--------------- Things That Need Doing Before 2.2 ------------------ o insw_and_csum -------------------------- Bugs to fix ------------------------------ o Should unix domain connect never block ? o Screend loadable firewall module o Remove kernel RARP and replace with user mode daemon. o Merge ARM half word trap fixes for ethernet headers o Stop route addition to downed interfaces o Make sure route add window functionality is back or documented equivalences are clear o Merge ATM o Merge IRDA Possible projects for victim^H^H^H^H^Holunteers 9. Implementing streams. Not as a blind slow SYS5.4 style copy but actually working out how to do it so it runs like greased lightning. Quite a big problem. [See the LiS project] 11. IP over SCSI. [worked on] 14. Bidirectional PLIP. Also PLIP for the newer style parallel ports. 15. 802.2LLC and thus Netbeui sockets. Becoming less important since the rumour is microsoft are phasing out netbeui for netbios/IP. Microsoft have gone for netbios/funny-ipx-variant it seems in Win95, but TCP is selectable. 17. PPP multilink. Another nasty job. 19. IPv4 IP-AH and IP-ESP. 20. (userspace) GUI interface to the bandwidth allocators so mere mortals can do this BTW: Don't let the magic words 'kernel programming' worry you. Its like DOS - you make a mistake you have to reboot. You do at least get dumps and a kernel logger that is reliable. There is now a loadable module allowing use of gdb on the kernel (no breakpoints though!). No magic involved. Alan