DPTNT Terminal and DPBOX BBS

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Mark Wahl, DL4YBG, DL4YBG@DB0GR.#BLN.DEU.EU, wahlm@berlin.snafu.de and Joachim Schurig, DL8HBS, DL8HBS@DB0GR.#BLN.DEU.EU, jschurig@zedat.fu-berlin.de


A suite of programs that provide BBS and Terminal programs for Linux.


Stable and working.

System requirements

TNC supporting WA8DED hostmode or KISS protocols.


TNT is a full featured hostmode terminal program. Compiling it on Linux is as difficult as untarring the source and typing make. It provides both a dumb terminal and X11 version. It comes with some comprehensive documentation which describes its features in some detail. Its main features are:

  • Multiple sessions
TNT supports multiple packet radio connections on virtual screens that you can switch between. Each session window provides split screen (seperate transmit and receive text) operation with a status line. Commands can be entered in either a command session, or in any terminal session using a command key. Each of the virtual screens can be larger than the physical screen and can be scrolled around.
  • Data capture, file transfer and logging
A number of options are available for logging received text to files. You can log transmit, receive or both to a log file. You can overwrite or append received data to existing files. You can use the `autobin' protocol to transmit or receive binary files.
  • Remote Shell operation
You can provide a shell to remote users so that they can access other programs on your computer. You can also run a program and direct its input/output to a channel so that users can use it.
  • Redirection of devices to a channel
TNT allows you to redirect input/output from a channel to a device, a modem for example.
  • Umlaut conversion
TNT provides umlaut conversion if necessary.
  • Remote mode
Remote users can issue command themselves if allowed to do so.
  • Socket mode
You can configure tnt so that it opens a socket for users to telnet to that allows them operation just as you have from the console. This is useful where your linux machine is on an ethernet and you want other terminal on the net to have use of your radio.

DPBOX is a full featured BBS supporting the following features:

  • F6FBB, W0RLI, TheBox style forwarding protocols.
  • 8-bit transparent handling of messages using AutoBIN protocol.
  • BBS data compressed to save space on disk, forwarding and downloading.
  • "Live message capture" off BBS frequency, saves network traffic.
  • PACSAT style bulletin broadcast transmitter and receiver.
  • up to 200 simultaneous users.

Where and How to obtain it

TNT by itself is available by anonymous ftp from: ftp.funet.fi. The DPTNT package may be found at: ftp.funet.fi, or ftp.tapr.org, or ftp.ucsd.edu.

The Home Pages of the developers are at: DL4YBG and DL8HBS


The TNT and DPBOXT programs are covered by the GNU Public License. The TFKISS program is covered by ALAS (a german license for Amateur Radio use), and the DPBOX program is freely distributable for Amateur Radio use.

See also