define MBC_ABORT_DEVICE 0x16 /* Abort device (ID/LUN). */ +#define MBC_ABORT_TARGET 0x17 /* Abort target (ID). */ +#define MBC_BUS_RESET 0x18 /* SCSI bus reset. */ +#define MBC_GET_RETRY_COUNT 0x22 /* Get retry count and delay. */ +#define MBC_GET_TARGET_PARAMETERS 0x28 /* Get target parameters. */ +#define MBC_SET_INITIATOR_ID 0x30 /* Set initiator SCSI ID. */ +#define MBC_SET_SELECTION_TIMEOUT 0x31 /* Set selection timeout. */ +#define MBC_SET_RETRY_COUNT 0x32 /* Set retry count and delay. */ +#define MBC_SET_TAG_AGE_LIMIT 0x33 /* Set tag age limit. */ +#define MBC_SET_CLOCK_RATE 0x34 /* Set clock rate. */ +#define MBC_SET_ACTIVE_NEGATION 0x35 /* Set active negation state. */ +#define MBC_SET_ASYNC_DATA_SETUP 0x36 /* Set async data setup time. */ +#define MBC_SET_PCI_CONTROL 0x37 /* Set BUS control parameters. */ +#define MBC_SET_TARGET_PARAMETERS 0x38 /* Set target parameters. */ +#define MBC_SET_DEVICE_QUEUE 0x39 /* Set device queue parameters */ +#define MBC_SET_SYSTEM_PARAMETER 0x45 /* Set system parameter word. */ +#define MBC_SET_FIRMWARE_FEATURES 0x4A /* Set firmware feature word. */ +#define MBC_INIT_REQUEST_QUEUE_A64 0x52 /* Initialize request queue A64 */ +#define MBC_INIT_RESPONSE_QUEUE_A64 0x53 /* Initialize response q A64. */ +#define MBC_ENABLE_TARGET_MODE 0x55 /* Enable target mode. */ + +/* + * ISP Get/Set Target Parameters mailbox command control flags. + */ +#define TP_RENEGOTIATE BIT_8 /* Renegotiate on error. */ +#define TP_STOP_QUEUE BIT_9 /* Stop que on check condition */ +#define TP_AUTO_REQUEST_SENSE BIT_10 /* Automatic request sense. */ +#define TP_TAGGED_QUEUE BIT_11 /* Tagged queuing. */ +#define TP_SYNC BIT_12 /* Synchronous data transfers. */ +#define TP_WIDE BIT_13 /* Wide data transfers. */ +#define TP_PARITY BIT_14 /* Parity checking. */ +#define TP_DISCONNECT BIT_15 /* Disconnect privilege. */ + +/* + * NVRAM Command values. + */ +#define NV_START_BIT BIT_2 +#define NV_WRITE_OP (BIT_26+BIT_24) +#define NV_READ_OP (BIT_26+BIT_25) +#define NV_ERASE_OP (BIT_26+BIT_25+BIT_24) +#define NV_MASK_OP (BIT_26+BIT_25+BIT_24) +#define NV_DELAY_COUNT 10 + +/* + * QLogic ISP1280 NVRAM structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t id[4]; /* 0, 1, 2, 3 */ + uint8_t version; /* 4 */ + + struct + { + uint8_t bios_configuration_mode :2; + uint8_t bios_disable :1; + uint8_t selectable_scsi_boot_enable :1; + uint8_t cd_rom_boot_enable :1; + uint8_t disable_loading_risc_code :1; + uint8_t enable_64bit_addressing :1; + uint8_t unused_7 :1; + }cntr_flags_1; /* 5 */ + + struct + { + uint8_t boot_lun_number :5; + uint8_t scsi_bus_number :1; + uint8_t unused_6 :1; + uint8_t unused_7 :1; + uint8_t boot_target_number :4; + uint8_t unused_12 :1; + uint8_t unused_13 :1; + uint8_t unused_14 :1; + uint8_t unused_15 :1; + }cntr_flags_2; /* 6, 7 */ + + uint16_t unused_8; /* 8, 9 */ + uint16_t unused_10; /* 10, 11 */ + uint16_t unused_12; /* 12, 13 */ + uint16_t unused_14; /* 14, 15 */ + + union + { + uint8_t c; + struct + { + uint8_t reserved :2; + uint8_t burst_enable :1; + uint8_t reserved_1 :1; + uint8_t fifo_threshold :4; + }f; + }isp_config; /* 16 */ + + /* Termination + * 0 = Disable, 1 = high only, 3 = Auto term + */ + union + { + uint8_t c; + struct + { + uint8_t scsi_bus_1_control :2; + uint8_t scsi_bus_0_control :2; + uint8_t unused_0 :1; + uint8_t unused_1 :1; + uint8_t unused_2 :1; + uint8_t auto_term_support :1; + }f; + }termination; /* 17 */ + + uint16_t isp_parameter; /* 18, 19 */ + + union + { + uint16_t w; + struct + { + uint8_t enable_fast_posting :1; + uint8_t report_lvd_bus_transition :1; + uint8_t unused_2 :1; + uint8_t unused_3 :1; + uint8_t unused_4 :1; + uint8_t unused_5 :1; + uint8_t unused_6 :1; + uint8_t unused_7 :1; + uint8_t unused_8 :1; + uint8_t unused_9 :1; + uint8_t unused_10 :1; + uint8_t unused_11 :1; + uint8_t unused_12 :1; + uint8_t unused_13 :1; + uint8_t unused_14 :1; + uint8_t unused_15 :1; + }f; + }firmware_feature; /* 20, 21 */ + + uint16_t unused_22; /* 22, 23 */ + + struct + { + struct + { + uint8_t initiator_id :4; + uint8_t scsi_reset_disable :1; + uint8_t scsi_bus_size :1; + uint8_t scsi_bus_type :1; + uint8_t unused_7 :1; + }config_1; /* 24 */ + + uint8_t bus_reset_delay; /* 25 */ + uint8_t retry_count; /* 26 */ + uint8_t retry_delay; /* 27 */ + + struct + { + uint8_t async_data_setup_time :4; + uint8_t req_ack_active_negation :1; + uint8_t data_line_active_negation :1; + uint8_t unused_6 :1; + uint8_t unused_7 :1; + }config_2; /* 28 */ + + uint8_t unused_29; /* 29 */ + + uint16_t selection_timeout; /* 30, 31 */ + uint16_t max_queue_depth; /* 32, 33 */ + + uint16_t unused_34; /* 34, 35 */ + uint16_t unused_36; /* 36, 37 */ + uint16_t unused_38; /* 38, 39 */ + + struct + { + union + { + uint8_t c; + struct + { + uint8_t renegotiate_on_error :1; + uint8_t stop_queue_on_check :1; + uint8_t auto_request_sense :1; + uint8_t tag_queuing :1; + uint8_t sync_data_transfers :1; + uint8_t wide_data_transfers :1; + uint8_t parity_checking :1; + uint8_t disconnect_allowed :1; + }f; + }parameter; /* 40 */ + + uint8_t execution_throttle; /* 41 */ + uint8_t sync_period; /* 42 */ + + struct + { + uint8_t sync_offset :4; + uint8_t device_enable :1; + uint8_t lun_disable :1; + uint8_t unused_6 :1; + uint8_t unused_7 :1; + }flags; /* 43 */ + + uint16_t unused_44; /* 44, 45 */ + }target[MAX_TARGETS]; + }bus[MAX_BUSES]; + + uint16_t unused_248; /* 248, 249 */ + + uint16_t subsystem_id[2]; /* 250, 251, 252, 253 */ + + uint8_t unused_254; /* 254 */ + + uint8_t chksum; /* 255 */ +}nvram_t; + +/* + * QLogic ISP12160 NVRAM structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t id[4]; /* 0, 1, 2, 3 */ + uint8_t version; /* 4 */ + /* Host/Bios Flags */ + struct + { + uint8_t bios_configuration_mode :2; + uint8_t bios_disable :1; + uint8_t selectable_scsi_boot_enable :1; + uint8_t cd_rom_boot_enable :1; + uint8_t disable_loading_risc_code :1; + uint8_t unused_6 :1; + uint8_t unused_7 :1; + }cntr_flags_1; /* 5 */ + /* Selectable Boot Support */ + struct + { + uint8_t boot_lun_number :5; + uint8_t scsi_bus_number :1; + uint8_t unused_6 :1; + uint8_t unused_7 :1; + uint8_t boot_target_number :4; + uint8_t unused_12 :1; + uint8_t unused_13 :1; + uint8_t unused_14 :1; + uint8_t unused_15 :1; + }cntr_flags_2; /* 6, 7 */ + + uint16_t unused_8; /* 8, 9 */ + uint16_t unused_10; /* 10, 11 */ + uint16_t unused_12; /* 12, 13 */ + uint16_t unused_14; /* 14, 15 */ + + /* ISP Config Parameters */ + union + { + uint8_t c; + struct + { + uint8_t reserved :2; + uint8_t burst_enable :1; + uint8_t reserved_1 :1; + uint8_t fifo_threshold :4; + }f; + }isp_config; /* 16 */ + + /* Termination + * 0 = Disable, 1 = high only, 3 = Auto term + */ + union + { + uint8_t c; + struct + { + uint8_t scsi_bus_1_control :2; + uint8_t scsi_bus_0_control :2; + uint8_t unused_0 :1; + uint8_t unused_1 :1; + uint8_t unused_2 :1; + uint8_t auto_term_support :1; + }f; + }termination; /* 17 */ + /* Auto Term - 3 */ + /* High Only - 1 (GPIO2 = 1 & GPIO3 = 0) */ + /* Disable - 0 (GPIO2 = 0 & GPIO3 = X) */ + + uint16_t isp_parameter; /* 18, 19 */ + + union + { + uint16_t w; + struct + { + uint8_t enable_fast_posting :1; + uint8_t report_lvd_bus_transition :1; + uint8_t unused_2 :1; + uint8_t unused_3 :1; + uint8_t unused_4 :1; + uint8_t unused_5 :1; + uint8_t unused_6 :1; + uint8_t unused_7 :1; + uint8_t unused_8 :1; + uint8_t unused_9 :1; + uint8_t unused_10 :1; + uint8_t unused_11 :1; + uint8_t unused_12 :1; + uint8_t unused_13 :1; + uint8_t unused_14 :1; + uint8_t unused_15 :1; + }f; + }firmware_feature; /* 20, 21 */ + + uint16_t unused_22; /* 22, 23 */ + + struct + { + struct + { + uint8_t initiator_id :4; + uint8_t scsi_reset_disable :1; + uint8_t scsi_bus_size :1; + uint8_t scsi_bus_type :1; + uint8_t unused_7 :1; + }config_1; /* 24 */ + + uint8_t bus_reset_delay; /* 25 */ + uint8_t retry_count; /* 26 */ + uint8_t retry_delay; /* 27 */ + /* Adapter Capabilities bits */ + struct + { + uint8_t async_data_setup_time :4; + uint8_t req_ack_active_negation :1; + uint8_t data_line_active_negation :1; + uint8_t unused_6 :1; + uint8_t unused_7 :1; + }config_2; /* 28 */ + + uint8_t unused_29; /* 29 */ + + uint16_t selection_timeout; /* 30, 31 */ + uint16_t max_queue_depth; /* 32, 33 */ + + uint16_t unused_34; /* 34, 35 */ + uint16_t unused_36; /* 36, 37 */ + uint16_t unused_38; /* 38, 39 */ + + struct + { + union + { + uint8_t c; + struct + { + uint8_t renegotiate_on_error :1; + uint8_t stop_queue_on_check :1; + uint8_t auto_request_sense :1; + uint8_t tag_queuing :1; + uint8_t sync_data_transfers :1; + uint8_t wide_data_transfers :1; + uint8_t parity_checking :1; + uint8_t disconnect_allowed :1; + }f; + }parameter; /* 40 */ + + uint8_t execution_throttle; /* 41 */ + uint8_t sync_period; /* 42 */ + + struct + { + uint8_t sync_offset :5; + uint8_t device_enable :1; + uint8_t unused_6 :1; + uint8_t unused_7 :1; + uint8_t ppr_options :4; + uint8_t ppr_bus_width :2; + uint8_t unused_8 :1; + uint8_t enable_ppr :1; + }flags; /* 43, 44 */ + + uint8_t unused_45; /* 45 */ + }target[MAX_TARGETS]; + }bus[MAX_BUSES]; + + uint16_t unused_248; /* 248, 249 */ + + uint16_t subsystem_id[2]; /* 250, 251, 252, 253 */ + + uint8_t System_Id_Pointer; /* 254 */ + + uint8_t chksum; /* 255 */ +}nvram160_t; + +/* + * ISP queue - command entry structure definition. + */ +#define MAX_CMDSZ 12 /* SCSI maximum CDB size. */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ + #define COMMAND_TYPE 1 /* Command entry */ + uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ + uint8_t sys_define; /* System defined. */ + uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ + uint32_t handle; /* System handle. */ + uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ + uint8_t target; /* SCSI ID */ + uint16_t cdb_len; /* SCSI command length. */ + uint16_t control_flags; /* Control flags. */ + uint16_t reserved; + uint16_t timeout; /* Command timeout. */ + uint16_t dseg_count; /* Data segment count. */ + uint8_t scsi_cdb[MAX_CMDSZ]; /* SCSI command words. */ + uint32_t dseg_0_address; /* Data segment 0 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_0_length; /* Data segment 0 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_1_address; /* Data segment 1 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_1_length; /* Data segment 1 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_2_address; /* Data segment 2 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_2_length; /* Data segment 2 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_3_address; /* Data segment 3 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_3_length; /* Data segment 3 length. */ +}cmd_entry_t; + +/* + * ISP queue - continuation entry structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ + #define CONTINUE_TYPE 2 /* Continuation entry. */ + uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ + uint8_t sys_define; /* System defined. */ + uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ + uint32_t reserved; /* Reserved */ + uint32_t dseg_0_address; /* Data segment 0 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_0_length; /* Data segment 0 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_1_address; /* Data segment 1 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_1_length; /* Data segment 1 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_2_address; /* Data segment 2 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_2_length; /* Data segment 2 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_3_address; /* Data segment 3 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_3_length; /* Data segment 3 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_4_address; /* Data segment 4 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_4_length; /* Data segment 4 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_5_address; /* Data segment 5 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_5_length; /* Data segment 5 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_6_address; /* Data segment 6 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_6_length; /* Data segment 6 length. */ +}cont_entry_t; + +/* + * ISP queue - status entry structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ + #define STATUS_TYPE 3 /* Status entry. */ + uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ + uint8_t sys_define; /* System defined. */ + uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ + #define RF_CONT BIT_0 /* Continuation. */ + #define RF_FULL BIT_1 /* Full */ + #define RF_BAD_HEADER BIT_2 /* Bad header. */ + #define RF_BAD_PAYLOAD BIT_3 /* Bad payload. */ + uint32_t handle; /* System handle. */ + uint16_t scsi_status; /* SCSI status. */ + uint16_t comp_status; /* Completion status. */ + uint16_t state_flags; /* State flags. */ + #define SF_TRANSFER_CMPL BIT_14 /* Transfer Complete. */ + #define SF_GOT_SENSE BIT_13 /* Got Sense */ + #define SF_GOT_STATUS BIT_12 /* Got Status */ + #define SF_TRANSFERRED_DATA BIT_11 /* Transferred data */ + #define SF_SENT_CDB BIT_10 /* Send CDB */ + #define SF_GOT_TARGET BIT_9 /* */ + #define SF_GOT_BUS BIT_8 /* */ + uint16_t status_flags; /* Status flags. */ + uint16_t time; /* Time. */ + uint16_t req_sense_length; /* Request sense data length. */ + uint32_t residual_length; /* Residual transfer length. */ + uint16_t reserved[4]; + uint8_t req_sense_data[32]; /* Request sense data. */ +}sts_entry_t, response_t; + +/* + * ISP queue - marker entry structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ + #define MARKER_TYPE 4 /* Marker entry. */ + uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ + uint8_t sys_define; /* System defined. */ + uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ + uint32_t reserved; + uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ + uint8_t target; /* SCSI ID */ + uint8_t modifier; /* Modifier (7-0). */ + #define MK_SYNC_ID_LUN 0 /* Synchronize ID/LUN */ + #define MK_SYNC_ID 1 /* Synchronize ID */ + #define MK_SYNC_ALL 2 /* Synchronize all ID/LUN */ + uint8_t reserved_1[53]; +}mrk_entry_t; + +/* + * ISP queue - extended command entry structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ + #define EXTENDED_CMD_TYPE 5 /* Extended command entry. */ + uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ + uint8_t sys_define; /* System defined. */ + uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ + uint32_t handle; /* System handle. */ + uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ + uint8_t target; /* SCSI ID */ + uint16_t cdb_len; /* SCSI command length. */ + uint16_t control_flags; /* Control flags. */ + uint16_t reserved; + uint16_t timeout; /* Command timeout. */ + uint16_t dseg_count; /* Data segment count. */ + uint8_t scsi_cdb[88]; /* SCSI command words. */ +}ecmd_entry_t; + +/* + * ISP queue - 64-Bit addressing, command entry structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ + #define COMMAND_A64_TYPE 9 /* Command A64 entry */ + uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ + uint8_t sys_define; /* System defined. */ + uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ + uint32_t handle; /* System handle. */ + uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ + uint8_t target; /* SCSI ID */ + uint16_t cdb_len; /* SCSI command length. */ + uint16_t control_flags; /* Control flags. */ + uint16_t reserved; + uint16_t timeout; /* Command timeout. */ + uint16_t dseg_count; /* Data segment count. */ + uint8_t scsi_cdb[MAX_CMDSZ]; /* SCSI command words. */ + uint32_t reserved_1[2]; /* unused */ + uint32_t dseg_0_address[2]; /* Data segment 0 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_0_length; /* Data segment 0 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_1_address[2]; /* Data segment 1 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_1_length; /* Data segment 1 length. */ +}cmd_a64_entry_t, request_t; + +/* + * ISP queue - 64-Bit addressing, continuation entry structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ + #define CONTINUE_A64_TYPE 0xA /* Continuation A64 entry. */ + uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ + uint8_t sys_define; /* System defined. */ + uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ + uint32_t dseg_0_address[2]; /* Data segment 0 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_0_length; /* Data segment 0 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_1_address[2]; /* Data segment 1 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_1_length; /* Data segment 1 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_2_address[2]; /* Data segment 2 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_2_length; /* Data segment 2 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_3_address[2]; /* Data segment 3 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_3_length; /* Data segment 3 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_4_address[2]; /* Data segment 4 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_4_length; /* Data segment 4 length. */ +}cont_a64_entry_t; + +/* + * ISP queue - enable LUN entry structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ + #define ENABLE_LUN_TYPE 0xB /* Enable LUN entry. */ + uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ + uint8_t reserved_1; + uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status not used. */ + uint32_t reserved_2; + uint16_t lun; /* Bit 15 is bus number. */ + uint16_t reserved_4; + uint32_t option_flags; + uint8_t status; + uint8_t reserved_5; + uint8_t command_count; /* Number of ATIOs allocated. */ + uint8_t immed_notify_count; /* Number of Immediate Notify */ + /* entries allocated. */ + uint8_t group_6_length; /* SCSI CDB length for group 6 */ + /* commands (2-26). */ + uint8_t group_7_length; /* SCSI CDB length for group 7 */ + /* commands (2-26). */ + uint16_t timeout; /* 0 = 30 seconds, 0xFFFF = disable */ + uint16_t reserved_6[20]; +}elun_entry_t; + +/* + * ISP queue - modify LUN entry structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ + #define MODIFY_LUN_TYPE 0xC /* Modify LUN entry. */ + uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ + uint8_t reserved_1; + uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ + uint32_t reserved_2; + uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ + uint8_t reserved_3; + uint8_t operators; + uint8_t reserved_4; + uint32_t option_flags; + uint8_t status; + uint8_t reserved_5; + uint8_t command_count; /* Number of ATIOs allocated. */ + uint8_t immed_notify_count; /* Number of Immediate Notify */ + /* entries allocated. */ + uint16_t reserved_6; + uint16_t timeout; /* 0 = 30 seconds, 0xFFFF = disable */ + uint16_t reserved_7[20]; +}modify_lun_entry_t; + +/* + * ISP queue - immediate notify entry structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ + #define IMMED_NOTIFY_TYPE 0xD /* Immediate notify entry. */ + uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ + uint8_t reserved_1; + uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ + uint32_t reserved_2; + uint8_t lun; + uint8_t initiator_id; + uint8_t reserved_3; + uint8_t target_id; + uint32_t option_flags; + uint8_t status; + uint8_t reserved_4; + uint8_t tag_value; /* Received queue tag message value */ + uint8_t tag_type; /* Received queue tag message type */ + /* entries allocated. */ + uint16_t seq_id; + uint8_t scsi_msg[8]; /* SCSI message not handled by ISP */ + uint16_t reserved_5[8]; + uint8_t sense_data[18]; +}notify_entry_t; + +/* + * ISP queue - notify acknowledge entry structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ + #define NOTIFY_ACK_TYPE 0xE /* Notify acknowledge entry. */ + uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ + uint8_t reserved_1; + uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ + uint32_t reserved_2; + uint8_t lun; + uint8_t initiator_id; + uint8_t reserved_3; + uint8_t target_id; + uint32_t option_flags; + uint8_t status; + uint8_t event; + uint16_t seq_id; + uint16_t reserved_4[22]; +}nack_entry_t; + +/* + * ISP queue - Accept Target I/O (ATIO) entry structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ + #define ACCEPT_TGT_IO_TYPE 6 /* Accept target I/O entry. */ + uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ + uint8_t reserved_1; + uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ + uint32_t reserved_2; + uint8_t lun; + uint8_t initiator_id; + uint8_t cdb_len; + uint8_t target_id; + uint32_t option_flags; + uint8_t status; + uint8_t scsi_status; + uint8_t tag_value; /* Received queue tag message value */ + uint8_t tag_type; /* Received queue tag message type */ + uint8_t cdb[26]; + uint8_t sense_data[18]; +}atio_entry_t; + +/* + * ISP queue - Continue Target I/O (CTIO) entry structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ + #define CONTINUE_TGT_IO_TYPE 7 /* CTIO entry */ + uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ + uint8_t reserved_1; + uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ + uint32_t reserved_2; + uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ + uint8_t initiator_id; + uint8_t reserved_3; + uint8_t target_id; + uint32_t option_flags; + uint8_t status; + uint8_t scsi_status; + uint8_t tag_value; /* Received queue tag message value */ + uint8_t tag_type; /* Received queue tag message type */ + uint32_t transfer_length; + uint32_t residual; + uint16_t timeout; /* 0 = 30 seconds, 0xFFFF = disable */ + uint16_t dseg_count; /* Data segment count. */ + uint32_t dseg_0_address; /* Data segment 0 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_0_length; /* Data segment 0 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_1_address; /* Data segment 1 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_1_length; /* Data segment 1 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_2_address; /* Data segment 2 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_2_length; /* Data segment 2 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_3_address; /* Data segment 3 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_3_length; /* Data segment 3 length. */ +}ctio_entry_t; + +/* + * ISP queue - CTIO returned entry structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ + #define CTIO_RET_TYPE 7 /* CTIO return entry */ + uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ + uint8_t reserved_1; + uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ + uint32_t reserved_2; + uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ + uint8_t initiator_id; + uint8_t reserved_3; + uint8_t target_id; + uint32_t option_flags; + uint8_t status; + uint8_t scsi_status; + uint8_t tag_value; /* Received queue tag message value */ + uint8_t tag_type; /* Received queue tag message type */ + uint32_t transfer_length; + uint32_t residual; + uint16_t timeout; /* 0 = 30 seconds, 0xFFFF = disable */ + uint16_t dseg_count; /* Data segment count. */ + uint32_t dseg_0_address; /* Data segment 0 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_0_length; /* Data segment 0 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_1_address; /* Data segment 1 address. */ + uint16_t dseg_1_length; /* Data segment 1 length. */ + uint8_t sense_data[18]; +}ctio_ret_entry_t; + +/* + * ISP queue - CTIO A64 entry structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ + #define CTIO_A64_TYPE 0xF /* CTIO A64 entry */ + uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ + uint8_t reserved_1; + uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ + uint32_t reserved_2; + uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ + uint8_t initiator_id; + uint8_t reserved_3; + uint8_t target_id; + uint32_t option_flags; + uint8_t status; + uint8_t scsi_status; + uint8_t tag_value; /* Received queue tag message value */ + uint8_t tag_type; /* Received queue tag message type */ + uint32_t transfer_length; + uint32_t residual; + uint16_t timeout; /* 0 = 30 seconds, 0xFFFF = disable */ + uint16_t dseg_count; /* Data segment count. */ + uint32_t reserved_4[2]; + uint32_t dseg_0_address[2]; /* Data segment 0 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_0_length; /* Data segment 0 length. */ + uint32_t dseg_1_address[2]; /* Data segment 1 address. */ + uint32_t dseg_1_length; /* Data segment 1 length. */ +}ctio_a64_entry_t; + +/* + * ISP queue - CTIO returned entry structure definition. + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ + #define CTIO_A64_RET_TYPE 0xF /* CTIO A64 returned entry */ + uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ + uint8_t reserved_1; + uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ + uint32_t reserved_2; + uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ + uint8_t initiator_id; + uint8_t reserved_3; + uint8_t target_id; + uint32_t option_flags; + uint8_t status; + uint8_t scsi_status; + uint8_t tag_value; /* Received queue tag message value */ + uint8_t tag_type; /* Received queue tag message type */ + uint32_t transfer_length; + uint32_t residual; + uint16_t timeout; /* 0 = 30 seconds, 0xFFFF = disable */ + uint16_t dseg_count; /* Data segment count. */ + uint16_t reserved_4[7]; + uint8_t sense_data[18]; +}ctio_a64_ret_entry_t; + +/* + * ISP request and response queue entry sizes + */ +#define RESPONSE_ENTRY_SIZE (sizeof(response_t)) +#define REQUEST_ENTRY_SIZE (sizeof(request_t)) + +/* + * ISP status entry - completion status definitions. + */ +#define CS_COMPLETE 0x0 /* No errors */ +#define CS_INCOMPLETE 0x1 /* Incomplete transfer of cmd. */ +#define CS_DMA 0x2 /* A DMA direction error. */ +#define CS_TRANSPORT 0x3 /* Transport error. */ +#define CS_RESET 0x4 /* SCSI bus reset occurred */ +#define CS_ABORTED 0x5 /* System aborted command. */ +#define CS_TIMEOUT 0x6 /* Timeout error. */ +#define CS_DATA_OVERRUN 0x7 /* Data overrun. */ +#define CS_COMMAND_OVERRUN 0x8 /* Command Overrun. */ +#define CS_STATUS_OVERRUN 0x9 /* Status Overrun. */ +#define CS_BAD_MSG 0xA /* Bad msg after status phase. */ +#define CS_NO_MSG_OUT 0xB /* No msg out after selection. */ +#define CS_EXTENDED_ID 0xC /* Extended ID failed. */ +#define CS_IDE_MSG 0xD /* Target rejected IDE msg. */ +#define CS_ABORT_MSG 0xE /* Target rejected abort msg. */ +#define CS_REJECT_MSG 0xF /* Target rejected reject msg. */ +#define CS_NOP_MSG 0x10 /* Target rejected NOP msg. */ +#define CS_PARITY_MSG 0x11 /* Target rejected parity msg. */ +#define CS_DEV_RESET_MSG 0x12 /* Target rejected dev rst msg. */ +#define CS_ID_MSG 0x13 /* Target rejected ID msg. */ +#define CS_FREE 0x14 /* Unexpected bus free. */ +#define CS_DATA_UNDERRUN 0x15 /* Data Underrun. */ +#define CS_TRANACTION_1 0x18 /* Transaction error 1 */ +#define CS_TRANACTION_2 0x19 /* Transaction error 2 */ +#define CS_TRANACTION_3 0x1a /* Transaction error 3 */ +#define CS_INV_ENTRY_TYPE 0x1b /* Invalid entry type */ +#define CS_DEV_QUEUE_FULL 0x1c /* Device queue full */ +#define CS_PHASED_SKIPPED 0x1d /* SCSI phase skipped */ +#define CS_ARS_FAILED 0x1e /* ARS failed */ +#define CS_LVD_BUS_ERROR 0x21 /* LVD bus error */ +#define CS_BAD_PAYLOAD 0x80 /* Driver defined */ +#define CS_UNKNOWN 0x81 /* Driver defined */ +#define CS_RETRY 0x82 /* Driver defined */ + +/* + * ISP status entry - SCSI status byte bit definitions. + */ +#define SS_CHECK_CONDITION BIT_1 +#define SS_CONDITION_MET BIT_2 +#define SS_BUSY_CONDITION BIT_3 +#define SS_RESERVE_CONFLICT (BIT_4 | BIT_3) + +/* + * ISP target entries - Option flags bit definitions. + */ +#define OF_ENABLE_TAG BIT_1 /* Tagged queue action enable */ +#define OF_DATA_IN BIT_6 /* Data in to initiator */ + /* (data from target to initiator) */ +#define OF_DATA_OUT BIT_7 /* Data out from initiator */ + /* (data from initiator to target) */ +#define OF_NO_DATA (BIT_7 | BIT_6) +#define OF_DISC_DISABLED BIT_15 /* Disconnects disabled */ +#define OF_DISABLE_SDP BIT_24 /* Disable sending save data ptr */ +#define OF_SEND_RDP BIT_26 /* Send restore data pointers msg */ +#define OF_FORCE_DISC BIT_30 /* Disconnects mandatory */ +#define OF_SSTS BIT_31 /* Send SCSI status */ + +#if QL1280_TARGET_MODE_SUPPORT +/* + * Target Read/Write buffer structure. + */ +#define TARGET_DATA_OFFSET 4 +#define TARGET_DATA_SIZE 0x2000 /* 8K */ +#define TARGET_INQ_OFFSET (TARGET_DATA_OFFSET + TARGET_DATA_SIZE) +#define TARGET_SENSE_SIZE 18 +#define TARGET_BUF_SIZE 36 + +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t hdr[4]; + uint8_t data[TARGET_DATA_SIZE]; + struct ident inq; +}tgt_t; +#endif + +/* + * BUS parameters/settings structure + */ +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t id; /* Host adapter SCSI id */ + uint8_t bus_reset_delay; /* SCSI bus reset delay. */ + uint8_t failed_reset_count; /* number of time reset failed */ + uint8_t unused; + uint16_t device_enables; /* Device enable bits. */ + uint16_t lun_disables; /* LUN disable bits. */ + uint16_t qtag_enables; /* Tag queue enables. */ + uint16_t hiwat; /* High water mark per device. */ + uint8_t reset_marker :1; + uint8_t disable_scsi_reset :1; + uint8_t scsi_bus_dead :1; /* SCSI Bus is Dead, when 5 back to back resets failed */ + +}bus_param_t; + +/* + * Linux Host Adapter structure + */ +typedef struct scsi_qla_host +{ + /* Linux adapter configuration data */ + struct Scsi_Host *host; /* pointer to host data */ + struct scsi_qla_host *next; + device_reg_t *iobase; /* Base Memory-mapped I/O address */ + uint8_t pci_bus; + uint8_t pci_device_fn; + uint8_t devnum; +#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(2,1,95) + struct pci_dev *pdev; +#endif + volatile unsigned char *mmpbase; /* memory mapped address */ + unsigned long host_no; + unsigned long instance; + uint8_t revision; + uint8_t ports; +#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(2,1,0) + spinlock_t spin_lock; +#endif + volatile unsigned char cpu_lock_count[NR_CPUS]; + unsigned long actthreads; + unsigned long qthreads; + unsigned long isr_count; /* Interrupt count */ + unsigned long spurious_int; + + uint32_t device_id; + + /* Outstandings ISP commands. */ + srb_t *outstanding_cmds[MAX_OUTSTANDING_COMMANDS]; + + /* BUS configuration data */ + bus_param_t bus_settings[MAX_BUSES]; + + /* Device LUN queues. */ + scsi_lu_t *dev[MAX_EQ]; /* Logical unit queues */ + +#ifdef UNUSED + /* Interrupt lock, and data */ + uint8_t intr_lock; /* Lock for interrupt locking */ +#endif + + /* bottom half run queue */ + struct tq_struct run_qla_bh; + + /* Received ISP mailbox data. */ + volatile uint16_t mailbox_out[MAILBOX_REGISTER_COUNT]; + +#ifdef UNUSED + /* ISP ring lock, rings, and indexes */ + uint8_t ring_lock; /* ISP ring lock */ + struct timer_list dev_timer[MAX_TARGETS]; +#endif + + request_t req[REQUEST_ENTRY_CNT+1]; + response_t res[RESPONSE_ENTRY_CNT+1]; + unsigned long request_dma; /* Physical address. */ + request_t *request_ring; /* Base virtual address */ + request_t *request_ring_ptr; /* Current address. */ + uint16_t req_ring_index; /* Current index. */ + uint16_t req_q_cnt; /* Number of available entries. */ + + unsigned long response_dma; /* Physical address. */ + response_t *response_ring; /* Base virtual address */ + response_t *response_ring_ptr; /* Current address. */ + uint16_t rsp_ring_index; /* Current index. */ + +#if QL1280_TARGET_MODE_SUPPORT + /* Target buffer and sense data. */ + uint32_t tbuf_dma; /* Physical address. */ + tgt_t *tbuf; + uint32_t tsense_dma; /* Physical address. */ + uint8_t *tsense; +#endif + +#if WATCHDOGTIMER + /* Watchdog queue, lock and total timer */ + uint8_t watchdog_q_lock; /* Lock for watchdog queue */ + srb_t *wdg_q_first; /* First job on watchdog queue */ + srb_t *wdg_q_last; /* Last job on watchdog queue */ + uint32_t total_timeout; /* Total timeout (quantum count) */ + uint32_t watchdogactive; +#endif + + srb_t *done_q_first; /* First job on done queue */ + srb_t *done_q_last; /* Last job on done queue */ + + volatile struct + { + uint32_t watchdog_enabled :1; /* 0 */ + uint32_t mbox_int :1; /* 1 */ + uint32_t mbox_busy :1; /* 2 */ + uint32_t online :1; /* 3 */ + uint32_t reset_marker :1; /* 4 */ + uint32_t isp_abort_needed :1; /* 5 */ + uint32_t pci_64bit_slot :1; /* 6 */ + uint32_t disable_host_adapter :1; /* 7 */ + uint32_t reset_active :1; /* 8 */ + uint32_t abort_isp_active :1; /* 9 */ + uint32_t disable_risc_code_load :1; /* 10 */ + uint32_t enable_64bit_addressing :1; /* 11 */ +#define QLA1280_IN_ISR_BIT 12 + uint32_t in_isr :1; /* 12 */ + uint32_t in_abort :1; /* 13 */ + uint32_t in_reset :1; /* 14 */ + uint32_t dpc :1; /* 15 */ + uint32_t dpc_sched :1; /* 16 */ + uint32_t interrupts_on :1; /* 17 */ + }flags; + +}scsi_qla_host_t; + +/* + * Macros to help code, maintain, etc. + */ +#define SUBDEV(b, t, l) ( (b << (MAX_T_BITS + MAX_L_BITS)) | (t << MAX_L_BITS) | l) +#define LU_Q(ha, b, t, l) (ha->dev[SUBDEV(b, t, l)]) + +/* + * Locking Macro Definitions + * + * LOCK/UNLOCK definitions are lock/unlock primitives for multi-processor + * or spl/splx for uniprocessor. + */ +#define QLA1280_HIER HBA_HIER_BASE /* Locking hierarchy base for hba */ + +#define QLA1280_WATCHDOG_Q_LOCK(ha, p) +#define QLA1280_WATCHDOG_Q_UNLOCK(ha, p) + +#define QLA1280_SCSILU_LOCK(q) +#define QLA1280_SCSILU_UNLOCK(q) + +#define QLA1280_INTR_LOCK(ha) +#define QLA1280_INTR_UNLOCK(ha) + +#define QLA1280_RING_LOCK(ha) +#define QLA1280_RING_UNLOCK(ha) + +#if defined(__cplusplus) +} +#endif +/* + * Linux - SCSI Driver Interface Function Prototypes. + */ +int qla1280_proc_info ( char *, char **, off_t, int, int, int); +const char * qla1280_info(struct Scsi_Host *host); +int qla1280_detect(Scsi_Host_Template *); +int qla1280_release(struct Scsi_Host *); +const char * qla1280_info(struct Scsi_Host *); +int qla1280_queuecommand(Scsi_Cmnd *, void (* done)(Scsi_Cmnd *)); +int qla1280_abort(Scsi_Cmnd *); +int qla1280_reset(Scsi_Cmnd *, unsigned int); +int qla1280_biosparam(Disk *, kdev_t, int[]); +void qla1280_intr_handler(int, void *, struct pt_regs *); +void qla1280_setup(char *s, int *dummy); +#if defined(__386__) +# define QLA1280_BIOSPARAM qla1280_biosparam +#else +# define QLA1280_BIOSPARAM NULL +#endif + +/* + * Scsi_Host_template (see hosts.h) + * Device driver Interfaces to mid-level SCSI driver. + */ +#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,1,95) +/* This interface is now obsolete !!! */ +#define QLA1280_LINUX_TEMPLATE { \ + next: NULL, \ + usage_count: NULL, \ + proc_dir: NULL, \ + proc_info: NULL, \ + name: "Qlogic ISP 1280", \ + detect: qla1280_detect, \ + release: qla1280_release, \ + info: qla1280_info, \ + command: NULL, \ + queuecommand: qla1280_queuecommand, \ + abort: qla1280_abort, \ + reset: qla1280_reset, \ + slave_attach: NULL, \ + bios_param: QLA1280_BIOSPARAM, \ + can_queue: 255, /* MAX_OUTSTANDING_COMMANDS */ \ + this_id: -1, /* scsi id of host adapter */ \ + sg_tablesize: SG_ALL, \ + cmd_per_lun: 3, /* max commands per lun */ \ + present: 0, /* number of 1280s present */ \ + unchecked_isa_dma: 0, /* no memeory DMA restrictions */ \ + use_clustering: ENABLE_CLUSTERING \ +} +#else + +#define QLA1280_LINUX_TEMPLATE { \ + next: NULL, \ + module: NULL, \ + proc_dir: NULL, \ + proc_info: qla1280_proc_info, \ + name: "Qlogic ISP 1280\1080", \ + detect: qla1280_detect, \ + release: qla1280_release, \ + info: qla1280_info, \ + ioctl: NULL, \ + command: NULL, \ + queuecommand: qla1280_queuecommand, \ + eh_strategy_handler: NULL, \ + eh_abort_handler: NULL, \ + eh_device_reset_handler: NULL, \ + eh_bus_reset_handler: NULL, \ + eh_host_reset_handler: NULL, \ + abort: qla1280_abort, \ + reset: qla1280_reset, \ + slave_attach: NULL, \ + bios_param: QLA1280_BIOSPARAM, \ + can_queue: 255, /* max simultaneous cmds */\ + this_id: -1, /* scsi id of host adapter */\ + sg_tablesize: SG_ALL, /* max scatter-gather cmds */\ + cmd_per_lun: 3, /* cmds per lun (linked cmds) */\ + present: 0, /* number of 7xxx's present */\ + unchecked_isa_dma: 0, /* no memory DMA restrictions */\ + use_clustering: ENABLE_CLUSTERING, \ + use_new_eh_code: 0, \ + emulated: 0 \ +} +#endif + + +#endif /* _IO_HBA_QLA1280_H */ -- cgit v1.2.3