/* * AX.25 release 037 * * This code REQUIRES 2.1.15 or higher/ NET3.038 * * This module: * This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * History * AX.25 036 Jonathan(G4KLX) Split from ax25_timer.c. */ #include #if defined(CONFIG_AX25) || defined(CONFIG_AX25_MODULE) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static struct protocol_struct { struct protocol_struct *next; unsigned int pid; int (*func)(struct sk_buff *, ax25_cb *); } *protocol_list = NULL; static struct linkfail_struct { struct linkfail_struct *next; void (*func)(ax25_cb *, int); } *linkfail_list = NULL; static struct listen_struct { struct listen_struct *next; ax25_address callsign; struct net_device *dev; } *listen_list = NULL; int ax25_protocol_register(unsigned int pid, int (*func)(struct sk_buff *, ax25_cb *)) { struct protocol_struct *protocol; unsigned long flags; if (pid == AX25_P_TEXT || pid == AX25_P_SEGMENT) return 0; #ifdef CONFIG_INET if (pid == AX25_P_IP || pid == AX25_P_ARP) return 0; #endif if ((protocol = kmalloc(sizeof(*protocol), GFP_ATOMIC)) == NULL) return 0; protocol->pid = pid; protocol->func = func; save_flags(flags); cli(); protocol->next = protocol_list; protocol_list = protocol; restore_flags(flags); return 1; } void ax25_protocol_release(unsigned int pid) { struct protocol_struct *s, *protocol = protocol_list; unsigned long flags; if (protocol == NULL) return; save_flags(flags); cli(); if (protocol->pid == pid) { protocol_list = protocol->next; restore_flags(flags); kfree(protocol); return; } while (protocol != NULL && protocol->next != NULL) { if (protocol->next->pid == pid) { s = protocol->next; protocol->next = protocol->next->next; restore_flags(flags); kfree(s); return; } protocol = protocol->next; } restore_flags(flags); } int ax25_linkfail_register(void (*func)(ax25_cb *, int)) { struct linkfail_struct *linkfail; unsigned long flags; if ((linkfail = kmalloc(sizeof(*linkfail), GFP_ATOMIC)) == NULL) return 0; linkfail->func = func; save_flags(flags); cli(); linkfail->next = linkfail_list; linkfail_list = linkfail; restore_flags(flags); return 1; } void ax25_linkfail_release(void (*func)(ax25_cb *, int)) { struct linkfail_struct *s, *linkfail = linkfail_list; unsigned long flags; if (linkfail == NULL) return; save_flags(flags); cli(); if (linkfail->func == func) { linkfail_list = linkfail->next; restore_flags(flags); kfree(linkfail); return; } while (linkfail != NULL && linkfail->next != NULL) { if (linkfail->next->func == func) { s = linkfail->next; linkfail->next = linkfail->next->next; restore_flags(flags); kfree(s); return; } linkfail = linkfail->next; } restore_flags(flags); } int ax25_listen_register(ax25_address *callsign, struct net_device *dev) { struct listen_struct *listen; unsigned long flags; if (ax25_listen_mine(callsign, dev)) return 0; if ((listen = kmalloc(sizeof(*listen), GFP_ATOMIC)) == NULL) return 0; listen->callsign = *callsign; listen->dev = dev; save_flags(flags); cli(); listen->next = listen_list; listen_list = listen; restore_flags(flags); return 1; } void ax25_listen_release(ax25_address *callsign, struct net_device *dev) { struct listen_struct *s, *listen = listen_list; unsigned long flags; if (listen == NULL) return; save_flags(flags); cli(); if (ax25cmp(&listen->callsign, callsign) == 0 && listen->dev == dev) { listen_list = listen->next; restore_flags(flags); kfree(listen); return; } while (listen != NULL && listen->next != NULL) { if (ax25cmp(&listen->next->callsign, callsign) == 0 && listen->next->dev == dev) { s = listen->next; listen->next = listen->next->next; restore_flags(flags); kfree(s); return; } listen = listen->next; } restore_flags(flags); } int (*ax25_protocol_function(unsigned int pid))(struct sk_buff *, ax25_cb *) { struct protocol_struct *protocol; for (protocol = protocol_list; protocol != NULL; protocol = protocol->next) if (protocol->pid == pid) return protocol->func; return NULL; } int ax25_listen_mine(ax25_address *callsign, struct net_device *dev) { struct listen_struct *listen; for (listen = listen_list; listen != NULL; listen = listen->next) if (ax25cmp(&listen->callsign, callsign) == 0 && (listen->dev == dev || listen->dev == NULL)) return 1; return 0; } void ax25_link_failed(ax25_cb *ax25, int reason) { struct linkfail_struct *linkfail; for (linkfail = linkfail_list; linkfail != NULL; linkfail = linkfail->next) (linkfail->func)(ax25, reason); } int ax25_protocol_is_registered(unsigned int pid) { struct protocol_struct *protocol; for (protocol = protocol_list; protocol != NULL; protocol = protocol->next) if (protocol->pid == pid) return 1; return 0; } #endif