
From LinuxHam
Revision as of 01:34, 28 May 2009 by DL9SAU (talk | contribs)
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This is the one and only official home of the linux AX.25 tools libax25, ax25-apps and ax25-tools.


 Ralf Baechle <>
 Thomas Osterried <>

URLs: (this page) (how to download and compile) (cvs history and code change

Please send error-reports or patches to us. Get involved. You're welcome.

A note on bug reporting:
There are thousands of resolved issues found in ancient code. We recommend to test first if the problem still exists in the CVS version (see link above).

You can reach the maintainers in realtime at wconvers #275.

We have plans for a public developer mailinglist for this project in order to make strategic discussions or long-term debuging easier. We'll come back to this if the community grows.

If you are a package maintainer of a linux distribution: please contact us.


 Since 2009-05-27 latest changes.
 Last changed: 2009-04-29.

vy 73, Ralf DL5RB and Thomas DL9SAU

History (please read)