/***************************************************************************\ |* *| |* Copyright 1993-1998 NVIDIA, Corporation. All rights reserved. *| |* *| |* NOTICE TO USER: The source code is copyrighted under U.S. and *| |* international laws. Users and possessors of this source code are *| |* hereby granted a nonexclusive, royalty-free copyright license to *| |* use this code in individual and commercial software. *| |* *| |* Any use of this source code must include, in the user documenta- *| |* tion and internal comments to the code, notices to the end user *| |* as follows: *| |* *| |* Copyright 1993-1998 NVIDIA, Corporation. All rights reserved. *| |* *| |* NVIDIA, CORPORATION MAKES NO REPRESENTATION ABOUT THE SUITABILITY *| |* OF THIS SOURCE CODE FOR ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" *| |* WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. NVIDIA, CORPOR- *| |* ATION DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOURCE CODE, *| |* INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGE- *| |* MENT, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL *| |* NVIDIA, CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCI- *| |* DENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RE- *| |* SULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION *| |* OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF *| |* OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOURCE CODE. *| |* *| |* U.S. Government End Users. This source code is a "commercial *| |* item," as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (OCT 1995), *| |* consisting of "commercial computer software" and "commercial *| |* computer software documentation," as such terms are used in *| |* 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (SEPT 1995) and is provided to the U.S. Govern- *| |* ment only as a commercial end item. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. *| |* 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (JUNE 1995), *| |* all U.S. Government End Users acquire the source code with only *| |* those rights set forth herein. *| |* *| \***************************************************************************/ /* * GPL licensing note -- nVidia is allowing a liberal interpretation of * the documentation restriction above, to merely say that this nVidia's * copyright and disclaimer should be included with all code derived * from this source. -- Jeff Garzik , 01/Nov/99 */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/vga256/drivers/nv/riva_hw.h,v 1998/12/22 16:33:19 hohndel Exp $ */ #ifndef __RIVA_HW_H__ #define __RIVA_HW_H__ #define RIVA_SW_VERSION 0x00010000 /***************************************************************************\ * * * FIFO registers. * * * \***************************************************************************/ /* * Raster OPeration. Windows style ROP3. */ typedef volatile struct { unsigned reserved00[4]; unsigned short FifoFree; unsigned short Nop; unsigned reserved01[0x0BB]; unsigned Rop3; } RivaRop; /* * 8X8 Monochrome pattern. */ typedef volatile struct { unsigned reserved00[4]; unsigned short FifoFree; unsigned short Nop; unsigned reserved01[0x0BD]; unsigned Shape; unsigned reserved03[0x001]; unsigned Color0; unsigned Color1; unsigned Monochrome[2]; } RivaPattern; /* * Scissor clip rectangle. */ typedef volatile struct { unsigned reserved00[4]; unsigned short FifoFree; unsigned short Nop; unsigned reserved01[0x0BB]; unsigned TopLeft; unsigned WidthHeight; } RivaClip; /* * 2D filled rectangle. */ typedef volatile struct { unsigned reserved00[4]; unsigned short FifoFree; unsigned short Nop[1]; unsigned reserved01[0x0BC]; unsigned Color; unsigned reserved03[0x03E]; unsigned TopLeft; unsigned WidthHeight; } RivaRectangle; /* * 2D screen-screen BLT. */ typedef volatile struct { unsigned reserved00[4]; unsigned short FifoFree; unsigned short Nop; unsigned reserved01[0x0BB]; unsigned TopLeftSrc; unsigned TopLeftDst; unsigned WidthHeight; } RivaScreenBlt; /* * 2D pixel BLT. */ typedef volatile struct { unsigned reserved00[4]; unsigned short FifoFree; unsigned short Nop[1]; unsigned reserved01[0x0BC]; unsigned TopLeft; unsigned WidthHeight; unsigned WidthHeightIn; unsigned reserved02[0x03C]; unsigned Pixels; } RivaPixmap; /* * Filled rectangle combined with monochrome expand. Useful for glyphs. */ typedef volatile struct { unsigned reserved00[4]; unsigned short FifoFree; unsigned short Nop; unsigned reserved01[0x0BB]; unsigned reserved03[(0x040)-1]; unsigned Color1A; struct { unsigned TopLeft; unsigned WidthHeight; } UnclippedRectangle[64]; unsigned reserved04[(0x080)-3]; struct { unsigned TopLeft; unsigned BottomRight; } ClipB; unsigned Color1B; struct { unsigned TopLeft; unsigned BottomRight; } ClippedRectangle[64]; unsigned reserved05[(0x080)-5]; struct { unsigned TopLeft; unsigned BottomRight; } ClipC; unsigned Color1C; unsigned WidthHeightC; unsigned PointC; unsigned MonochromeData1C; unsigned reserved06[(0x080)+121]; struct { unsigned TopLeft; unsigned BottomRight; } ClipD; unsigned Color1D; unsigned WidthHeightInD; unsigned WidthHeightOutD; unsigned PointD; unsigned MonochromeData1D; unsigned reserved07[(0x080)+120]; struct { unsigned TopLeft; unsigned BottomRight; } ClipE; unsigned Color0E; unsigned Color1E; unsigned WidthHeightInE; unsigned WidthHeightOutE; unsigned PointE; unsigned MonochromeData01E; } RivaBitmap; /* * 3D textured, Z buffered triangle. */ typedef volatile struct { unsigned reserved00[4]; unsigned short FifoFree; unsigned short Nop; unsigned reserved01[0x0BC]; unsigned TextureOffset; unsigned TextureFormat; unsigned TextureFilter; unsigned FogColor; unsigned Control; unsigned AlphaTest; unsigned reserved02[0x339]; unsigned FogAndIndex; unsigned Color; float ScreenX; float ScreenY; float ScreenZ; float EyeM; float TextureS; float TextureT; } RivaTexturedTriangle03; /***************************************************************************\ * * * Virtualized RIVA H/W interface. * * * \***************************************************************************/ struct _riva_hw_inst; struct _riva_hw_state; /* * Virtialized chip interface. Makes RIVA 128 and TNT look alike. */ typedef struct _riva_hw_inst { /* * Chip specific settings. */ unsigned Architecture; unsigned Version; unsigned CrystalFreqKHz; unsigned RamAmountKBytes; unsigned MaxVClockFreqKHz; unsigned RamBandwidthKBytesPerSec; unsigned EnableIRQ; unsigned IO; unsigned LockUnlockIO; unsigned LockUnlockIndex; unsigned VBlankBit; unsigned FifoFreeCount; /* * Non-FIFO registers. */ volatile unsigned *PCRTC; volatile unsigned *PRAMDAC; volatile unsigned *PFB; volatile unsigned *PFIFO; volatile unsigned *PGRAPH; volatile unsigned *PEXTDEV; volatile unsigned *PTIMER; volatile unsigned *PMC; volatile unsigned *PRAMIN; volatile unsigned *FIFO; volatile unsigned *CURSOR; volatile unsigned *CURSORPOS; volatile unsigned *VBLANKENABLE; volatile unsigned *VBLANK; /* * Common chip functions. */ int (*Busy)(struct _riva_hw_inst *); void (*CalcStateExt)(struct _riva_hw_inst *,struct _riva_hw_state *,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int); void (*LoadStateExt)(struct _riva_hw_inst *,struct _riva_hw_state *); void (*UnloadStateExt)(struct _riva_hw_inst *,struct _riva_hw_state *); void (*SetStartAddress)(struct _riva_hw_inst *,unsigned); void (*SetSurfaces2D)(struct _riva_hw_inst *,unsigned,unsigned); void (*SetSurfaces3D)(struct _riva_hw_inst *,unsigned,unsigned); int (*ShowHideCursor)(struct _riva_hw_inst *,int); /* * Current extended mode settings. */ struct _riva_hw_state *CurrentState; /* * FIFO registers. */ RivaRop *Rop; RivaPattern *Patt; RivaClip *Clip; RivaPixmap *Pixmap; RivaScreenBlt *Blt; RivaBitmap *Bitmap; RivaTexturedTriangle03 *Tri03; } RIVA_HW_INST; /* * Extended mode state information. */ typedef struct _riva_hw_state { unsigned bpp; unsigned width; unsigned height; unsigned repaint0; unsigned repaint1; unsigned screen; unsigned pixel; unsigned horiz; unsigned arbitration0; unsigned arbitration1; unsigned vpll; unsigned pllsel; unsigned general; unsigned config; unsigned cursor0; unsigned cursor1; unsigned cursor2; unsigned offset0; unsigned offset1; unsigned offset2; unsigned offset3; unsigned pitch0; unsigned pitch1; unsigned pitch2; unsigned pitch3; } RIVA_HW_STATE; /* * External routines. */ int RivaGetConfig(RIVA_HW_INST *); /* * FIFO Free Count. Should attempt to yield processor if RIVA is busy. */ #define RIVA_FIFO_FREE(hwinst,hwptr,cnt) \ { \ while ((hwinst).FifoFreeCount < (cnt)) \ { \ (hwinst).FifoFreeCount = (hwinst).hwptr->FifoFree >> 2; \ } \ (hwinst).FifoFreeCount -= (cnt); \ } #endif /* __RIVA_HW_H__ */