Steve's quick list of things that need finishing off: [they are in no particular order and range from the trivial to the long winded] o Proper timeouts on each neighbour (in routing mode) rather than just the 60 second On-Ethernet cache value. o Support for X.25 linklayer o Support for DDCMP link layer o The DDCMP device itself o PPP support (rfc1762) o Lots of testing with real applications o Verify errors etc. against POSIX 1003.1g (draft) o Using send/recvmsg() to get at connect/disconnect data (POSIX 1003.1g) [maybe this should be done at socket level... the control data in the send/recvmsg() calls should simply be a vector of set/getsockopt() calls] o check MSG_CTRUNC is set where it should be. o Start to hack together user level software and add more DECnet support in ifconfig for example. o Test adding/deleting of routes o Test route lookup o Test /proc/net/decnet_route route listing works correctly (maybe I'll change the format of this file... atm its very similar to the IPv4 route file) o Find all the commonality between DECnet and IPv4 routing code and extract it into a small library of routines. [probably a project for 2.5.xx] o Test ip_gre tunneling works... it did the last time I tested it and it will have to if I'm to test routing properly. o Hello messages should be generated for each primary address on each interface. o Add more information into /proc/net/decnet and finalise the format to allow DECnet support in netstat. o Make sure that returned connect messages are generated when they should be, and that the correct error messages are sent too. o Add the routing message grabbing netfilter module [written, tested, awaiting merge] o Add perfect socket hashing - an idea suggested by Paul Koning [part written, awaiting debugging and merge]