/* net-3-driver for the IBM LAN Adapter/A This is an extension to the Linux operating system, and is covered by the same Gnu Public License that covers that work. Copyright 1999 by Alfred Arnold (alfred@ccac.rwth-aachen.de, aarnold@elsa.de) This driver is based both on the SK_MCA driver, which is itself based on the SK_G16 and 3C523 driver. paper sources: 'PC Hardware: Aufbau, Funktionsweise, Programmierung' by Hans-Peter Messmer for the basic Microchannel stuff 'Linux Geraetetreiber' by Allesandro Rubini, Kalle Dalheimer for help on Ethernet driver programming 'DP83934CVUL-20/25 MHz SONIC-T Ethernet Controller Datasheet' by National Semiconductor for info on the MAC chip 'LAN Technical Reference Ethernet Adapter Interface Version 1 Release 1.0 Document Number SC30-3661-00' by IBM for info on the adapter itself Also see http://www.natsemi.com/ special acknowledgements to: - Bob Eager for helping me out with documentation from IBM - Jim Shorney for his endless patience with me while I was using him as a beta tester to trace down the address filter bug ;-) Missing things: -> set debug level via ioctl instead of compile-time switches -> I didn't follow the development of the 2.1.x kernels, so my assumptions about which things changed with which kernel version are probably nonsense History: Nov 6th, 1999 startup from SK_MCA driver Dec 6th, 1999 finally got docs about the card. A big thank you to Bob Eager! Dec 12th, 1999 first packet received Dec 13th, 1999 recv queue done, tcpdump works Dec 15th, 1999 transmission part works Dec 28th, 1999 added usage of the isa_functions for Linux 2.3 . Things should still work with 2.0.x.... Jan 28th, 2000 in Linux 2.2.13, the version.h file mysteriously didn't get included. Added a workaround for this. Futhermore, it now not only compiles as a modules ;-) Jan 30th, 2000 newer kernels automatically probe more than one board, so the 'startslot' as a variable is also needed here Apr 12th, 2000 the interrupt mask register is not set 'hard' instead of individually setting registers, since this seems to set bits that shouldn't be set May 21st, 2000 reset interrupt status immediately after CAM load add a recovery delay after releasing the chip's reset line May 24th, 2000 finally found the bug in the address filter setup - damned signed chars! June 1st, 2000 corrected version codes, added support for the latest 2.3 changes *************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef MODULE #include #endif #include #include #include #define _IBM_LANA_DRIVER_ #include "ibmlana.h" #undef DEBUG /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * global static data - not more since we can handle multiple boards and * have to pack all state info into the device struct! * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static char *MediaNames[Media_Count] = { "10BaseT", "10Base5", "Unknown", "10Base2" }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * private subfunctions * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #ifdef DEBUG /* dump all registers */ static void dumpregs(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev) { int z; for (z = 0; z < 160; z += 2) { if (!(z & 15)) printk("REGS: %04x:", z); printk(" %04x", inw(dev->base_addr + z)); if ((z & 15) == 14) printk("\n"); } } /* dump parts of shared memory - only needed during debugging */ static void dumpmem(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev, u32 start, u32 len) { int z; printk("Address %04x:\n", start); for (z = 0; z < len; z++) { if ((z & 15) == 0) printk("%04x:", z); printk(" %02x", IBMLANA_READB(dev->mem_start + start + z)); if ((z & 15) == 15) printk("\n"); } if ((z & 15) != 0) printk("\n"); } /* print exact time - ditto */ static void PrTime(void) { struct timeval tv; do_gettimeofday(&tv); printk("%9d:%06d: ", (int) tv.tv_sec, (int) tv.tv_usec); } #endif /* DEBUG */ /* deduce resources out of POS registers */ static void getaddrs(int slot, int *base, int *memlen, int *iobase, int *irq, ibmlana_medium * medium) { u_char pos0, pos1; pos0 = mca_read_stored_pos(slot, 2); pos1 = mca_read_stored_pos(slot, 3); *base = 0xc0000 + ((pos1 & 0xf0) << 9); *memlen = (pos1 & 0x01) ? 0x8000 : 0x4000; *iobase = (pos0 & 0xe0) << 7; switch (pos0 & 0x06) { case 0: *irq = 5; break; case 2: *irq = 15; break; case 4: *irq = 10; break; case 6: *irq = 11; break; } *medium = (pos0 & 0x18) >> 3; } /* wait on register value with mask and timeout */ static int wait_timeout(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev, int regoffs, u16 mask, u16 value, int timeout) { unsigned long fin = jiffies + timeout; while (jiffies != fin) if ((inw(dev->base_addr + regoffs) & mask) == value) return 1; return 0; } /* reset the whole board */ static void ResetBoard(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev) { unsigned char bcmval; /* read original board control value */ bcmval = inb(dev->base_addr + BCMREG); /* set reset bit for a while */ bcmval |= BCMREG_RESET; outb(bcmval, dev->base_addr + BCMREG); udelay(10); bcmval &= ~BCMREG_RESET; outb(bcmval, dev->base_addr + BCMREG); /* switch over to RAM again */ bcmval |= BCMREG_RAMEN | BCMREG_RAMWIN; outb(bcmval, dev->base_addr + BCMREG); } /* calculate RAM layout & set up descriptors in RAM */ static void InitDscrs(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev) { ibmlana_priv *priv = (ibmlana_priv *) dev->priv; u32 addr, baddr, raddr; int z; tda_t tda; rda_t rda; rra_t rra; /* initialize RAM */ IBMLANA_SETIO(dev->mem_start, 0xaa, dev->mem_start - dev->mem_start); /* setup n TX descriptors - independent of RAM size */ priv->tdastart = addr = 0; priv->txbufstart = baddr = sizeof(tda_t) * TXBUFCNT; for (z = 0; z < TXBUFCNT; z++) { tda.status = 0; tda.config = 0; tda.length = 0; tda.fragcount = 1; tda.startlo = baddr; tda.starthi = 0; tda.fraglength = 0; if (z == TXBUFCNT - 1) tda.link = priv->tdastart; else tda.link = addr + sizeof(tda_t); tda.link |= 1; IBMLANA_TOIO(dev->mem_start + addr, &tda, sizeof(tda_t)); addr += sizeof(tda_t); baddr += PKTSIZE; } /* calculate how many receive buffers fit into remaining memory */ priv->rxbufcnt = (dev->mem_end - dev->mem_start - baddr) / (sizeof(rra_t) + sizeof(rda_t) + PKTSIZE); /* calculate receive addresses */ priv->rrastart = raddr = priv->txbufstart + (TXBUFCNT * PKTSIZE); priv->rdastart = addr = priv->rrastart + (priv->rxbufcnt * sizeof(rra_t)); priv->rxbufstart = baddr = priv->rdastart + (priv->rxbufcnt * sizeof(rda_t)); for (z = 0; z < priv->rxbufcnt; z++) { rra.startlo = baddr; rra.starthi = 0; rra.cntlo = PKTSIZE >> 1; rra.cnthi = 0; IBMLANA_TOIO(dev->mem_start + raddr, &rra, sizeof(rra_t)); rda.status = 0; rda.length = 0; rda.startlo = 0; rda.starthi = 0; rda.seqno = 0; if (z < priv->rxbufcnt - 1) rda.link = addr + sizeof(rda_t); else rda.link = 1; rda.inuse = 1; IBMLANA_TOIO(dev->mem_start + addr, &rda, sizeof(rda_t)); baddr += PKTSIZE; raddr += sizeof(rra_t); addr += sizeof(rda_t); } /* initialize current pointers */ priv->nextrxdescr = 0; priv->lastrxdescr = priv->rxbufcnt - 1; priv->nexttxdescr = 0; priv->currtxdescr = 0; priv->txusedcnt = 0; memset(priv->txused, 0, sizeof(priv->txused)); } /* set up Rx + Tx descriptors in SONIC */ static int InitSONIC(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev) { ibmlana_priv *priv = (ibmlana_priv *) dev->priv; /* set up start & end of resource area */ outw(0, SONIC_URRA); outw(priv->rrastart, dev->base_addr + SONIC_RSA); outw(priv->rrastart + (priv->rxbufcnt * sizeof(rra_t)), dev->base_addr + SONIC_REA); outw(priv->rrastart, dev->base_addr + SONIC_RRP); outw(priv->rrastart, dev->base_addr + SONIC_RWP); /* set EOBC so that only one packet goes into one buffer */ outw((PKTSIZE - 4) >> 1, dev->base_addr + SONIC_EOBC); /* let SONIC read the first RRA descriptor */ outw(CMDREG_RRRA, dev->base_addr + SONIC_CMDREG); if (!wait_timeout(dev, SONIC_CMDREG, CMDREG_RRRA, 0, 2)) { printk ("%s: SONIC did not respond on RRRA command - giving up.", dev->name); return 0; } /* point SONIC to the first RDA */ outw(0, dev->base_addr + SONIC_URDA); outw(priv->rdastart, dev->base_addr + SONIC_CRDA); /* set upper half of TDA address */ outw(0, dev->base_addr + SONIC_UTDA); return 1; } /* stop SONIC so we can reinitialize it */ static void StopSONIC(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev) { /* disable interrupts */ outb(inb(dev->base_addr + BCMREG) & (~BCMREG_IEN), dev->base_addr + BCMREG); outb(0, dev->base_addr + SONIC_IMREG); /* reset the SONIC */ outw(CMDREG_RST, dev->base_addr + SONIC_CMDREG); udelay(10); outw(CMDREG_RST, dev->base_addr + SONIC_CMDREG); } /* initialize card and SONIC for proper operation */ static void putcam(camentry_t * cams, int *camcnt, char *addr) { camentry_t *pcam = cams + (*camcnt); u8 *uaddr = (u8 *) addr; pcam->index = *camcnt; pcam->addr0 = (((u16) uaddr[1]) << 8) | uaddr[0]; pcam->addr1 = (((u16) uaddr[3]) << 8) | uaddr[2]; pcam->addr2 = (((u16) uaddr[5]) << 8) | uaddr[4]; (*camcnt)++; } static void InitBoard(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev) { int camcnt; camentry_t cams[16]; u32 cammask; struct dev_mc_list *mcptr; u16 rcrval; /* reset the SONIC */ outw(CMDREG_RST, dev->base_addr + SONIC_CMDREG); udelay(10); /* clear all spurious interrupts */ outw(inw(dev->base_addr + SONIC_ISREG), dev->base_addr + SONIC_ISREG); /* set up the SONIC's bus interface - constant for this adapter - must be done while the SONIC is in reset */ outw(DCREG_USR1 | DCREG_USR0 | DCREG_WC1 | DCREG_DW32, dev->base_addr + SONIC_DCREG); outw(0, dev->base_addr + SONIC_DCREG2); /* remove reset form the SONIC */ outw(0, dev->base_addr + SONIC_CMDREG); udelay(10); /* data sheet requires URRA to be programmed before setting up the CAM contents */ outw(0, dev->base_addr + SONIC_URRA); /* program the CAM entry 0 to the device address */ camcnt = 0; putcam(cams, &camcnt, dev->dev_addr); /* start putting the multicast addresses into the CAM list. Stop if it is full. */ for (mcptr = dev->mc_list; mcptr != NULL; mcptr = mcptr->next) { putcam(cams, &camcnt, mcptr->dmi_addr); if (camcnt == 16) break; } /* calculate CAM mask */ cammask = (1 << camcnt) - 1; /* feed CDA into SONIC, initialize RCR value (always get broadcasts) */ IBMLANA_TOIO(dev->mem_start, cams, sizeof(camentry_t) * camcnt); IBMLANA_TOIO(dev->mem_start + (sizeof(camentry_t) * camcnt), &cammask, sizeof(cammask)); #ifdef DEBUG printk("CAM setup:\n"); dumpmem(dev, 0, sizeof(camentry_t) * camcnt + sizeof(cammask)); #endif outw(0, dev->base_addr + SONIC_CAMPTR); outw(camcnt, dev->base_addr + SONIC_CAMCNT); outw(CMDREG_LCAM, dev->base_addr + SONIC_CMDREG); if (!wait_timeout(dev, SONIC_CMDREG, CMDREG_LCAM, 0, 2)) { printk ("%s:SONIC did not respond on LCAM command - giving up.", dev->name); return; } else { /* clear interrupt condition */ outw(ISREG_LCD, dev->base_addr + SONIC_ISREG); #ifdef DEBUG printk("Loading CAM done, address pointers %04x:%04x\n", inw(dev->base_addr + SONIC_URRA), inw(dev->base_addr + SONIC_CAMPTR)); { int z; printk("\n-->CAM: PTR %04x CNT %04x\n", inw(dev->base_addr + SONIC_CAMPTR), inw(dev->base_addr + SONIC_CAMCNT)); outw(CMDREG_RST, dev->base_addr + SONIC_CMDREG); for (z = 0; z < camcnt; z++) { outw(z, dev->base_addr + SONIC_CAMEPTR); printk("Entry %d: %04x %04x %04x\n", z, inw(dev->base_addr + SONIC_CAMADDR0), inw(dev->base_addr + SONIC_CAMADDR1), inw(dev->base_addr + SONIC_CAMADDR2)); } outw(0, dev->base_addr + SONIC_CMDREG); } #endif } rcrval = RCREG_BRD | RCREG_LB_NONE; /* if still multicast addresses left or ALLMULTI is set, set the multicast enable bit */ if ((dev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) || (mcptr != NULL)) rcrval |= RCREG_AMC; /* promiscous mode ? */ if (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) rcrval |= RCREG_PRO; /* program receive mode */ outw(rcrval, dev->base_addr + SONIC_RCREG); #ifdef DEBUG printk("\nRCRVAL: %04x\n", rcrval); #endif /* set up descriptors in shared memory + feed them into SONIC registers */ InitDscrs(dev); if (!InitSONIC(dev)) return; /* reset all pending interrupts */ outw(0xffff, dev->base_addr + SONIC_ISREG); /* enable transmitter + receiver interrupts */ outw(CMDREG_RXEN, dev->base_addr + SONIC_CMDREG); outw(IMREG_PRXEN | IMREG_RBEEN | IMREG_PTXEN | IMREG_TXEREN, dev->base_addr + SONIC_IMREG); /* turn on card interrupts */ outb(inb(dev->base_addr + BCMREG) | BCMREG_IEN, dev->base_addr + BCMREG); #ifdef DEBUG printk("Register dump after initialization:\n"); dumpregs(dev); #endif } /* start transmission of a descriptor */ static void StartTx(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev, int descr) { ibmlana_priv *priv = (ibmlana_priv *) dev->priv; int addr; addr = priv->tdastart + (descr * sizeof(tda_t)); /* put descriptor address into SONIC */ outw(addr, dev->base_addr + SONIC_CTDA); /* trigger transmitter */ priv->currtxdescr = descr; outw(CMDREG_TXP, dev->base_addr + SONIC_CMDREG); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * interrupt handler(s) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* receive buffer area exhausted */ static void irqrbe_handler(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev) { ibmlana_priv *priv = (ibmlana_priv *) dev->priv; /* point the SONIC back to the RRA start */ outw(priv->rrastart, dev->base_addr + SONIC_RRP); outw(priv->rrastart, dev->base_addr + SONIC_RWP); } /* receive interrupt */ static void irqrx_handler(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev) { ibmlana_priv *priv = (ibmlana_priv *) dev->priv; rda_t rda; u32 rdaaddr, lrdaaddr; /* loop until ... */ while (1) { /* read descriptor that was next to be filled by SONIC */ rdaaddr = priv->rdastart + (priv->nextrxdescr * sizeof(rda_t)); lrdaaddr = priv->rdastart + (priv->lastrxdescr * sizeof(rda_t)); IBMLANA_FROMIO(&rda, dev->mem_start + rdaaddr, sizeof(rda_t)); /* iron out upper word halves of fields we use - SONIC will duplicate bits 0..15 to 16..31 */ rda.status &= 0xffff; rda.length &= 0xffff; rda.startlo &= 0xffff; /* stop if the SONIC still owns it, i.e. there is no data for us */ if (rda.inuse) break; /* good packet? */ else if (rda.status & RCREG_PRX) { struct sk_buff *skb; /* fetch buffer */ skb = dev_alloc_skb(rda.length + 2); if (skb == NULL) priv->stat.rx_dropped++; else { /* copy out data */ IBMLANA_FROMIO(skb_put(skb, rda.length), dev->mem_start + rda.startlo, rda.length); /* set up skb fields */ skb->dev = dev; skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, dev); skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE; /* bookkeeping */ priv->stat.rx_packets++; #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x20119) /* byte counters for kernel >= 2.1.25 */ priv->stat.rx_bytes += rda.length; #endif /* pass to the upper layers */ netif_rx(skb); } } /* otherwise check error status bits and increase statistics */ else { priv->stat.rx_errors++; if (rda.status & RCREG_FAER) priv->stat.rx_frame_errors++; if (rda.status & RCREG_CRCR) priv->stat.rx_crc_errors++; } /* descriptor processed, will become new last descriptor in queue */ rda.link = 1; rda.inuse = 1; IBMLANA_TOIO(dev->mem_start + rdaaddr, &rda, sizeof(rda_t)); /* set up link and EOL = 0 in currently last descriptor. Only write the link field since the SONIC may currently already access the other fields. */ IBMLANA_TOIO(dev->mem_start + lrdaaddr + 20, &rdaaddr, 4); /* advance indices */ priv->lastrxdescr = priv->nextrxdescr; if ((++priv->nextrxdescr) >= priv->rxbufcnt) priv->nextrxdescr = 0; } } /* transmit interrupt */ static void irqtx_handler(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev) { ibmlana_priv *priv = (ibmlana_priv *) dev->priv; tda_t tda; /* fetch descriptor (we forgot the size ;-) */ IBMLANA_FROMIO(&tda, dev->mem_start + priv->tdastart + (priv->currtxdescr * sizeof(tda_t)), sizeof(tda_t)); /* update statistics */ priv->stat.tx_packets++; #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x020119) priv->stat.tx_bytes += tda.length; #endif /* update our pointers */ priv->txused[priv->currtxdescr] = 0; priv->txusedcnt--; /* if there are more descriptors present in RAM, start them */ if (priv->txusedcnt > 0) StartTx(dev, (priv->currtxdescr + 1) % TXBUFCNT); /* tell the upper layer we can go on transmitting */ #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x02032a netif_wake_queue(dev); #else dev->tbusy = 0; mark_bh(NET_BH); #endif } static void irqtxerr_handler(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev) { ibmlana_priv *priv = (ibmlana_priv *) dev->priv; tda_t tda; /* fetch descriptor to check status */ IBMLANA_FROMIO(&tda, dev->mem_start + priv->tdastart + (priv->currtxdescr * sizeof(tda_t)), sizeof(tda_t)); /* update statistics */ priv->stat.tx_errors++; if (tda.status & (TCREG_NCRS | TCREG_CRSL)) priv->stat.tx_carrier_errors++; if (tda.status & TCREG_EXC) priv->stat.tx_aborted_errors++; if (tda.status & TCREG_OWC) priv->stat.tx_window_errors++; if (tda.status & TCREG_FU) priv->stat.tx_fifo_errors++; /* update our pointers */ priv->txused[priv->currtxdescr] = 0; priv->txusedcnt--; /* if there are more descriptors present in RAM, start them */ if (priv->txusedcnt > 0) StartTx(dev, (priv->currtxdescr + 1) % TXBUFCNT); /* tell the upper layer we can go on transmitting */ #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x02032a netif_wake_queue(dev); #else dev->tbusy = 0; mark_bh(NET_BH); #endif } /* general interrupt entry */ static void irq_handler(int irq, void *device, struct pt_regs *regs) { struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev = (struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *) device; u16 ival; /* in case we're not meant... */ if (!(inb(dev->base_addr + BCMREG) & BCMREG_IPEND)) return; #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x02032a) #if 0 set_bit(LINK_STATE_RXSEM, &dev->state); #endif #else dev->interrupt = 1; #endif /* loop through the interrupt bits until everything is clear */ while (1) { ival = inw(dev->base_addr + SONIC_ISREG); if (ival & ISREG_RBE) { irqrbe_handler(dev); outw(ISREG_RBE, dev->base_addr + SONIC_ISREG); } if (ival & ISREG_PKTRX) { irqrx_handler(dev); outw(ISREG_PKTRX, dev->base_addr + SONIC_ISREG); } if (ival & ISREG_TXDN) { irqtx_handler(dev); outw(ISREG_TXDN, dev->base_addr + SONIC_ISREG); } if (ival & ISREG_TXER) { irqtxerr_handler(dev); outw(ISREG_TXER, dev->base_addr + SONIC_ISREG); } break; } #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x02032a) #if 0 clear_bit(LINK_STATE_RXSEM, &dev->state); #endif #else dev->interrupt = 0; #endif } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * driver methods * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* MCA info */ static int ibmlana_getinfo(char *buf, int slot, void *d) { int len = 0, i; struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev = (struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *) d; ibmlana_priv *priv; /* can't say anything about an uninitialized device... */ if (dev == NULL) return len; if (dev->priv == NULL) return len; priv = (ibmlana_priv *) dev->priv; /* print info */ len += sprintf(buf + len, "IRQ: %d\n", priv->realirq); len += sprintf(buf + len, "I/O: %#lx\n", dev->base_addr); len += sprintf(buf + len, "Memory: %#lx-%#lx\n", dev->mem_start, dev->mem_end - 1); len += sprintf(buf + len, "Transceiver: %s\n", MediaNames[priv->medium]); len += sprintf(buf + len, "Device: %s\n", dev->name); len += sprintf(buf + len, "MAC address:"); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) len += sprintf(buf + len, " %02x", dev->dev_addr[i]); buf[len++] = '\n'; buf[len] = 0; return len; } /* open driver. Means also initialization and start of LANCE */ static int ibmlana_open(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev) { int result; ibmlana_priv *priv = (ibmlana_priv *) dev->priv; /* register resources - only necessary for IRQ */ result = request_irq(priv->realirq, irq_handler, SA_SHIRQ | SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM, dev->name, dev); if (result != 0) { printk("%s: failed to register irq %d\n", dev->name, dev->irq); return result; } dev->irq = priv->realirq; /* set up the card and SONIC */ InitBoard(dev); /* initialize operational flags */ #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x02032a) netif_start_queue(dev); #else dev->interrupt = 0; dev->tbusy = 0; dev->start = 1; #endif #ifdef MODULE MOD_INC_USE_COUNT; #endif return 0; } /* close driver. Shut down board and free allocated resources */ static int ibmlana_close(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev) { /* turn off board */ /* release resources */ if (dev->irq != 0) free_irq(dev->irq, dev); dev->irq = 0; #ifdef MODULE MOD_DEC_USE_COUNT; #endif return 0; } /* transmit a block. */ static int ibmlana_tx(struct sk_buff *skb, struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev) { ibmlana_priv *priv = (ibmlana_priv *) dev->priv; int retval = 0, tmplen, addr; unsigned long flags; tda_t tda; int baddr; /* if we get called with a NULL descriptor, the Ethernet layer thinks our card is stuck an we should reset it. We'll do this completely: */ if (skb == NULL) { printk("%s: Resetting SONIC\n", dev->name); StopSONIC(dev); InitBoard(dev); return 0; /* don't try to free the block here ;-) */ } /* find out if there are free slots for a frame to transmit. If not, the upper layer is in deep desperation and we simply ignore the frame. */ if (priv->txusedcnt >= TXBUFCNT) { retval = -EIO; priv->stat.tx_dropped++; goto tx_done; } /* copy the frame data into the next free transmit buffer - fillup missing */ tmplen = skb->len; if (tmplen < 60) tmplen = 60; baddr = priv->txbufstart + (priv->nexttxdescr * PKTSIZE); IBMLANA_TOIO(dev->mem_start + baddr, skb->data, skb->len); /* copy filler into RAM - in case we're filling up... we're filling a bit more than necessary, but that doesn't harm since the buffer is far larger... Sorry Linus for the filler string but I couldn't resist ;-) */ if (tmplen > skb->len) { char *fill = "NetBSD is a nice OS too! "; unsigned int destoffs = skb->len, l = strlen(fill); while (destoffs < tmplen) { IBMLANA_TOIO(dev->mem_start + baddr + destoffs, fill, l); destoffs += l; } } /* set up the new frame descriptor */ addr = priv->tdastart + (priv->nexttxdescr * sizeof(tda_t)); IBMLANA_FROMIO(&tda, dev->mem_start + addr, sizeof(tda_t)); tda.length = tda.fraglength = tmplen; IBMLANA_TOIO(dev->mem_start + addr, &tda, sizeof(tda_t)); /* if there were no active descriptors, trigger the SONIC */ save_flags(flags); cli(); priv->txusedcnt++; priv->txused[priv->nexttxdescr] = 1; /* are all transmission slots used up ? */ if (priv->txusedcnt >= TXBUFCNT) #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x02032a) netif_stop_queue(dev); #else dev->tbusy = 1; #endif if (priv->txusedcnt == 1) StartTx(dev, priv->nexttxdescr); priv->nexttxdescr = (priv->nexttxdescr + 1) % TXBUFCNT; restore_flags(flags); tx_done: /* When did that change exactly ? */ #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x20200) dev_kfree_skb(skb); #else dev_kfree_skb(skb, FREE_WRITE); #endif return retval; } /* return pointer to Ethernet statistics */ static struct net_device_stats *ibmlana_stats(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev) { ibmlana_priv *priv = (ibmlana_priv *) dev->priv; return &(priv->stat); } /* we don't support runtime reconfiguration, since am MCA card can be unambigously identified by its POS registers. */ static int ibmlana_config(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev, struct ifmap *map) { return 0; } /* switch receiver mode. */ static void ibmlana_set_multicast_list(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev) { /* first stop the SONIC... */ StopSONIC(dev); /* ...then reinit it with the new flags */ InitBoard(dev); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * hardware check * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static int startslot; /* counts through slots when probing multiple devices */ int ibmlana_probe(struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev) { int force_detect = 0; int slot, z; int base = 0, irq = 0, iobase = 0, memlen = 0; ibmlana_priv *priv; ibmlana_medium medium; /* can't work without an MCA bus ;-) */ if (MCA_bus == 0) return -ENODEV; /* start address of 1 --> forced detection */ if (dev->mem_start == 1) force_detect = 1; /* search through slots */ if (dev != NULL) { base = dev->mem_start; irq = dev->irq; } slot = mca_find_adapter(IBM_LANA_ID, startslot); while (slot != -1) { /* deduce card addresses */ getaddrs(slot, &base, &memlen, &iobase, &irq, &medium); #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x20300) /* slot already in use ? */ if (mca_is_adapter_used(slot)) { slot = mca_find_adapter(IBM_LANA_ID, slot + 1); continue; } #endif /* were we looking for something different ? */ if ((dev->irq != 0) || (dev->mem_start != 0)) { if ((dev->irq != 0) && (dev->irq != irq)) { slot = mca_find_adapter(IBM_LANA_ID, slot + 1); continue; } if ((dev->mem_start != 0) && (dev->mem_start != base)) { slot = mca_find_adapter(IBM_LANA_ID, slot + 1); continue; } } /* found something that matches */ break; } /* nothing found ? */ if (slot == -1) return ((base != 0) || (irq != 0)) ? -ENXIO : -ENODEV; /* announce success */ printk("%s: IBM LAN Adapter/A found in slot %d\n", dev->name, slot + 1); /* try to obtain I/O range */ if (!request_region(iobase, IBM_LANA_IORANGE, dev->name)) { printk("%s: cannot allocate I/O range at %#x!\n", dev->name, iobase); startslot = slot + 1; return -EBUSY; } /* make procfs entries */ mca_set_adapter_name(slot, "IBM LAN Adapter/A"); mca_set_adapter_procfn(slot, (MCA_ProcFn) ibmlana_getinfo, dev); #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x20200) mca_mark_as_used(slot); #endif /* allocate structure */ priv = dev->priv = (ibmlana_priv *) kmalloc(sizeof(ibmlana_priv), GFP_KERNEL); if (!priv) { release_region(iobase, IBM_LANA_IORANGE); return -ENOMEM; } priv->slot = slot; priv->realirq = irq; priv->medium = medium; memset(&(priv->stat), 0, sizeof(struct net_device_stats)); /* set base + irq for this device (irq not allocated so far) */ dev->irq = 0; dev->mem_start = base; dev->mem_end = base + memlen; dev->base_addr = iobase; /* set methods */ dev->open = ibmlana_open; dev->stop = ibmlana_close; dev->set_config = ibmlana_config; dev->hard_start_xmit = ibmlana_tx; dev->do_ioctl = NULL; dev->get_stats = ibmlana_stats; dev->set_multicast_list = ibmlana_set_multicast_list; dev->flags |= IFF_MULTICAST; /* generic setup */ ether_setup(dev); /* copy out MAC address */ for (z = 0; z < sizeof(dev->dev_addr); z++) dev->dev_addr[z] = inb(dev->base_addr + MACADDRPROM + z); /* print config */ printk("%s: IRQ %d, I/O %#lx, memory %#lx-%#lx, " "MAC address %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x.\n", dev->name, priv->realirq, dev->base_addr, dev->mem_start, dev->mem_end - 1, dev->dev_addr[0], dev->dev_addr[1], dev->dev_addr[2], dev->dev_addr[3], dev->dev_addr[4], dev->dev_addr[5]); printk("%s: %s medium\n", dev->name, MediaNames[priv->medium]); /* reset board */ ResetBoard(dev); /* next probe will start at next slot */ startslot = slot + 1; return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * modularization support * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #ifdef MODULE #define DEVMAX 5 static struct IBMLANA_NETDEV moddevs[DEVMAX] = { { init: ibmlana_probe }, { init: ibmlana_probe }, { init: ibmlana_probe }, { init: ibmlana_probe }, { init: ibmlana_probe } }; int irq = 0; int io = 0; int init_module(void) { int z, res; startslot = 0; for (z = 0; z < DEVMAX; z++) { strcpy(moddevs[z].name, " "); res = register_netdev(moddevs + z); if (res != 0) return (z > 0) ? 0 : -EIO; } return 0; } void cleanup_module(void) { struct IBMLANA_NETDEV *dev; ibmlana_priv *priv; int z; if (MOD_IN_USE) { printk("cannot unload, module in use\n"); return; } for (z = 0; z < DEVMAX; z++) { dev = moddevs + z; if (dev->priv != NULL) { priv = (ibmlana_priv *) dev->priv; /*DeinitBoard(dev); */ if (dev->irq != 0) free_irq(dev->irq, dev); dev->irq = 0; release_region(dev->base_addr, IBM_LANA_IORANGE); unregister_netdev(dev); #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x20200) mca_mark_as_unused(priv->slot); #endif mca_set_adapter_name(priv->slot, ""); mca_set_adapter_procfn(priv->slot, NULL, NULL); kfree(dev->priv); dev->priv = NULL; } } } #endif /* MODULE */