/* * bootsect.S Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Linus Torvalds * * modified by Drew Eckhardt * modified by Bruce Evans (bde) * modified by Chris Noe (May 1999) (as86 -> gas) * * bootsect is loaded at 0x7c00 by the bios-startup routines, and moves * itself out of the way to address 0x90000, and jumps there. * * bde - should not jump blindly, there may be systems with only 512K low * memory. Use int 0x12 to get the top of memory, etc. * * It then loads 'setup' directly after itself (0x90200), and the system * at 0x10000, using BIOS interrupts. * * NOTE! currently system is at most (8*65536-4096) bytes long. This should * be no problem, even in the future. I want to keep it simple. This 508 kB * kernel size should be enough, especially as this doesn't contain the * buffer cache as in minix (and especially now that the kernel is * compressed :-) * * The loader has been made as simple as possible, and continuous * read errors will result in a unbreakable loop. Reboot by hand. It * loads pretty fast by getting whole tracks at a time whenever possible. */ #include /* for CONFIG_ROOT_RDONLY */ #include SETUPSECS = 4 /* default nr of setup-sectors */ BOOTSEG = 0x07C0 /* original address of boot-sector */ INITSEG = DEF_INITSEG /* we move boot here - out of the way */ SETUPSEG = DEF_SETUPSEG /* setup starts here */ SYSSEG = DEF_SYSSEG /* system loaded at 0x10000 (65536) */ SYSSIZE = DEF_SYSSIZE /* system size: # of 16-byte clicks */ /* to be loaded */ ROOT_DEV = 0 /* ROOT_DEV is now written by "build" */ SWAP_DEV = 0 /* SWAP_DEV is now written by "build" */ #ifndef SVGA_MODE #define SVGA_MODE ASK_VGA #endif #ifndef RAMDISK #define RAMDISK 0 #endif #ifndef CONFIG_ROOT_RDONLY #define CONFIG_ROOT_RDONLY 1 #endif .code16 .text .global _start _start: #if 0 /* hook for debugger, harmless unless BIOS is fussy (old HP) */ int $0x3 #endif movw $BOOTSEG, %ax movw %ax, %ds movw $INITSEG, %ax movw %ax, %es movw $256, %cx subw %si, %si subw %di, %di cld rep movsw ljmp $INITSEG, $go # bde - changed 0xff00 to 0x4000 to use debugger at 0x6400 up (bde). We # wouldn't have to worry about this if we checked the top of memory. Also # my BIOS can be configured to put the wini drive tables in high memory # instead of in the vector table. The old stack might have clobbered the # drive table. go: movw $0x4000-12, %di # 0x4000 is an arbitrary value >= # length of bootsect + length of # setup + room for stack; # 12 is disk parm size. movw %ax, %ds # ax and es already contain INITSEG movw %ax, %ss movw %di, %sp # put stack at INITSEG:0x4000-12. # Many BIOS's default disk parameter tables will not recognize # multi-sector reads beyond the maximum sector number specified # in the default diskette parameter tables - this may mean 7 # sectors in some cases. # # Since single sector reads are slow and out of the question, # we must take care of this by creating new parameter tables # (for the first disk) in RAM. We will set the maximum sector # count to 36 - the most we will encounter on an ED 2.88. # # High doesn't hurt. Low does. # # Segments are as follows: ds = es = ss = cs - INITSEG, fs = 0, # and gs is unused. movw %cx, %fs # set fs to 0 movw $0x78, %bx # fs:bx is parameter table address pushw %ds ldsw %fs:(%bx), %si # ds:si is source movb $6, %cl # copy 12 bytes pushw %di # di = 0x4000-12. rep # don't need cld -> done on line 66 movsw popw %di popw %ds movb $36, 0x4(%di) # patch sector count movw %di, %fs:(%bx) movw %es, %fs:2(%bx) # Load the setup-sectors directly after the bootblock. # Note that 'es' is already set up. # Also, cx = 0 from rep movsw above. load_setup: xorb %ah, %ah # reset FDC xorb %dl, %dl int $0x13 xorw %dx, %dx # drive 0, head 0 movb $0x02, %cl # sector 2, track 0 movw $0x0200, %bx # address = 512, in INITSEG movb $0x02, %ah # service 2, "read sector(s)" movb setup_sects, %al # (assume all on head 0, track 0) int $0x13 # read it jnc ok_load_setup # ok - continue pushw %ax # dump error code call print_nl movw %sp, %bp call print_hex popw %ax jmp load_setup ok_load_setup: # Get disk drive parameters, specifically number of sectors/track. # It seems that there is no BIOS call to get the number of sectors. # Guess 36 sectors if sector 36 can be read, 18 sectors if sector 18 # can be read, 15 if sector 15 can be read. Otherwise guess 9. movw $disksizes, %si # table of sizes to try probe_loop: lodsb cbtw # extend to word movw %ax, sectors cmpw $disksizes+4, %si jae got_sectors # if all else fails, try 9 xchgw %cx, %ax # cx = track and sector xorw %dx, %dx # drive 0, head 0 xorb %bl, %bl movb setup_sects, %bh incb %bh shlb %bh # address after setup (es = cs) movw $0x0201, %ax # service 2, 1 sector int $0x13 jc probe_loop # try next value got_sectors: movw $INITSEG, %ax movw %ax, %es # set up es movb $0x03, %ah # read cursor pos xorb %bh, %bh int $0x10 movw $9, %cx movw $0x0007, %bx # page 0, attribute 7 (normal) movw $msg1, %bp movw $0x1301, %ax # write string, move cursor int $0x10 # tell the user we're loading.. movw $SYSSEG, %ax # ok, we've written the message, now movw %ax, %es # we want to load system (at 0x10000) call read_it call kill_motor call print_nl # After that we check which root-device to use. If the device is # defined (!= 0), nothing is done and the given device is used. # Otherwise, one of /dev/fd0H2880 (2,32) or /dev/PS0 (2,28) or /dev/at0 (2,8) # depending on the number of sectors we pretend to know we have. movw root_dev, %ax orw %ax, %ax jne root_defined movw sectors, %bx movw $0x0208, %ax # /dev/ps0 - 1.2Mb cmpw $15, %bx je root_defined movb $0x1c, %al # /dev/PS0 - 1.44Mb cmpw $18, %bx je root_defined movb $0x20, %al # /dev/fd0H2880 - 2.88Mb cmpw $36, %bx je root_defined movb $0, %al # /dev/fd0 - autodetect root_defined: movw %ax, root_dev # After that (everything loaded), we jump to the setup-routine # loaded directly after the bootblock: ljmp $SETUPSEG, $0 # This routine loads the system at address 0x10000, making sure # no 64kB boundaries are crossed. We try to load it as fast as # possible, loading whole tracks whenever we can. # es = starting address segment (normally 0x1000) sread: .word 0 # sectors read of current track head: .word 0 # current head track: .word 0 # current track read_it: movb setup_sects, %al incb %al movb %al, sread movw %es, %ax testw $0x0fff, %ax die: jne die # es must be at 64kB boundary xorw %bx, %bx # bx is starting address within segment rp_read: #ifdef __BIG_KERNEL__ bootsect_kludge = 0x220 # 0x200 (size of bootsector) + 0x20 (offset lcall bootsect_kludge # of bootsect_kludge in setup.S) #else movw %es, %ax subw $SYSSEG, %ax #endif cmpw syssize, %ax # have we loaded all yet? jbe ok1_read ret ok1_read: movw sectors, %ax subw sread, %ax movw %ax, %cx shlw $9, %cx addw %bx, %cx jnc ok2_read je ok2_read xorw %ax, %ax subw %bx, %ax shrw $9, %ax ok2_read: call read_track movw %ax, %cx addw sread, %ax cmpw sectors, %ax jne ok3_read movw $1, %ax subw head, %ax jne ok4_read incw track ok4_read: movw %ax, head xorw %ax, %ax ok3_read: movw %ax, sread shlw $9, %cx addw %cx, %bx jnc rp_read movw %es, %ax addb $0x10, %ah movw %ax, %es xorw %bx, %bx jmp rp_read read_track: pusha pusha movw $0xe2e, %ax # loading... message 2e = . movw $7, %bx int $0x10 popa movw track, %dx movw sread, %cx incw %cx movb %dl, %ch movw head, %dx movb %dl, %dh andw $0x0100, %dx movb $2, %ah pushw %dx # save for error dump pushw %cx pushw %bx pushw %ax int $0x13 jc bad_rt addw $8, %sp popa ret bad_rt: pushw %ax # save error code call print_all # ah = error, al = read xorb %ah, %ah xorb %dl, %dl int $0x13 addw $10, %sp popa jmp read_track # print_all is for debugging purposes. # # it will print out all of the registers. The assumption is that this is # called from a routine, with a stack frame like # # %dx # %cx # %bx # %ax # (error) # ret <- %sp print_all: movw $5, %cx # error code + 4 registers movw %sp, %bp print_loop: pushw %cx # save count left call print_nl # nl for readability cmpb $5, %cl jae no_reg # see if register name is needed movw $0xe05 + 'A' - 1, %ax subb %cl, %al int $0x10 movb $'X', %al int $0x10 movb $':', %al int $0x10 no_reg: addw $2, %bp # next register call print_hex # print it popw %cx loop print_loop ret print_nl: movw $0xe0d, %ax # CR int $0x10 movb $0xa, %al # LF int $0x10 ret # print_hex is for debugging purposes, and prints the word # pointed to by ss:bp in hexadecimal. print_hex: movw $4, %cx # 4 hex digits movw (%bp), %dx # load word into dx print_digit: rolw $4, %dx # rotate to use low 4 bits movw $0xe0f, %ax # ah = request andb %dl, %al # al = mask for nybble addb $0x90, %al # convert al to ascii hex daa # in only four instructions! adc $0x40, %al daa int $0x10 loop print_digit ret # This procedure turns off the floppy drive motor, so # that we enter the kernel in a known state, and # don't have to worry about it later. kill_motor: movw $0x3f2, %dx xorb %al, %al outb %al, %dx ret sectors: .word 0 disksizes: .byte 36, 18, 15, 9 msg1: .byte 13, 10 .ascii "Loading" # XXX: This is a *very* snug fit. .org 497 setup_sects: .byte SETUPSECS root_flags: .word CONFIG_ROOT_RDONLY syssize: .word SYSSIZE swap_dev: .word SWAP_DEV ram_size: .word RAMDISK vid_mode: .word SVGA_MODE root_dev: .word ROOT_DEV boot_flag: .word 0xAA55