/************************************************************************* * QLOGIC LINUX SOFTWARE * * QLogic ISP1x80/1x160 device driver for Linux 2.3.x (redhat 6.x). * * COPYRIGHT (C) 1996-2000 QLOGIC CORPORATION * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Qlogic's Linux Software License. * * This program is WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistribution's or source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer, * without modification, immediately at the beginning of the file. * 2. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * *****************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************* QLOGIC CORPORATION SOFTWARE "GNU" GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION This GNU General Public License ("License") applies solely to QLogic Linux Software ("Software") and may be distributed under the terms of this License. 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Software's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Software a copy of this License along with the Software. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Software or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Software, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: * a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. * b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Software or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. * c) If the modified Software normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the Software under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception:if the Software itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Software is not required to print an announcement.) These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Software, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Software, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. 3. You may copy and distribute the Software (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: * a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, * b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, * c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the Software in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Software except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Software is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 5. This license grants you world wide, royalty free non-exclusive rights to modify or distribute the Software or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Software (or any work based on the Software), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Software or works based on it. 6. Each time you redistribute the Software (or any work based on the Software), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Software subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License. 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Software at all. If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. NO WARRANTY 11. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED WITHOUT A WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARES), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS *************************************************************************************/ #ifndef _IO_HBA_QLA1280_H /* wrapper symbol for kernel use */ #define _IO_HBA_QLA1280_H /* subject to change without notice */ #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif #include /* * Enable define statement to ignore Data Underrun Errors, * remove define statement to enable detection. */ /* #define DATA_UNDERRUN_ERROR_DISABLE */ /* * Driver debug definitions. */ /* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_1 */ /* Output register accesses to COM2. */ /* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_2 */ /* Output error msgs to COM2. */ /* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_3 */ /* Output function trace msgs to COM2. */ /* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_4 */ /* Output NVRAM trace msgs to COM2. */ /* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_5 */ /* Output ring trace msgs to COM2. */ /* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_6 */ /* Output WATCHDOG timer trace to COM2. */ /* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_7 */ /* Output RISC load trace msgs to COM2. */ #define QL_DEBUG_CONSOLE /* Output to console instead of COM2. */ #ifndef TRUE # define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE # define FALSE 0 #endif #ifndef KERNEL_VERSION # define KERNEL_VERSION(x,y,z) (((x)<<16)+((y)<<8)+(z)) #endif #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE <= KERNEL_VERSION(2,1,92) # if defined(__sparc_v9__) || defined(__powerpc__) # error "PPC and Sparc platforms are only support under 2.1.92 and above" # endif #endif /* * Locking */ #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(2,1,0) # include # include # define cpuid smp_processor_id() # if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,1,95) # define DRIVER_LOCK_INIT \ spin_lock_init(&ha->spin_lock); # define DRIVER_LOCK \ if(!ha->cpu_lock_count[cpuid]) { \ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->spin_lock, cpu_flags); \ ha->cpu_lock_count[cpuid]++; \ } else { \ ha->cpu_lock_count[cpuid]++; \ } # define DRIVER_UNLOCK \ if(--ha->cpu_lock_count[cpuid] == 0) \ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->spin_lock, cpu_flags); # else # define DRIVER_LOCK_INIT # define DRIVER_LOCK # define DRIVER_UNLOCK # endif #else # define cpuid 0 # define DRIVER_LOCK_INIT # define DRIVER_LOCK \ save_flags(cpu_flags); \ cli(); # define DRIVER_UNLOCK \ restore_flags(cpu_flags); # define le32_to_cpu(x) (x) # define cpu_to_le32(x) (x) #endif /* * Data bit definitions. */ #define BIT_0 0x1 #define BIT_1 0x2 #define BIT_2 0x4 #define BIT_3 0x8 #define BIT_4 0x10 #define BIT_5 0x20 #define BIT_6 0x40 #define BIT_7 0x80 #define BIT_8 0x100 #define BIT_9 0x200 #define BIT_10 0x400 #define BIT_11 0x800 #define BIT_12 0x1000 #define BIT_13 0x2000 #define BIT_14 0x4000 #define BIT_15 0x8000 #define BIT_16 0x10000 #define BIT_17 0x20000 #define BIT_18 0x40000 #define BIT_19 0x80000 #define BIT_20 0x100000 #define BIT_21 0x200000 #define BIT_22 0x400000 #define BIT_23 0x800000 #define BIT_24 0x1000000 #define BIT_25 0x2000000 #define BIT_26 0x4000000 #define BIT_27 0x8000000 #define BIT_28 0x10000000 #define BIT_29 0x20000000 #define BIT_30 0x40000000 #define BIT_31 0x80000000 /* * Common size type definitions */ #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,1,0) typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef unsigned short uint16_t; typedef unsigned long uint32_t; typedef char int8_t; typedef short int16_t; typedef long int32_t; #endif /* * Local Macro Definitions. */ #if defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_1) || defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_2) || \ defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_3) || defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_4) || \ defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_5) || defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_6) || \ defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_7) #define QL_DEBUG_ROUTINES #endif /* * I/O port macros */ #define LINUX_IOPORTS /* Linux in/out routines are define*/ /* differently from other OSs */ /* #define MEMORY_MAPPED_IO */ /* Enable memory mapped I/O */ #undef MEMORY_MAPPED_IO /* Disable memory mapped I/O */ #ifdef QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_1 #define RD_REG_BYTE(addr) qla1280_getbyte((uint8_t *)addr) #define RD_REG_WORD(addr) qla1280_getword((uint16_t *)addr) #define RD_REG_DWORD(addr) qla1280_getdword((uint32_t *)addr) #define WRT_REG_BYTE(addr, data) qla1280_putbyte((uint8_t *)addr, data) #define WRT_REG_WORD(addr, data) qla1280_putword((uint16_t *)addr, data) #define WRT_REG_DWORD(addr, data) qla1280_putdword((uint32_t *)addr, data) #else /* QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_1 */ #ifdef MEMORY_MAPPED_IO #define RD_REG_BYTE(addr) readb((unsigned long) (addr) #define RD_REG_WORD(addr) readw((unsigned long) (addr) #define RD_REG_DWORD(addr) readl((unsigned long) (addr) #define WRT_REG_BYTE(addr, data) writeb((data), (unsigned long) (addr)) #define WRT_REG_WORD(addr, data) writew((data), (unsigned long) (addr)) #define WRT_REG_DWORD(addr, data) writel((data), (unsigned long) (addr)) #else /* MEMORY_MAPPED_IO */ #define RD_REG_BYTE(addr) (inb((unsigned long)addr)) #define RD_REG_WORD(addr) (inw((unsigned long)addr)) #define RD_REG_DWORD(addr) (inl((unsigned long)addr)) #ifdef LINUX_IOPORTS /* Parameters are reversed in Linux */ #define WRT_REG_BYTE(addr, data) (outb(data,(unsigned long)addr)) #define WRT_REG_WORD(addr, data) (outw(data,(unsigned long)addr)) #define WRT_REG_DWORD(addr, data) (outl(data,(unsigned long)addr)) #else #define WRT_REG_BYTE(addr, data) (outb((unsigned long)addr, data)) #define WRT_REG_WORD(addr, data) (outw((unsigned long)addr, data)) #define WRT_REG_DWORD(addr, data) (outl((unsigned long)addr, data)) #endif #endif /* MEMORY_MAPPED_IO */ #endif /* QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_1 */ /* * Host adapter default definitions. */ #define MAX_BUSES 2 /* 2 */ #define MAX_B_BITS 1 #define MAX_TARGETS 16 /* 16 */ #define MAX_T_BITS 4 /* 4 */ #define MAX_LUNS 8 /* 32 */ #define MAX_L_BITS 3 /* 5 */ /* * Watchdog time quantum */ #define QLA1280_WDG_TIME_QUANTUM 5 /* In seconds */ /* Command retry count (0-65535) */ #define COMMAND_RETRY_COUNT 255 /* Maximum outstanding commands in ISP queues (1-65535) */ #define MAX_OUTSTANDING_COMMANDS 512 /* ISP request and response entry counts (37-65535) */ #define REQUEST_ENTRY_CNT 256 /* Number of request entries. */ #define RESPONSE_ENTRY_CNT 16 /* Number of response entries. */ /* Maximum equipage per controller */ #define MAX_EQ (MAX_BUSES * MAX_TARGETS * MAX_LUNS) /* Number of segments 1 - 65535 */ #define SG_SEGMENTS 32 /* Cmd entry + 6 continuations */ typedef struct timer_list timer_t; /* timer */ /* * SCSI Request Block structure */ typedef struct srb { Scsi_Cmnd *cmd; /* (4) SCSI command block */ struct srb *s_next; /* (4) Next block on LU queue */ struct srb *s_prev; /* (4) Previous block on LU queue */ uint8_t flags; /* (1) Status flags. */ uint8_t dir; /* direction of transfer */ uint8_t unused[2]; u_long r_start; /* jiffies at start of request */ u_long u_start; /* jiffies when sent to F/W */ }srb_t; /* * SRB flag definitions */ #define SRB_TIMEOUT BIT_0 /* Command timed out */ #define SRB_SENT BIT_1 /* Command sent to ISP */ #define SRB_ABORT_PENDING BIT_2 /* Command abort sent to device */ #define SRB_ABORTED BIT_3 /* Command aborted command already */ /* * Logical Unit Queue structure */ typedef struct scsi_lu { srb_t *q_first; /* First block on LU queue */ srb_t *q_last; /* Last block on LU queue */ uint8_t q_flag; /* LU queue state flags */ uint8_t q_sense[16]; /* sense data */ u_long io_cnt; /* total xfer count */ u_long resp_time; /* total response time (start - finish) */ u_long act_time; /* total actived time (minus queuing time) */ u_long w_cnt; /* total writes */ u_long r_cnt; /* total reads */ uint16_t q_outcnt; /* Pending jobs for this LU */ #if QL1280_TARGET_MODE_SUPPORT void (*q_func)(); /* Target driver event handler */ int32_t q_param; /* Target driver event param */ uint8_t q_lock; /* Device Queue Lock */ #endif }scsi_lu_t; /* * Logical Unit flags */ #define QLA1280_QBUSY BIT_0 #define QLA1280_QWAIT BIT_1 #define QLA1280_QSUSP BIT_2 #define QLA1280_QSENSE BIT_3 /* Sense data cache valid */ #define QLA1280_QRESET BIT_4 #define QLA1280_QHBA BIT_5 #define QLA1280_BSUSP BIT_6 /* controller is suspended */ #define QLA1280_BREM BIT_7 /* controller is removed */ /* * ISP PCI Configuration Register Set */ typedef volatile struct { uint16_t vendor_id; /* 0x0 */ uint16_t device_id; /* 0x2 */ uint16_t command; /* 0x4 */ uint16_t status; /* 0x6 */ uint8_t revision_id; /* 0x8 */ uint8_t programming_interface; /* 0x9 */ uint8_t sub_class; /* 0xa */ uint8_t base_class; /* 0xb */ uint8_t cache_line; /* 0xc */ uint8_t latency_timer; /* 0xd */ uint8_t header_type; /* 0xe */ uint8_t bist; /* 0xf */ uint32_t base_port; /* 0x10 */ uint32_t mem_base_addr; /* 0x14 */ uint32_t base_addr[4]; /* 0x18-0x24 */ uint32_t reserved_1[2]; /* 0x28-0x2c */ uint16_t expansion_rom; /* 0x30 */ uint32_t reserved_2[2]; /* 0x34-0x38 */ uint8_t interrupt_line; /* 0x3c */ uint8_t interrupt_pin; /* 0x3d */ uint8_t min_grant; /* 0x3e */ uint8_t max_latency; /* 0x3f */ }config_reg_t; /* * ISP I/O Register Set structure definitions. */ typedef volatile struct { uint16_t id_l; /* ID low */ uint16_t id_h; /* ID high */ uint16_t cfg_0; /* Configuration 0 */ uint16_t cfg_1; /* Configuration 1 */ uint16_t ictrl; /* Interface control */ #define ISP_RESET BIT_0 /* ISP soft reset */ #define ISP_EN_INT BIT_1 /* ISP enable interrupts. */ #define ISP_EN_RISC BIT_2 /* ISP enable RISC interrupts. */ uint16_t istatus; /* Interface status */ #define PCI_64BIT_SLOT BIT_14 /* PCI 64-bit slot indicator. */ #define RISC_INT BIT_2 /* RISC interrupt */ #define PCI_INT BIT_1 /* PCI interrupt */ uint16_t semaphore; /* Semaphore */ uint16_t nvram; /* NVRAM register. */ #define NV_DESELECT 0 #define NV_CLOCK BIT_0 #define NV_SELECT BIT_1 #define NV_DATA_OUT BIT_2 #define NV_DATA_IN BIT_3 uint16_t flash_data; /* Flash BIOS data */ uint16_t flash_address; /* Flash BIOS address */ uint16_t unused_1[0x2e]; /* 0x14-0x6f Gap */ uint16_t mailbox0; /* Mailbox 0 */ uint16_t mailbox1; /* Mailbox 1 */ uint16_t mailbox2; /* Mailbox 2 */ uint16_t mailbox3; /* Mailbox 3 */ uint16_t mailbox4; /* Mailbox 4 */ uint16_t mailbox5; /* Mailbox 5 */ uint16_t mailbox6; /* Mailbox 6 */ uint16_t mailbox7; /* Mailbox 7 */ uint16_t unused_2[0x20]; /* 0x80-0xbf Gap */ uint16_t host_cmd; /* Host command and control */ #define HOST_INT BIT_7 /* host interrupt bit */ #define BIOS_ENABLE BIT_0 uint16_t unused_6[0x5]; /* 0xc2-0xcb Gap */ uint16_t gpio_data; uint16_t gpio_enable; uint16_t unused_7[0x11]; /* d0-f0 */ uint16_t scsiControlPins; /* f2 */ }device_reg_t; #define MAILBOX_REGISTER_COUNT 8 /* * ISP product identification definitions in mailboxes after reset. */ #define PROD_ID_1 0x4953 #define PROD_ID_2 0x0000 #define PROD_ID_2a 0x5020 #define PROD_ID_3 0x2020 #define PROD_ID_4 0x1 /* * ISP host command and control register command definitions */ #define HC_RESET_RISC 0x1000 /* Reset RISC */ #define HC_PAUSE_RISC 0x2000 /* Pause RISC */ #define HC_RELEASE_RISC 0x3000 /* Release RISC from reset. */ #define HC_SET_HOST_INT 0x5000 /* Set host interrupt */ #define HC_CLR_HOST_INT 0x6000 /* Clear HOST interrupt */ #define HC_CLR_RISC_INT 0x7000 /* Clear RISC interrupt */ #define HC_DISABLE_BIOS 0x9000 /* Disable BIOS. */ /* * ISP mailbox Self-Test status codes */ #define MBS_FRM_ALIVE 0 /* Firmware Alive. */ #define MBS_CHKSUM_ERR 1 /* Checksum Error. */ #define MBS_SHADOW_LD_ERR 2 /* Shadow Load Error. */ #define MBS_BUSY 4 /* Busy. */ /* * ISP mailbox command complete status codes */ #define MBS_CMD_CMP 0x4000 /* Command Complete. */ #define MBS_INV_CMD 0x4001 /* Invalid Command. */ #define MBS_HOST_INF_ERR 0x4002 /* Host Interface Error. */ #define MBS_TEST_FAILED 0x4003 /* Test Failed. */ #define MBS_CMD_ERR 0x4005 /* Command Error. */ #define MBS_CMD_PARAM_ERR 0x4006 /* Command Parameter Error. */ /* * ISP mailbox asynchronous event status codes */ #define MBA_ASYNC_EVENT 0x8000 /* Asynchronous event. */ #define MBA_BUS_RESET 0x8001 /* SCSI Bus Reset. */ #define MBA_SYSTEM_ERR 0x8002 /* System Error. */ #define MBA_REQ_TRANSFER_ERR 0x8003 /* Request Transfer Error. */ #define MBA_RSP_TRANSFER_ERR 0x8004 /* Response Transfer Error. */ #define MBA_WAKEUP_THRES 0x8005 /* Request Queue Wake-up. */ #define MBA_TIMEOUT_RESET 0x8006 /* Execution Timeout Reset. */ #define MBA_DEVICE_RESET 0x8007 /* Bus Device Reset. */ #define MBA_BUS_MODE_CHANGE 0x800E /* SCSI bus mode transition. */ #define MBA_SCSI_COMPLETION 0x8020 /* Completion response. */ /* * ISP mailbox commands */ #define MBC_NOP 0 /* No Operation. */ #define MBC_LOAD_RAM 1 /* Load RAM. */ #define MBC_EXECUTE_FIRMWARE 2 /* Execute firmware. */ #define MBC_WRITE_RAM_WORD 4 /* Write ram word. */ #define MBC_READ_RAM_WORD 5 /* Read ram word. */ #define MBC_MAILBOX_REGISTER_TEST 6 /* Wrap incoming mailboxes */ #define MBC_VERIFY_CHECKSUM 7 /* Verify checksum. */ #define MBC_ABOUT_FIRMWARE 8 /* Get firmware revision. */ #define MBC_INIT_REQUEST_QUEUE 0x10 /* Initialize request queue. */ #define MBC_INIT_RESPONSE_QUEUE 0x11 /* Initialize response queue. */ #define MBC_EXECUTE_IOCB 0x12 /* Execute IOCB command. */ #define MBC_ABORT_COMMAND 0x15 /* Abort IOCB command. */ #define MBC_ABORT_DEVICE 0x16 /* Abort device (ID/LUN). */ #define MBC_ABORT_TARGET 0x17 /* Abort target (ID). */ #define MBC_BUS_RESET 0x18 /* SCSI bus reset. */ #define MBC_GET_RETRY_COUNT 0x22 /* Get retry count and delay. */ #define MBC_GET_TARGET_PARAMETERS 0x28 /* Get target parameters. */ #define MBC_SET_INITIATOR_ID 0x30 /* Set initiator SCSI ID. */ #define MBC_SET_SELECTION_TIMEOUT 0x31 /* Set selection timeout. */ #define MBC_SET_RETRY_COUNT 0x32 /* Set retry count and delay. */ #define MBC_SET_TAG_AGE_LIMIT 0x33 /* Set tag age limit. */ #define MBC_SET_CLOCK_RATE 0x34 /* Set clock rate. */ #define MBC_SET_ACTIVE_NEGATION 0x35 /* Set active negation state. */ #define MBC_SET_ASYNC_DATA_SETUP 0x36 /* Set async data setup time. */ #define MBC_SET_PCI_CONTROL 0x37 /* Set BUS control parameters. */ #define MBC_SET_TARGET_PARAMETERS 0x38 /* Set target parameters. */ #define MBC_SET_DEVICE_QUEUE 0x39 /* Set device queue parameters */ #define MBC_SET_SYSTEM_PARAMETER 0x45 /* Set system parameter word. */ #define MBC_SET_FIRMWARE_FEATURES 0x4A /* Set firmware feature word. */ #define MBC_INIT_REQUEST_QUEUE_A64 0x52 /* Initialize request queue A64 */ #define MBC_INIT_RESPONSE_QUEUE_A64 0x53 /* Initialize response q A64. */ #define MBC_ENABLE_TARGET_MODE 0x55 /* Enable target mode. */ /* * ISP Get/Set Target Parameters mailbox command control flags. */ #define TP_RENEGOTIATE BIT_8 /* Renegotiate on error. */ #define TP_STOP_QUEUE BIT_9 /* Stop que on check condition */ #define TP_AUTO_REQUEST_SENSE BIT_10 /* Automatic request sense. */ #define TP_TAGGED_QUEUE BIT_11 /* Tagged queuing. */ #define TP_SYNC BIT_12 /* Synchronous data transfers. */ #define TP_WIDE BIT_13 /* Wide data transfers. */ #define TP_PARITY BIT_14 /* Parity checking. */ #define TP_DISCONNECT BIT_15 /* Disconnect privilege. */ /* * NVRAM Command values. */ #define NV_START_BIT BIT_2 #define NV_WRITE_OP (BIT_26+BIT_24) #define NV_READ_OP (BIT_26+BIT_25) #define NV_ERASE_OP (BIT_26+BIT_25+BIT_24) #define NV_MASK_OP (BIT_26+BIT_25+BIT_24) #define NV_DELAY_COUNT 10 /* * QLogic ISP1280 NVRAM structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t id[4]; /* 0, 1, 2, 3 */ uint8_t version; /* 4 */ struct { uint8_t bios_configuration_mode :2; uint8_t bios_disable :1; uint8_t selectable_scsi_boot_enable :1; uint8_t cd_rom_boot_enable :1; uint8_t disable_loading_risc_code :1; uint8_t enable_64bit_addressing :1; uint8_t unused_7 :1; }cntr_flags_1; /* 5 */ struct { uint8_t boot_lun_number :5; uint8_t scsi_bus_number :1; uint8_t unused_6 :1; uint8_t unused_7 :1; uint8_t boot_target_number :4; uint8_t unused_12 :1; uint8_t unused_13 :1; uint8_t unused_14 :1; uint8_t unused_15 :1; }cntr_flags_2; /* 6, 7 */ uint16_t unused_8; /* 8, 9 */ uint16_t unused_10; /* 10, 11 */ uint16_t unused_12; /* 12, 13 */ uint16_t unused_14; /* 14, 15 */ union { uint8_t c; struct { uint8_t reserved :2; uint8_t burst_enable :1; uint8_t reserved_1 :1; uint8_t fifo_threshold :4; }f; }isp_config; /* 16 */ /* Termination * 0 = Disable, 1 = high only, 3 = Auto term */ union { uint8_t c; struct { uint8_t scsi_bus_1_control :2; uint8_t scsi_bus_0_control :2; uint8_t unused_0 :1; uint8_t unused_1 :1; uint8_t unused_2 :1; uint8_t auto_term_support :1; }f; }termination; /* 17 */ uint16_t isp_parameter; /* 18, 19 */ union { uint16_t w; struct { uint8_t enable_fast_posting :1; uint8_t report_lvd_bus_transition :1; uint8_t unused_2 :1; uint8_t unused_3 :1; uint8_t unused_4 :1; uint8_t unused_5 :1; uint8_t unused_6 :1; uint8_t unused_7 :1; uint8_t unused_8 :1; uint8_t unused_9 :1; uint8_t unused_10 :1; uint8_t unused_11 :1; uint8_t unused_12 :1; uint8_t unused_13 :1; uint8_t unused_14 :1; uint8_t unused_15 :1; }f; }firmware_feature; /* 20, 21 */ uint16_t unused_22; /* 22, 23 */ struct { struct { uint8_t initiator_id :4; uint8_t scsi_reset_disable :1; uint8_t scsi_bus_size :1; uint8_t scsi_bus_type :1; uint8_t unused_7 :1; }config_1; /* 24 */ uint8_t bus_reset_delay; /* 25 */ uint8_t retry_count; /* 26 */ uint8_t retry_delay; /* 27 */ struct { uint8_t async_data_setup_time :4; uint8_t req_ack_active_negation :1; uint8_t data_line_active_negation :1; uint8_t unused_6 :1; uint8_t unused_7 :1; }config_2; /* 28 */ uint8_t unused_29; /* 29 */ uint16_t selection_timeout; /* 30, 31 */ uint16_t max_queue_depth; /* 32, 33 */ uint16_t unused_34; /* 34, 35 */ uint16_t unused_36; /* 36, 37 */ uint16_t unused_38; /* 38, 39 */ struct { union { uint8_t c; struct { uint8_t renegotiate_on_error :1; uint8_t stop_queue_on_check :1; uint8_t auto_request_sense :1; uint8_t tag_queuing :1; uint8_t sync_data_transfers :1; uint8_t wide_data_transfers :1; uint8_t parity_checking :1; uint8_t disconnect_allowed :1; }f; }parameter; /* 40 */ uint8_t execution_throttle; /* 41 */ uint8_t sync_period; /* 42 */ struct { uint8_t sync_offset :4; uint8_t device_enable :1; uint8_t lun_disable :1; uint8_t unused_6 :1; uint8_t unused_7 :1; }flags; /* 43 */ uint16_t unused_44; /* 44, 45 */ }target[MAX_TARGETS]; }bus[MAX_BUSES]; uint16_t unused_248; /* 248, 249 */ uint16_t subsystem_id[2]; /* 250, 251, 252, 253 */ uint8_t unused_254; /* 254 */ uint8_t chksum; /* 255 */ }nvram_t; /* * QLogic ISP12160 NVRAM structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t id[4]; /* 0, 1, 2, 3 */ uint8_t version; /* 4 */ /* Host/Bios Flags */ struct { uint8_t bios_configuration_mode :2; uint8_t bios_disable :1; uint8_t selectable_scsi_boot_enable :1; uint8_t cd_rom_boot_enable :1; uint8_t disable_loading_risc_code :1; uint8_t unused_6 :1; uint8_t unused_7 :1; }cntr_flags_1; /* 5 */ /* Selectable Boot Support */ struct { uint8_t boot_lun_number :5; uint8_t scsi_bus_number :1; uint8_t unused_6 :1; uint8_t unused_7 :1; uint8_t boot_target_number :4; uint8_t unused_12 :1; uint8_t unused_13 :1; uint8_t unused_14 :1; uint8_t unused_15 :1; }cntr_flags_2; /* 6, 7 */ uint16_t unused_8; /* 8, 9 */ uint16_t unused_10; /* 10, 11 */ uint16_t unused_12; /* 12, 13 */ uint16_t unused_14; /* 14, 15 */ /* ISP Config Parameters */ union { uint8_t c; struct { uint8_t reserved :2; uint8_t burst_enable :1; uint8_t reserved_1 :1; uint8_t fifo_threshold :4; }f; }isp_config; /* 16 */ /* Termination * 0 = Disable, 1 = high only, 3 = Auto term */ union { uint8_t c; struct { uint8_t scsi_bus_1_control :2; uint8_t scsi_bus_0_control :2; uint8_t unused_0 :1; uint8_t unused_1 :1; uint8_t unused_2 :1; uint8_t auto_term_support :1; }f; }termination; /* 17 */ /* Auto Term - 3 */ /* High Only - 1 (GPIO2 = 1 & GPIO3 = 0) */ /* Disable - 0 (GPIO2 = 0 & GPIO3 = X) */ uint16_t isp_parameter; /* 18, 19 */ union { uint16_t w; struct { uint8_t enable_fast_posting :1; uint8_t report_lvd_bus_transition :1; uint8_t unused_2 :1; uint8_t unused_3 :1; uint8_t unused_4 :1; uint8_t unused_5 :1; uint8_t unused_6 :1; uint8_t unused_7 :1; uint8_t unused_8 :1; uint8_t unused_9 :1; uint8_t unused_10 :1; uint8_t unused_11 :1; uint8_t unused_12 :1; uint8_t unused_13 :1; uint8_t unused_14 :1; uint8_t unused_15 :1; }f; }firmware_feature; /* 20, 21 */ uint16_t unused_22; /* 22, 23 */ struct { struct { uint8_t initiator_id :4; uint8_t scsi_reset_disable :1; uint8_t scsi_bus_size :1; uint8_t scsi_bus_type :1; uint8_t unused_7 :1; }config_1; /* 24 */ uint8_t bus_reset_delay; /* 25 */ uint8_t retry_count; /* 26 */ uint8_t retry_delay; /* 27 */ /* Adapter Capabilities bits */ struct { uint8_t async_data_setup_time :4; uint8_t req_ack_active_negation :1; uint8_t data_line_active_negation :1; uint8_t unused_6 :1; uint8_t unused_7 :1; }config_2; /* 28 */ uint8_t unused_29; /* 29 */ uint16_t selection_timeout; /* 30, 31 */ uint16_t max_queue_depth; /* 32, 33 */ uint16_t unused_34; /* 34, 35 */ uint16_t unused_36; /* 36, 37 */ uint16_t unused_38; /* 38, 39 */ struct { union { uint8_t c; struct { uint8_t renegotiate_on_error :1; uint8_t stop_queue_on_check :1; uint8_t auto_request_sense :1; uint8_t tag_queuing :1; uint8_t sync_data_transfers :1; uint8_t wide_data_transfers :1; uint8_t parity_checking :1; uint8_t disconnect_allowed :1; }f; }parameter; /* 40 */ uint8_t execution_throttle; /* 41 */ uint8_t sync_period; /* 42 */ struct { uint8_t sync_offset :5; uint8_t device_enable :1; uint8_t unused_6 :1; uint8_t unused_7 :1; uint8_t ppr_options :4; uint8_t ppr_bus_width :2; uint8_t unused_8 :1; uint8_t enable_ppr :1; }flags; /* 43, 44 */ uint8_t unused_45; /* 45 */ }target[MAX_TARGETS]; }bus[MAX_BUSES]; uint16_t unused_248; /* 248, 249 */ uint16_t subsystem_id[2]; /* 250, 251, 252, 253 */ uint8_t System_Id_Pointer; /* 254 */ uint8_t chksum; /* 255 */ }nvram160_t; /* * ISP queue - command entry structure definition. */ #define MAX_CMDSZ 12 /* SCSI maximum CDB size. */ typedef struct { uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ #define COMMAND_TYPE 1 /* Command entry */ uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ uint8_t sys_define; /* System defined. */ uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ uint32_t handle; /* System handle. */ uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ uint8_t target; /* SCSI ID */ uint16_t cdb_len; /* SCSI command length. */ uint16_t control_flags; /* Control flags. */ uint16_t reserved; uint16_t timeout; /* Command timeout. */ uint16_t dseg_count; /* Data segment count. */ uint8_t scsi_cdb[MAX_CMDSZ]; /* SCSI command words. */ uint32_t dseg_0_address; /* Data segment 0 address. */ uint32_t dseg_0_length; /* Data segment 0 length. */ uint32_t dseg_1_address; /* Data segment 1 address. */ uint32_t dseg_1_length; /* Data segment 1 length. */ uint32_t dseg_2_address; /* Data segment 2 address. */ uint32_t dseg_2_length; /* Data segment 2 length. */ uint32_t dseg_3_address; /* Data segment 3 address. */ uint32_t dseg_3_length; /* Data segment 3 length. */ }cmd_entry_t; /* * ISP queue - continuation entry structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ #define CONTINUE_TYPE 2 /* Continuation entry. */ uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ uint8_t sys_define; /* System defined. */ uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ uint32_t reserved; /* Reserved */ uint32_t dseg_0_address; /* Data segment 0 address. */ uint32_t dseg_0_length; /* Data segment 0 length. */ uint32_t dseg_1_address; /* Data segment 1 address. */ uint32_t dseg_1_length; /* Data segment 1 length. */ uint32_t dseg_2_address; /* Data segment 2 address. */ uint32_t dseg_2_length; /* Data segment 2 length. */ uint32_t dseg_3_address; /* Data segment 3 address. */ uint32_t dseg_3_length; /* Data segment 3 length. */ uint32_t dseg_4_address; /* Data segment 4 address. */ uint32_t dseg_4_length; /* Data segment 4 length. */ uint32_t dseg_5_address; /* Data segment 5 address. */ uint32_t dseg_5_length; /* Data segment 5 length. */ uint32_t dseg_6_address; /* Data segment 6 address. */ uint32_t dseg_6_length; /* Data segment 6 length. */ }cont_entry_t; /* * ISP queue - status entry structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ #define STATUS_TYPE 3 /* Status entry. */ uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ uint8_t sys_define; /* System defined. */ uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ #define RF_CONT BIT_0 /* Continuation. */ #define RF_FULL BIT_1 /* Full */ #define RF_BAD_HEADER BIT_2 /* Bad header. */ #define RF_BAD_PAYLOAD BIT_3 /* Bad payload. */ uint32_t handle; /* System handle. */ uint16_t scsi_status; /* SCSI status. */ uint16_t comp_status; /* Completion status. */ uint16_t state_flags; /* State flags. */ #define SF_TRANSFER_CMPL BIT_14 /* Transfer Complete. */ #define SF_GOT_SENSE BIT_13 /* Got Sense */ #define SF_GOT_STATUS BIT_12 /* Got Status */ #define SF_TRANSFERRED_DATA BIT_11 /* Transferred data */ #define SF_SENT_CDB BIT_10 /* Send CDB */ #define SF_GOT_TARGET BIT_9 /* */ #define SF_GOT_BUS BIT_8 /* */ uint16_t status_flags; /* Status flags. */ uint16_t time; /* Time. */ uint16_t req_sense_length; /* Request sense data length. */ uint32_t residual_length; /* Residual transfer length. */ uint16_t reserved[4]; uint8_t req_sense_data[32]; /* Request sense data. */ }sts_entry_t, response_t; /* * ISP queue - marker entry structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ #define MARKER_TYPE 4 /* Marker entry. */ uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ uint8_t sys_define; /* System defined. */ uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ uint32_t reserved; uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ uint8_t target; /* SCSI ID */ uint8_t modifier; /* Modifier (7-0). */ #define MK_SYNC_ID_LUN 0 /* Synchronize ID/LUN */ #define MK_SYNC_ID 1 /* Synchronize ID */ #define MK_SYNC_ALL 2 /* Synchronize all ID/LUN */ uint8_t reserved_1[53]; }mrk_entry_t; /* * ISP queue - extended command entry structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ #define EXTENDED_CMD_TYPE 5 /* Extended command entry. */ uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ uint8_t sys_define; /* System defined. */ uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ uint32_t handle; /* System handle. */ uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ uint8_t target; /* SCSI ID */ uint16_t cdb_len; /* SCSI command length. */ uint16_t control_flags; /* Control flags. */ uint16_t reserved; uint16_t timeout; /* Command timeout. */ uint16_t dseg_count; /* Data segment count. */ uint8_t scsi_cdb[88]; /* SCSI command words. */ }ecmd_entry_t; /* * ISP queue - 64-Bit addressing, command entry structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ #define COMMAND_A64_TYPE 9 /* Command A64 entry */ uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ uint8_t sys_define; /* System defined. */ uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ uint32_t handle; /* System handle. */ uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ uint8_t target; /* SCSI ID */ uint16_t cdb_len; /* SCSI command length. */ uint16_t control_flags; /* Control flags. */ uint16_t reserved; uint16_t timeout; /* Command timeout. */ uint16_t dseg_count; /* Data segment count. */ uint8_t scsi_cdb[MAX_CMDSZ]; /* SCSI command words. */ uint32_t reserved_1[2]; /* unused */ uint32_t dseg_0_address[2]; /* Data segment 0 address. */ uint32_t dseg_0_length; /* Data segment 0 length. */ uint32_t dseg_1_address[2]; /* Data segment 1 address. */ uint32_t dseg_1_length; /* Data segment 1 length. */ }cmd_a64_entry_t, request_t; /* * ISP queue - 64-Bit addressing, continuation entry structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ #define CONTINUE_A64_TYPE 0xA /* Continuation A64 entry. */ uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ uint8_t sys_define; /* System defined. */ uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ uint32_t dseg_0_address[2]; /* Data segment 0 address. */ uint32_t dseg_0_length; /* Data segment 0 length. */ uint32_t dseg_1_address[2]; /* Data segment 1 address. */ uint32_t dseg_1_length; /* Data segment 1 length. */ uint32_t dseg_2_address[2]; /* Data segment 2 address. */ uint32_t dseg_2_length; /* Data segment 2 length. */ uint32_t dseg_3_address[2]; /* Data segment 3 address. */ uint32_t dseg_3_length; /* Data segment 3 length. */ uint32_t dseg_4_address[2]; /* Data segment 4 address. */ uint32_t dseg_4_length; /* Data segment 4 length. */ }cont_a64_entry_t; /* * ISP queue - enable LUN entry structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ #define ENABLE_LUN_TYPE 0xB /* Enable LUN entry. */ uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ uint8_t reserved_1; uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status not used. */ uint32_t reserved_2; uint16_t lun; /* Bit 15 is bus number. */ uint16_t reserved_4; uint32_t option_flags; uint8_t status; uint8_t reserved_5; uint8_t command_count; /* Number of ATIOs allocated. */ uint8_t immed_notify_count; /* Number of Immediate Notify */ /* entries allocated. */ uint8_t group_6_length; /* SCSI CDB length for group 6 */ /* commands (2-26). */ uint8_t group_7_length; /* SCSI CDB length for group 7 */ /* commands (2-26). */ uint16_t timeout; /* 0 = 30 seconds, 0xFFFF = disable */ uint16_t reserved_6[20]; }elun_entry_t; /* * ISP queue - modify LUN entry structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ #define MODIFY_LUN_TYPE 0xC /* Modify LUN entry. */ uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ uint8_t reserved_1; uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ uint32_t reserved_2; uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ uint8_t reserved_3; uint8_t operators; uint8_t reserved_4; uint32_t option_flags; uint8_t status; uint8_t reserved_5; uint8_t command_count; /* Number of ATIOs allocated. */ uint8_t immed_notify_count; /* Number of Immediate Notify */ /* entries allocated. */ uint16_t reserved_6; uint16_t timeout; /* 0 = 30 seconds, 0xFFFF = disable */ uint16_t reserved_7[20]; }modify_lun_entry_t; /* * ISP queue - immediate notify entry structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ #define IMMED_NOTIFY_TYPE 0xD /* Immediate notify entry. */ uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ uint8_t reserved_1; uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ uint32_t reserved_2; uint8_t lun; uint8_t initiator_id; uint8_t reserved_3; uint8_t target_id; uint32_t option_flags; uint8_t status; uint8_t reserved_4; uint8_t tag_value; /* Received queue tag message value */ uint8_t tag_type; /* Received queue tag message type */ /* entries allocated. */ uint16_t seq_id; uint8_t scsi_msg[8]; /* SCSI message not handled by ISP */ uint16_t reserved_5[8]; uint8_t sense_data[18]; }notify_entry_t; /* * ISP queue - notify acknowledge entry structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ #define NOTIFY_ACK_TYPE 0xE /* Notify acknowledge entry. */ uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ uint8_t reserved_1; uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ uint32_t reserved_2; uint8_t lun; uint8_t initiator_id; uint8_t reserved_3; uint8_t target_id; uint32_t option_flags; uint8_t status; uint8_t event; uint16_t seq_id; uint16_t reserved_4[22]; }nack_entry_t; /* * ISP queue - Accept Target I/O (ATIO) entry structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ #define ACCEPT_TGT_IO_TYPE 6 /* Accept target I/O entry. */ uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ uint8_t reserved_1; uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ uint32_t reserved_2; uint8_t lun; uint8_t initiator_id; uint8_t cdb_len; uint8_t target_id; uint32_t option_flags; uint8_t status; uint8_t scsi_status; uint8_t tag_value; /* Received queue tag message value */ uint8_t tag_type; /* Received queue tag message type */ uint8_t cdb[26]; uint8_t sense_data[18]; }atio_entry_t; /* * ISP queue - Continue Target I/O (CTIO) entry structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ #define CONTINUE_TGT_IO_TYPE 7 /* CTIO entry */ uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ uint8_t reserved_1; uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ uint32_t reserved_2; uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ uint8_t initiator_id; uint8_t reserved_3; uint8_t target_id; uint32_t option_flags; uint8_t status; uint8_t scsi_status; uint8_t tag_value; /* Received queue tag message value */ uint8_t tag_type; /* Received queue tag message type */ uint32_t transfer_length; uint32_t residual; uint16_t timeout; /* 0 = 30 seconds, 0xFFFF = disable */ uint16_t dseg_count; /* Data segment count. */ uint32_t dseg_0_address; /* Data segment 0 address. */ uint32_t dseg_0_length; /* Data segment 0 length. */ uint32_t dseg_1_address; /* Data segment 1 address. */ uint32_t dseg_1_length; /* Data segment 1 length. */ uint32_t dseg_2_address; /* Data segment 2 address. */ uint32_t dseg_2_length; /* Data segment 2 length. */ uint32_t dseg_3_address; /* Data segment 3 address. */ uint32_t dseg_3_length; /* Data segment 3 length. */ }ctio_entry_t; /* * ISP queue - CTIO returned entry structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ #define CTIO_RET_TYPE 7 /* CTIO return entry */ uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ uint8_t reserved_1; uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ uint32_t reserved_2; uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ uint8_t initiator_id; uint8_t reserved_3; uint8_t target_id; uint32_t option_flags; uint8_t status; uint8_t scsi_status; uint8_t tag_value; /* Received queue tag message value */ uint8_t tag_type; /* Received queue tag message type */ uint32_t transfer_length; uint32_t residual; uint16_t timeout; /* 0 = 30 seconds, 0xFFFF = disable */ uint16_t dseg_count; /* Data segment count. */ uint32_t dseg_0_address; /* Data segment 0 address. */ uint32_t dseg_0_length; /* Data segment 0 length. */ uint32_t dseg_1_address; /* Data segment 1 address. */ uint16_t dseg_1_length; /* Data segment 1 length. */ uint8_t sense_data[18]; }ctio_ret_entry_t; /* * ISP queue - CTIO A64 entry structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ #define CTIO_A64_TYPE 0xF /* CTIO A64 entry */ uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ uint8_t reserved_1; uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ uint32_t reserved_2; uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ uint8_t initiator_id; uint8_t reserved_3; uint8_t target_id; uint32_t option_flags; uint8_t status; uint8_t scsi_status; uint8_t tag_value; /* Received queue tag message value */ uint8_t tag_type; /* Received queue tag message type */ uint32_t transfer_length; uint32_t residual; uint16_t timeout; /* 0 = 30 seconds, 0xFFFF = disable */ uint16_t dseg_count; /* Data segment count. */ uint32_t reserved_4[2]; uint32_t dseg_0_address[2]; /* Data segment 0 address. */ uint32_t dseg_0_length; /* Data segment 0 length. */ uint32_t dseg_1_address[2]; /* Data segment 1 address. */ uint32_t dseg_1_length; /* Data segment 1 length. */ }ctio_a64_entry_t; /* * ISP queue - CTIO returned entry structure definition. */ typedef struct { uint8_t entry_type; /* Entry type. */ #define CTIO_A64_RET_TYPE 0xF /* CTIO A64 returned entry */ uint8_t entry_count; /* Entry count. */ uint8_t reserved_1; uint8_t entry_status; /* Entry Status. */ uint32_t reserved_2; uint8_t lun; /* SCSI LUN */ uint8_t initiator_id; uint8_t reserved_3; uint8_t target_id; uint32_t option_flags; uint8_t status; uint8_t scsi_status; uint8_t tag_value; /* Received queue tag message value */ uint8_t tag_type; /* Received queue tag message type */ uint32_t transfer_length; uint32_t residual; uint16_t timeout; /* 0 = 30 seconds, 0xFFFF = disable */ uint16_t dseg_count; /* Data segment count. */ uint16_t reserved_4[7]; uint8_t sense_data[18]; }ctio_a64_ret_entry_t; /* * ISP request and response queue entry sizes */ #define RESPONSE_ENTRY_SIZE (sizeof(response_t)) #define REQUEST_ENTRY_SIZE (sizeof(request_t)) /* * ISP status entry - completion status definitions. */ #define CS_COMPLETE 0x0 /* No errors */ #define CS_INCOMPLETE 0x1 /* Incomplete transfer of cmd. */ #define CS_DMA 0x2 /* A DMA direction error. */ #define CS_TRANSPORT 0x3 /* Transport error. */ #define CS_RESET 0x4 /* SCSI bus reset occurred */ #define CS_ABORTED 0x5 /* System aborted command. */ #define CS_TIMEOUT 0x6 /* Timeout error. */ #define CS_DATA_OVERRUN 0x7 /* Data overrun. */ #define CS_COMMAND_OVERRUN 0x8 /* Command Overrun. */ #define CS_STATUS_OVERRUN 0x9 /* Status Overrun. */ #define CS_BAD_MSG 0xA /* Bad msg after status phase. */ #define CS_NO_MSG_OUT 0xB /* No msg out after selection. */ #define CS_EXTENDED_ID 0xC /* Extended ID failed. */ #define CS_IDE_MSG 0xD /* Target rejected IDE msg. */ #define CS_ABORT_MSG 0xE /* Target rejected abort msg. */ #define CS_REJECT_MSG 0xF /* Target rejected reject msg. */ #define CS_NOP_MSG 0x10 /* Target rejected NOP msg. */ #define CS_PARITY_MSG 0x11 /* Target rejected parity msg. */ #define CS_DEV_RESET_MSG 0x12 /* Target rejected dev rst msg. */ #define CS_ID_MSG 0x13 /* Target rejected ID msg. */ #define CS_FREE 0x14 /* Unexpected bus free. */ #define CS_DATA_UNDERRUN 0x15 /* Data Underrun. */ #define CS_TRANACTION_1 0x18 /* Transaction error 1 */ #define CS_TRANACTION_2 0x19 /* Transaction error 2 */ #define CS_TRANACTION_3 0x1a /* Transaction error 3 */ #define CS_INV_ENTRY_TYPE 0x1b /* Invalid entry type */ #define CS_DEV_QUEUE_FULL 0x1c /* Device queue full */ #define CS_PHASED_SKIPPED 0x1d /* SCSI phase skipped */ #define CS_ARS_FAILED 0x1e /* ARS failed */ #define CS_LVD_BUS_ERROR 0x21 /* LVD bus error */ #define CS_BAD_PAYLOAD 0x80 /* Driver defined */ #define CS_UNKNOWN 0x81 /* Driver defined */ #define CS_RETRY 0x82 /* Driver defined */ /* * ISP status entry - SCSI status byte bit definitions. */ #define SS_CHECK_CONDITION BIT_1 #define SS_CONDITION_MET BIT_2 #define SS_BUSY_CONDITION BIT_3 #define SS_RESERVE_CONFLICT (BIT_4 | BIT_3) /* * ISP target entries - Option flags bit definitions. */ #define OF_ENABLE_TAG BIT_1 /* Tagged queue action enable */ #define OF_DATA_IN BIT_6 /* Data in to initiator */ /* (data from target to initiator) */ #define OF_DATA_OUT BIT_7 /* Data out from initiator */ /* (data from initiator to target) */ #define OF_NO_DATA (BIT_7 | BIT_6) #define OF_DISC_DISABLED BIT_15 /* Disconnects disabled */ #define OF_DISABLE_SDP BIT_24 /* Disable sending save data ptr */ #define OF_SEND_RDP BIT_26 /* Send restore data pointers msg */ #define OF_FORCE_DISC BIT_30 /* Disconnects mandatory */ #define OF_SSTS BIT_31 /* Send SCSI status */ #if QL1280_TARGET_MODE_SUPPORT /* * Target Read/Write buffer structure. */ #define TARGET_DATA_OFFSET 4 #define TARGET_DATA_SIZE 0x2000 /* 8K */ #define TARGET_INQ_OFFSET (TARGET_DATA_OFFSET + TARGET_DATA_SIZE) #define TARGET_SENSE_SIZE 18 #define TARGET_BUF_SIZE 36 typedef struct { uint8_t hdr[4]; uint8_t data[TARGET_DATA_SIZE]; struct ident inq; }tgt_t; #endif /* * BUS parameters/settings structure */ typedef struct { uint8_t id; /* Host adapter SCSI id */ uint8_t bus_reset_delay; /* SCSI bus reset delay. */ uint8_t failed_reset_count; /* number of time reset failed */ uint8_t unused; uint16_t device_enables; /* Device enable bits. */ uint16_t lun_disables; /* LUN disable bits. */ uint16_t qtag_enables; /* Tag queue enables. */ uint16_t hiwat; /* High water mark per device. */ uint8_t reset_marker :1; uint8_t disable_scsi_reset :1; uint8_t scsi_bus_dead :1; /* SCSI Bus is Dead, when 5 back to back resets failed */ }bus_param_t; /* * Linux Host Adapter structure */ typedef struct scsi_qla_host { /* Linux adapter configuration data */ struct Scsi_Host *host; /* pointer to host data */ struct scsi_qla_host *next; device_reg_t *iobase; /* Base Memory-mapped I/O address */ uint8_t pci_bus; uint8_t pci_device_fn; uint8_t devnum; #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(2,1,95) struct pci_dev *pdev; #endif volatile unsigned char *mmpbase; /* memory mapped address */ unsigned long host_no; unsigned long instance; uint8_t revision; uint8_t ports; #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(2,1,0) spinlock_t spin_lock; #endif volatile unsigned char cpu_lock_count[NR_CPUS]; unsigned long actthreads; unsigned long qthreads; unsigned long isr_count; /* Interrupt count */ unsigned long spurious_int; uint32_t device_id; /* Outstandings ISP commands. */ srb_t *outstanding_cmds[MAX_OUTSTANDING_COMMANDS]; /* BUS configuration data */ bus_param_t bus_settings[MAX_BUSES]; /* Device LUN queues. */ scsi_lu_t *dev[MAX_EQ]; /* Logical unit queues */ #ifdef UNUSED /* Interrupt lock, and data */ uint8_t intr_lock; /* Lock for interrupt locking */ #endif /* bottom half run queue */ struct tq_struct run_qla_bh; /* Received ISP mailbox data. */ volatile uint16_t mailbox_out[MAILBOX_REGISTER_COUNT]; #ifdef UNUSED /* ISP ring lock, rings, and indexes */ uint8_t ring_lock; /* ISP ring lock */ struct timer_list dev_timer[MAX_TARGETS]; #endif request_t req[REQUEST_ENTRY_CNT+1]; response_t res[RESPONSE_ENTRY_CNT+1]; unsigned long request_dma; /* Physical address. */ request_t *request_ring; /* Base virtual address */ request_t *request_ring_ptr; /* Current address. */ uint16_t req_ring_index; /* Current index. */ uint16_t req_q_cnt; /* Number of available entries. */ unsigned long response_dma; /* Physical address. */ response_t *response_ring; /* Base virtual address */ response_t *response_ring_ptr; /* Current address. */ uint16_t rsp_ring_index; /* Current index. */ #if QL1280_TARGET_MODE_SUPPORT /* Target buffer and sense data. */ uint32_t tbuf_dma; /* Physical address. */ tgt_t *tbuf; uint32_t tsense_dma; /* Physical address. */ uint8_t *tsense; #endif #if WATCHDOGTIMER /* Watchdog queue, lock and total timer */ uint8_t watchdog_q_lock; /* Lock for watchdog queue */ srb_t *wdg_q_first; /* First job on watchdog queue */ srb_t *wdg_q_last; /* Last job on watchdog queue */ uint32_t total_timeout; /* Total timeout (quantum count) */ uint32_t watchdogactive; #endif srb_t *done_q_first; /* First job on done queue */ srb_t *done_q_last; /* Last job on done queue */ volatile struct { uint32_t watchdog_enabled :1; /* 0 */ uint32_t mbox_int :1; /* 1 */ uint32_t mbox_busy :1; /* 2 */ uint32_t online :1; /* 3 */ uint32_t reset_marker :1; /* 4 */ uint32_t isp_abort_needed :1; /* 5 */ uint32_t pci_64bit_slot :1; /* 6 */ uint32_t disable_host_adapter :1; /* 7 */ uint32_t reset_active :1; /* 8 */ uint32_t abort_isp_active :1; /* 9 */ uint32_t disable_risc_code_load :1; /* 10 */ uint32_t enable_64bit_addressing :1; /* 11 */ #define QLA1280_IN_ISR_BIT 12 uint32_t in_isr :1; /* 12 */ uint32_t in_abort :1; /* 13 */ uint32_t in_reset :1; /* 14 */ uint32_t dpc :1; /* 15 */ uint32_t dpc_sched :1; /* 16 */ uint32_t interrupts_on :1; /* 17 */ }flags; }scsi_qla_host_t; /* * Macros to help code, maintain, etc. */ #define SUBDEV(b, t, l) ( (b << (MAX_T_BITS + MAX_L_BITS)) | (t << MAX_L_BITS) | l) #define LU_Q(ha, b, t, l) (ha->dev[SUBDEV(b, t, l)]) /* * Locking Macro Definitions * * LOCK/UNLOCK definitions are lock/unlock primitives for multi-processor * or spl/splx for uniprocessor. */ #define QLA1280_HIER HBA_HIER_BASE /* Locking hierarchy base for hba */ #define QLA1280_WATCHDOG_Q_LOCK(ha, p) #define QLA1280_WATCHDOG_Q_UNLOCK(ha, p) #define QLA1280_SCSILU_LOCK(q) #define QLA1280_SCSILU_UNLOCK(q) #define QLA1280_INTR_LOCK(ha) #define QLA1280_INTR_UNLOCK(ha) #define QLA1280_RING_LOCK(ha) #define QLA1280_RING_UNLOCK(ha) #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif /* * Linux - SCSI Driver Interface Function Prototypes. */ int qla1280_proc_info ( char *, char **, off_t, int, int, int); const char * qla1280_info(struct Scsi_Host *host); int qla1280_detect(Scsi_Host_Template *); int qla1280_release(struct Scsi_Host *); const char * qla1280_info(struct Scsi_Host *); int qla1280_queuecommand(Scsi_Cmnd *, void (* done)(Scsi_Cmnd *)); int qla1280_abort(Scsi_Cmnd *); int qla1280_reset(Scsi_Cmnd *, unsigned int); int qla1280_biosparam(Disk *, kdev_t, int[]); void qla1280_intr_handler(int, void *, struct pt_regs *); void qla1280_setup(char *s, int *dummy); #if defined(__386__) # define QLA1280_BIOSPARAM qla1280_biosparam #else # define QLA1280_BIOSPARAM NULL #endif /* * Scsi_Host_template (see hosts.h) * Device driver Interfaces to mid-level SCSI driver. */ #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,1,95) /* This interface is now obsolete !!! */ #define QLA1280_LINUX_TEMPLATE { \ next: NULL, \ usage_count: NULL, \ proc_dir: NULL, \ proc_info: NULL, \ name: "Qlogic ISP 1280", \ detect: qla1280_detect, \ release: qla1280_release, \ info: qla1280_info, \ command: NULL, \ queuecommand: qla1280_queuecommand, \ abort: qla1280_abort, \ reset: qla1280_reset, \ slave_attach: NULL, \ bios_param: QLA1280_BIOSPARAM, \ can_queue: 255, /* MAX_OUTSTANDING_COMMANDS */ \ this_id: -1, /* scsi id of host adapter */ \ sg_tablesize: SG_ALL, \ cmd_per_lun: 3, /* max commands per lun */ \ present: 0, /* number of 1280s present */ \ unchecked_isa_dma: 0, /* no memeory DMA restrictions */ \ use_clustering: ENABLE_CLUSTERING \ } #else #define QLA1280_LINUX_TEMPLATE { \ next: NULL, \ module: NULL, \ proc_dir: NULL, \ proc_info: qla1280_proc_info, \ name: "Qlogic ISP 1280\1080", \ detect: qla1280_detect, \ release: qla1280_release, \ info: qla1280_info, \ ioctl: NULL, \ command: NULL, \ queuecommand: qla1280_queuecommand, \ eh_strategy_handler: NULL, \ eh_abort_handler: NULL, \ eh_device_reset_handler: NULL, \ eh_bus_reset_handler: NULL, \ eh_host_reset_handler: NULL, \ abort: qla1280_abort, \ reset: qla1280_reset, \ slave_attach: NULL, \ bios_param: QLA1280_BIOSPARAM, \ can_queue: 255, /* max simultaneous cmds */\ this_id: -1, /* scsi id of host adapter */\ sg_tablesize: SG_ALL, /* max scatter-gather cmds */\ cmd_per_lun: 3, /* cmds per lun (linked cmds) */\ present: 0, /* number of 7xxx's present */\ unchecked_isa_dma: 0, /* no memory DMA restrictions */\ use_clustering: ENABLE_CLUSTERING, \ use_new_eh_code: 0, \ emulated: 0 \ } #endif #endif /* _IO_HBA_QLA1280_H */