From LinuxHam
The ROSE protocol was conceived and first implemented by Tom Moulton W2VY and is an implementation of the X.25 packet layer protocol (PLP) and is designed to operate with AX.25 as its datalink layer protocol. It too provides a network layer. ROSE addresses take the form of 10 digit numbers. The first four digits are called the Data Network Identification Code (DNIC) and are taken from Appendix B of the ITU-T X.121 recommendation.
These days ROSE is a rare protocol; Islands in France and Florida are know to still use the protcol.
See also
- X.25 on Wikipedia
- X.121 on Wikipedia
- Recommendation ITU-T X.25 (10/96)
-!Cor1/E Recommendation ITU-T X.25 (10/96) Corrigendum 1
- Recommendation ITU-T X.121 (10/00)
- RATS website on]