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- Scope is a simple software emulation of an oscilloscope. It graphically displays voltage as a function773 bytes (120 words) - 17:58, 15 April 2006
- 179 bytes (32 words) - 14:07, 7 January 2008
- == Configuring the node software == The node software was developed by Tomi Manninen and was based on the original PMS program. I8 KB (1,290 words) - 18:50, 15 April 2006
- PacketCluster nodes have been available for about six years. The original software was written by Dick Newell, AK1A, and is running under DOS. clx is a system Clx is not a user application, it is network node software. As such it is not of much use for the individual amateur. SysOPs of Packet4 KB (602 words) - 21:19, 18 April 2006
- * [[oscope - Enhanced Software Oscillosope]] * [[Software Oscilloscope]]279 bytes (30 words) - 17:28, 15 April 2006
- 901 bytes (133 words) - 17:30, 15 April 2006
- ...ribution of this software is available at The home of the software is at ftp server1 KB (170 words) - 17:16, 15 April 2006
- The AX.25 software is comprised of three components: the kernel source, the network configurat Software versions listed in this document were the latest at the time of writing, bu2 KB (316 words) - 18:45, 18 June 2010
- 8 KB (1,233 words) - 19:27, 23 May 2005
Page text matches
- * [[oscope - Enhanced Software Oscillosope]] * [[Software Oscilloscope]]279 bytes (30 words) - 17:28, 15 April 2006
- == List of BBS Software == * [[Packet Cluster Node Software]] - a PacketCluster like system running on Linux908 bytes (148 words) - 16:18, 26 March 2015
- == Software ==699 bytes (84 words) - 20:17, 28 August 2009
- == List of Software == Below is a list of software that can be used for this purpose:874 bytes (130 words) - 15:49, 26 March 2015
- ...d with as it has a very low barrier to entry. You can begin with just some software on your PC, a VHF handheld and two audio cables between them. APRS infrastr == Client Software ==2 KB (391 words) - 16:13, 26 March 2015
- == Linux Ham Radio Software ==1 KB (178 words) - 13:59, 8 December 2008
- Software that will convert incoming MBL/RLI messages into either NNTP or RFC-822 for This software would be ideally suited to those who want to establish a mail and news gate526 bytes (76 words) - 16:48, 15 April 2006
- ...:// Hamsoft Database, a vast directory of amateur radio software of all kinds for Linux. * [ (X)Net-Software] german site2 KB (246 words) - 16:03, 26 March 2015
- ...ins a number of files specifically related to the AX.25 and NET/ROM kernel software. These files are normally used by the AX52 utilities, but they are plainly ...h : contains information about the NET/ROM neighbours known to the NET/ROM software.2 KB (255 words) - 23:01, 15 April 2006
- == Morse Software ==403 bytes (60 words) - 07:59, 30 April 2015
- The AX.25 software is comprised of three components: the kernel source, the network configurat Software versions listed in this document were the latest at the time of writing, bu2 KB (316 words) - 18:45, 18 June 2010
- The software may be obtained from its home site at: Berkeley style license. The software may be freely used so long as credit is given to the original author.903 bytes (133 words) - 17:20, 15 April 2006
- * [[The AX.25/NET/ROM/ROSE software components]] * [[Installing the AX.25/NET/ROM/ROSE software]]4 KB (513 words) - 18:15, 26 April 2015
- ...ribution of this software is available at The home of the software is at ftp server1 KB (170 words) - 17:16, 15 April 2006
- and Information Reporting) is an [ open source software] project maintained by [ bytes (84 words) - 19:24, 18 June 2010
- ...ks in remote areas. Ron has supplied a Makefile for linux, and with it the software compiled without errors on my system running a recent version kernel. Ron h This software is available in the ham apps directory1 KB (179 words) - 21:15, 18 April 2006
- ...within IP, so that you can 'tunnel' IP connections over the Internet. The software allows you to connect a KISS TNC to your linux machine and to have all data This software is available from the ftp site.1 KB (244 words) - 21:12, 18 April 2006
- We started to add the pending software fixes which were discussed at the linux-hams mailinglist. And we revised an ...system to maintain the history of all changes to a software project) to a software project]took more than three months until the internal system has shown it6 KB (1,146 words) - 07:59, 1 May 2015
- A single floppy disk version of linux with enough software to allow a PC to act as an AX.25/IP router.418 bytes (66 words) - 16:57, 15 April 2006
- <big>'''Software'''</big><br> ...ash; [[Shack Automation Software]] – [[Training and Educational Software]]5 KB (795 words) - 06:28, 9 November 2022